I'm not a fan of the art style. These characters are drawn in a way that minimizes their age, hence the loli complaints - I personally prefer something closer to reality if not even farther (maximizing their age, I guess).
However, I think the premise is pretty good, even if the manga doesn't do as much with the premise as I would like. The idea that two women can love each other in relatively short order and then be open about their relationship extremely early into the story like this is something that almost NEVER happens. Lesbian relationships are usually only established after a ridiculous amount of trials and tribulations in most manga, so a beginning like this is both surprising and refreshing.
I would still rather the manga focus on the romance and relationship aspects rather than on misunderstanding what dates are or what doujinshi are, but this at least holds my interest enough for now that I will overlook the loli-esque character art style, which is something I normally wouldn't accept.