Forum › Story about OL-san Picking up a Cat discussion

joined Feb 23, 2016

LOL! letting her cat suck on her blood in order to make cute cat videos. seems like a great relationship. XD

Winwin for her

joined Jan 14, 2020

"I avoided the last train"

That should probably be "missed the last train". Though the next page has her complaining about the train, so maybe she caught it instead? Either way 'avoided' makes no sense.

joined Jun 20, 2020

"I avoided missing the last train" ?

joined May 20, 2014

"I avoided the last train"

That should probably be "missed the last train". Though the next page has her complaining about the train, so maybe she caught it instead? Either way 'avoided' makes no sense.

She took the second last train. She avoided taking the last train which would make it late for her.

Someone please translate vampire x junior chan from this author it got dropped months ago by the other translator

Wanted to make a note in our next release but I'll say it here too: we've put it on hiatus because we'll be picking up a new series. So we don't mind anyone else picking it up. We might go back to Vamp-chan eventually, but knowing how the story progresses made us reluctant to continue it, aside from the usual busy real life.

last edited at Jul 16, 2020 5:23AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

So lesbian cat vampires are in fact more traditional than Dracula? Good to know.

Well, not sure about more traditional, but Bram Stoker did borrow stuff from that story when he wrote Dracula.

There's also Japanese folk tales about the shapeshifting bakaneko* drinking blood from or even eating their owners, which this manga could be inspired by. They also drank lamp oil, and could breathe fire in some stories.

*"Changed cat". There was a belief that when a cat grew old enough, usually seven to thirteen years depending on the region, it would become as smart as a human and do all kinds of horrible deeds, from murder and reanimating the dead to dancing around with a towel on its head. Honestly, most Japanese folklore can be summed up as "everything in your house will eventually become sentient and try to kill you. Yes, even your sandals".
Not to be confused with nekomata, the two tailed monster cats. Even if they're honestly kinda the same thing but with a different amount of tails.

last edited at Jul 16, 2020 8:27AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

The glorious return of our favorite vampire cat. And it's as adorable as always.

Bonus points for the secret Roomba riding. Looks like she liked it after all. :D

joined Aug 7, 2017

I'm surprised that the serialized version has yet to be posted on this site.

joined Jan 9, 2017

2 years huh

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Damn did the first chapter really come out 2 years ago? Didn't feel like it

joined Jun 28, 2017

This is way more fun than vampire-chan. The part where she wants the cat to act cute is a funny angle.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Why, yes, it is fun to do (I'm not saying what) in a bath.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Why, yes, it is fun to do (I'm not saying what) in a bath.

...crossword puzzles? o3o

joined Mar 25, 2020


joined Nov 24, 2017

Why, yes, it is fun to do (I'm not saying what) in a bath.

...crossword puzzles? o3o

Lots of "sudoku"

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019


I still need to read the ending to vampire-chan X junior-Chan ),:

joined Mar 6, 2020

I love this story

joined Aug 12, 2019

Why, yes, it is fun to do (I'm not saying what) in a bath.

...crossword puzzles? o3o

Lots of "sudoku"


joined Jul 1, 2020


joined Nov 5, 2017

Nice. I always love Takano's art

joined Aug 19, 2019

It's so cute asfhgshekjdnwimsd

joined Mar 3, 2019

That "plonk" is so relatable.

joined Nov 15, 2016

This creator really likes their vampires

joined Dec 20, 2018


And things are certainly getting hotter between them. :D

joined Dec 6, 2013

I feel guilty everytime i read something loli-ish >_>;; lol

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