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joined Jan 2, 2017

Nakatani with that side ponytail is great

joined Oct 27, 2011

Hinase is so cute in that outfit, holy shit! <3

Yesssssss (´ε` ʃƪ)♡

joined Jun 27, 2018

Thats an awfully fancy bed Kaname has

joined Aug 14, 2017

That awkward moment when the two rivals for a girl end up getting close. I'm starting to really see the poly route being the only option.

I don't think they're rivals at all. Nakatani doesn't seem to have any interest in Yamashiro, she just seems like a tsundere who's coming to like Tsubaki — as evidenced especially by that panel on the last page.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't think they're rivals at all. Nakatani doesn't seem to have any interest in Yamashiro

looks at chapters full of Piyo acting jealous af over Kaname
...I'm sorry but what.

joined Oct 5, 2020

This forum is nuts, I honestly really don’t know why everyone hates Hiiagre so much. I get that’s she’s hella edgy/emo/whatever and has a severe inferiority complex. But like some of y’all need to chill. Like damn she isn’t my favorite character too but y’all coming for her throat.

joined Nov 17, 2018

dang i dont know why but i always have a hard time trying to remember their names...

last edited at Oct 5, 2020 10:06AM

joined Nov 24, 2017

This forum is nuts, I honestly really don’t know why everyone hates Hiiagre so much. I get that’s she’s hella edgy/emo/whatever and has a severe inferiority complex. But like some of y’all need to chill. Like damn she isn’t my favorite character too but y’all coming for her throat.

This might have been relevant a few weeks ago, when all we knew of her was angst and antisocial behavior. Did you somehow send your post forward in time by accident?

joined Oct 1, 2020

This forum is nuts, I honestly really don’t know why everyone hates Hiiagre so much. I get that’s she’s hella edgy/emo/whatever and has a severe inferiority complex. But like some of y’all need to chill. Like damn she isn’t my favorite character too but y’all coming for her throat.

This might have been relevant a few weeks ago, when all we knew of her was angst and antisocial behavior. Did you somehow send your post forward in time by accident?

Inb4 Hiiragi relapses into depression and snaps in chapter 100 of the manga, becoming an axe murderer who kills the entire cast. There'll be a huge flame war among School Zone fans about whether this was justified, and OP actually travelled back in time to promote #HiiragiDidNothingWrong. The future is now, folks.

joined Apr 10, 2020

This forum is nuts, I honestly really don’t know why everyone hates Hiiagre so much. I get that’s she’s hella edgy/emo/whatever and has a severe inferiority complex. But like some of y’all need to chill. Like damn she isn’t my favorite character too but y’all coming for her throat.

This might have been relevant a few weeks ago, when all we knew of her was angst and antisocial behavior. Did you somehow send your post forward in time by accident?

Inb4 Hiiragi relapses into depression and snaps in chapter 100 of the manga, becoming an axe murderer who kills the entire cast. There'll be a huge flame war among School Zone fans about whether this was justified, and OP actually travelled back in time to promote #HiiragiDidNothingWrong. The future is now, folks.

Sir, this is Wendy's

last edited at Oct 5, 2020 12:22PM

joined Apr 10, 2020

dang i dont know why but i always have a hard time trying to remember their names...

It's like Boku No Hero Academia all over again

joined Oct 22, 2018

Pff... She woke up, listened to the voice mail, and then, after getting amused by it, went back to sleep. What a madlass!

last edited at Oct 5, 2020 12:34PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Kaname is best girl.

joined Sep 29, 2018

I don't think they're rivals at all. Nakatani doesn't seem to have any interest in Yamashiro

looks at chapters full of Piyo acting jealous af over Kaname
...I'm sorry but what.

“It’s not like I made myself pretty today just for Kaname”

joined Nov 24, 2017

Trying to figure out whether Yamashiro is an airhead or a mastermind.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Oh, no... I'm shipping them.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Can't wait for Piyo to swordfight Yatsude for Tsubaki's honor.

joined Oct 11, 2018

dang i dont know why but i always have a hard time trying to remember their names...

Same.. but their personalities stick tho lol.

Tsubaki is certainly not a chihuahua, those little fucks have way too much fight in them, something that she does not have at all, she is definitely more of a hamster, but like a baby hamster and would you look at that handholding

joined Aug 19, 2019

Wouldn't be surprised if Kaname overslept just for the sake of getting those two to spend some time together, it's always the goofy ones.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Wouldn't be surprised if Kaname overslept just for the sake of getting those two to spend some time together, it's always the goofy ones.

My thoughts exactly

joined Nov 6, 2018


last edited at Oct 5, 2020 3:06PM

joined May 13, 2018

School Zone: We're gonna make you ship all three girls together! Muahahahahahahhaha

Me: NOOOOOOOOO- Actually this is pretty well rounded and a good foundation

joined Aug 19, 2012


monkeypaws the series have been on hiatus for a while @ middle of beach chapter, and we're pretty close to all caught up.

joined Jan 6, 2020


monkeypaws the series have been on hiatus for a while @ middle of beach chapter, and we're pretty close to all caught up.

Looking at the raws the beach chapter is completed. Though I expect there will be more of the inn visit and maybe a 2nd beach visit.

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