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joined Sep 27, 2020

Some people are awfully judgmental here. Between consenting adults, very few things are off the table.

If one likes pain and the other gets her kick out of inflicting pain, who are you to look at them with contempt or disgust?


joined Sep 13, 2020


joined Aug 2, 2015

I feel kinda bad for people who are actually in bdsm (not me, but I have a lot of friends who are dommes or subs) since this is bad portrayal of it and people outside of it just think that this is what bdsm is about when it's not.
Remember! Consent is key no matter what happens, whether that be breath play or knife play, remember that both parties need to consent to it! lmao

That being said, if you keep that in mind, it's just a manga on one person beating a person up, and the other wanting it lol so whatever floats their boat xD

joined Mar 28, 2015

KizuRai posted:

I feel kinda bad for people who are actually in bdsm (not me, but I have a lot of friends who are dommes or subs) since this is bad portrayal of it and people outside of it just think that this is what bdsm is about when it's not.
Remember! Consent is key no matter what happens, whether that be breath play or knife play, remember that both parties need to consent to it! lmao

That being said, if you keep that in mind, it's just a manga on one person beating a person up, and the other wanting it lol so whatever floats their boat xD

You contradict yourself in your own post.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I mean, you can't expect proper BDSM etiquette from characters who have never properly considered these things before. It's just one of them getting the idea of wanting to experience pain like this and not knowing any better ways to do it than provoking the other into hurting her. Certainly not a good situation, but an understandable one.

joined Apr 2, 2017

This wasn't an earnest bdsm oneshot, ought to be removed from the tags in favor of "abuse", as consent was murky at best.

joined Dec 26, 2015

Some people are awfully judgmental here. Between consenting adults, very few things are off the table.

If one likes pain and the other gets her kick out of inflicting pain, who are you to look at them with contempt or disgust?

it would be one thing if the author added just 2 speech bubbles like, "hey what if I beat you up?", "o yeah I'm down" then it's like consent established, continue with the kink

but no there was nothing, lol

without any of that, it really just looks like someone suddenly just got violent. and like in bdsm, stuff like this can get heavy and you need aftercare to like come down from an experience

it's not a matter of people just being judgy or kinkshaming, but people having concerns when a work mentions a kink, but goes about odd and sometimes harmful ways to portray it that runs contrary to what the actual kink can be like

joined Aug 12, 2019

....damn, Kuwabara Tamotsu

joined Jan 14, 2020

In the fanfic world this would probably be called "dubcon", for "dubious consent". It's not explicitly negotiated consent, but it's not out of nowhere either.

(A different kind of 'dubious' from "I'm reluctant but need the money" or other definitions such as... well, I'll just quote fanlore:

'This indicates that consent is unknown or uncertain, and this is distinguished from consent being definitely absent …

Often, a character involved is uncertain about whether he or she wants to participate. …

Dub-con can also be used for stories from one character’s point of view, in which he or she does not know for certain whether the other character is consenting. …

Dub-con is also used to indicate a relationship (or incident) that precludes the ability to give meaningful consent, such as student/teacher, prisoner/guard, patient/doctor, or child/adult.'


This would be the second one of those. "I'm interested in pain play" is dropping a clue but it's not as explicit as "Please hit me".

last edited at Oct 15, 2020 10:18PM

joined Sep 17, 2020

Uuuhhh uh yes okay

joined Aug 24, 2016

I don't understand but I like this.

joined Dec 30, 2018

Some people are awfully judgmental here. Between consenting adults, very few things are off the table.

If one likes pain and the other gets her kick out of inflicting pain, who are you to look at them with contempt or disgust?

it would be one thing if the author added just 2 speech bubbles like, "hey what if I beat you up?", "o yeah I'm down" then it's like consent established, continue with the kink

but no there was nothing, lol

without any of that, it really just looks like someone suddenly just got violent. and like in bdsm, stuff like this can get heavy and you need aftercare to like come down from an experience

it's not a matter of people just being judgy or kinkshaming, but people having concerns when a work mentions a kink, but goes about odd and sometimes harmful ways to portray it that runs contrary to what the actual kink can be like

Do you really think someone looked at this yuri manga and thought hey thats what bdsm is like
And if someone really did do that its their fault and not a made up book
If you get your knowledge and understanding of the world from anime girls, hentai and made up stories I think youre fucked
(bad english)

king Leylard the second
joined Jun 27, 2020

I need a chapter of "Sexual education 120%" describing what BDSM really is.

^^^ this


joined Mar 28, 2015

Spoopycats posted:

Some people are awfully judgmental here. Between consenting adults, very few things are off the table.

If one likes pain and the other gets her kick out of inflicting pain, who are you to look at them with contempt or disgust?

it would be one thing if the author added just 2 speech bubbles like, "hey what if I beat you up?", "o yeah I'm down" then it's like consent established, continue with the kink

but no there was nothing, lol

without any of that, it really just looks like someone suddenly just got violent. and like in bdsm, stuff like this can get heavy and you need aftercare to like come down from an experience

it's not a matter of people just being judgy or kinkshaming, but people having concerns when a work mentions a kink, but goes about odd and sometimes harmful ways to portray it that runs contrary to what the actual kink can be like

It's obvious that they are not in that kind of relationship yet. And just because some people practice "explicit consent", "safewords" and all that jazz, to make it more acceptable to the general public, doesn't mean everyone has to. Japan probably has its own bdsm culture that doesn't have the same codes than the sanitized western one.

Anyway, what I see here, is that one of the characters is purposely pushing the other to use violence on them. And knowing the Japanese way of telling stories, not everything has to be spelled out and said out loud to convey a message. What the author wanted to portray was the start of a "relationship" between the two and the element of surprise, or suddenness of the strike, was part of the game, and what the M was expecting. Craving for, even.

It doesn't portray BDSM, or even lecture anyone about it. It paints a unique relationship and its dynamic between two people and nothing more.

People harping about being disturbed by it, or about how it's not an accurate portrayal of BDSM are way out there.

joined Nov 24, 2017

There wasn't a second during that whole apartment scene where Makabe wasn't concerned about Hoshizaki. But Hoshizaki's own actions and reactions are all those of someone who is trying to get and then finally getting what they want. Her face right here should be enough to put any doubts to rest.

The story ends shortly after, and we don't know anything else other than that, so I think it's safe to assume they both looked into the BDSM culture and learned the safe way to do stuff from then on. Did you always do something the "right" way when you were just learning you were into it? Give them a break.

last edited at Oct 16, 2020 6:35PM

joined May 29, 2019

why did my heart go doki doki to thiss

joined Apr 27, 2014

Ok, in re-reading, it's just someone pushing someone else to get what they want. No BDSM here. It's just two people with well, might one say questionable ways of interacting, but most relationships have their own quirks and some are waaaaaaaaay unhealthier than this so meh :P

joined Apr 2, 2018

That was... Hot.

Damn, shit do be getting messed up huh

joined Jan 30, 2019

lol this manga made me feel nothing
I just kept reading it with an expressionless face

joined Nov 12, 2020

was the wishful thinking related to her earlier daydreaming, or was all of this her imagination?

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

Pretty sure there's kissing or crying at bottom of page 19 , there's no way she would lean that low purely for strangling, that'd only make it harder.

Weird dynamic pair, but seen weirder. Hoshizaki was provoking Makabe intentionally and triggered her S personality is how I see it - a success for her, based on her own reactions afterwards.

joined Mar 29, 2021

Would be way, way hotter if short hair asked "Can I hit you?" when blushing really hard. and long hair just... nodding.

joined Nov 19, 2020

I revisit this once or twice a month

Absolutely the hottest one-shot on this site imho, I wish we had more like it TT_TT

joined Feb 25, 2014

I don't get why so many people comment on "why this kind of thing is bad" or "I don't like this" or "consent this consent that" or "desperately so hard into making this just an imagination and hoping that the black hair is just imagining beating her friend while it's actually real", beside it's a work of fiction, no need to mix it with real life, when someone sees something they dislike it's like neuron activation and instantly posting an essay on "Why I dislike this thing" (kinda ironic since I do it too rn), this reminds me a lot from folks on twitter, ranting aside, I actually like this kind of story, the art is dope too

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