I wonder to which extent the Japanese artists are actually ignorant about the fans outside the country?
There is - surprisingly - some degree of ignorance surrounding scanlations (referring to the final question), but I think it's safe to assume many artists are aware of their overseas fanbase, and to some degree the places they gather.
Of artists featured on this site, two that stand out in memory are Dowman Sayman, who's re-blogged numerous translations of his work on tumblr, and Ogu (loli warning) has re-tweeted translations of his work and also gave the scanlation group's logo a cameo appearance in one chapter. There are other pretty cool instances of this, but I can't think of them at the moment.
There are more than a few artists who display a decent grasp of English on twitter/pixiv, and they seem to at least know of sites like danbooru or MAL.
I mean, yeah of course it's in English.. not to mention they are less likely to pay... but this could still be valuable feedback, interesting ideas, etc. So what are the odds Akili reads this thread? Is it really that close to 0 as we think?
It's still probably pretty close to 0. I'm sure he's a busy person!
last edited at Nov 5, 2014 6:01PM