Forum › A Monster Wants to Eat Me discussion

joined Jun 9, 2020

I don't know if I should be scared or aroused

joined Jan 18, 2017

I don't know if I should be scared or aroused

Scaroused obviously

joined Aug 10, 2020

wouldn’t it be cool if she does actually eat her in the end

i wouldnt be surprised
and if she doesnt
i wouldnt be surprised either

the plot is easy to read
unless there are changes that are not what i expected and deepens the plot

then i would be really damn surprised.
i hope the author knows whats their doing and keep up the good work.

joined Apr 1, 2013

I cant tell when she says "I'm gonna eat you" if that's a psychological meaning of yeah I'm a cannible ill eat you or if shes hinting towards eating her out ... (down there)...

This plot is interesting seems like a family of hers died ? What if she ate her sister ? Mhmmmm the plot thickens

joined Oct 1, 2020

Depressed Protagonist, trying to make conversation: So, uh, you wanna play Animal Crossing?
Mermaid: Why?
Depressed Protagonist: I dunno, you just look like a gamer girl.
Mermaid: As a matter of fact, I AM a gay-meregirl. Wanna come over to my place?
Depressed Protagonist: What?
Mermaid: What?

Depressed Protagonist, trying to make conversation: So, uh, you wanna play Animal Crossing?
Mermaid: Why?
Depressed Protagonist: I dunno, you just look like a gamer girl.
Mermaid: As a matter of fact, I AM a gay-meregirl. Wanna come over to my place?
Depressed Protagonist: What?
Mermaid: What?

Lmao thank you for commenting this, just what I needed to see rn.

joined Oct 2, 2020

When's the next ch?

When's the next ch?

Comes out the 27th

joined Mar 28, 2015

Maybe we need a Vore tag.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Maybe we need a Vore tag.


joined Mar 28, 2015

I get the impression that Shiori is just a metaphor of her depression that's already "eating" her.

joined Feb 19, 2016

Oh no there's a childhood friend... in a series about gay monsters

visibly panics for her mental and physical wellbeing

joined Oct 15, 2014

Just to check, is spelling "seat" as "sead" a typo or a character quirk?

joined Dec 5, 2019

Damn, I really feel for Miko, she is gonna get hurt bad, one way or another

joined Feb 21, 2019

Wonder if the best friend wins this one in the end once it’s dinner time

joined Mar 19, 2020

Wonder if the best friend wins this one in the end once it’s dinner time

Oh wow that’s a good point and I really hope so. But man I doubt it. But maybe. But probably not. But perhaps. Her friend is adorable and I hope whatever happens that she’ll be ok lol

joined Oct 1, 2020

I've read enough yuri to be well-acquainted and rather exhausted with the 'secretly gay best friend who watches as her crush is carried off by a new girl trope', but Miko seems legitimately likeable. Maybe it's because she genuinely cares for her friend's mental health and actively takes measures to support and reassure her, whilst always respecting her boundaries instead of going all Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Whether she's secretly a monster hunter, someone who's had her family murdered by a mermaid, or maybe just secretly a mermaid/ human-mermaid hybrid, it'll be interesting see how she bounces off Shiori. At any rate, I hope she gets a happy ending and many rewards for being Buddy of the Year.

Also, did anyone else feel ridiculous amounts of sexual tension between Miko and Shiori? I wasn't rooting for either of them so much as I just wanted them to make out. Now that would be a great twist- our MC realizes that she doesn't need a designated Girlfriend(TM) to recover from depression, and can just flourish in a supportive group of friends, while Captain Emotional Support hooks up with Princess Undine.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sinori's appearance reminds me of Touko from Bloom into you


Honestly, my main thought during reading this was "Touko sure has changed..."

joined Nov 22, 2019

Also, did anyone else feel ridiculous amounts of sexual tension between Miko and Shiori?

That felt less like sexual tension and more like "who the fuck are you and why are you so close to my best friend/meal" tension.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Sinori's appearance reminds me of Touko from Bloom into you


Honestly, my main thought during reading this was "Touko sure has changed..."

Inb4 Shiori is actually just Touko acting in a yuri-horror film after her career takes off, and this is all part of a production penned by Koyomi. Touko was hired because of her discipline at restraining herself from eating girls out until the time is right, and the play is a metaphorical take on her waiting for Yuu to gradually reciprocate her feelings. In other news, the year is 2040 and reality is officially a Bloom Into You spinoff.

joined Jun 12, 2019

Her best friend seems sweet :(

joined Sep 11, 2020

I feel real bad for her friend. I don't like the "crushing best friend who's turned into love triangle antagonist and left behind" trope.

This gives me the feeling it could become really good or real bad. I like the depression angles and concepts, could be real nice. It IS easy to read though, I wonder how they'll try and surprise me.

joined Oct 10, 2020

Miko putting herself in the line of fire here lol..

joined Feb 24, 2019

And here I was starting to feel concerned that Miko is another monster who has been biding her time, waiting to devour her "best friend." I mean, that could still be the case, but I kinda expected the reveal to come sometime in this chapter.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sinori's appearance reminds me of Touko from Bloom into you


Honestly, my main thought during reading this was "Touko sure has changed..."

Inb4 Shiori is actually just Touko acting in a yuri-horror film after her career takes off, and this is all part of a production penned by Koyomi. Touko was hired because of her discipline at restraining herself from eating girls out until the time is right, and the play is a metaphorical take on her waiting for Yuu to gradually reciprocate her feelings. In other news, the year is 2040 and reality is officially a Bloom Into You spinoff.

A perfectly plausible explanation as far as I'm considered.

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