Forum › 30 MINUTES discussion

joined Jan 2, 2017

Oh man, I'm all about this. The art style, sameface aside, is great and the story wasn't your average set of yuri tropes. Definitely felt more mature/adult/etc, and the communication problem at the heart of the thing was realistic and emotional. Loved this.

joined Dec 13, 2018


joined Aug 6, 2018

This one is very pleasant. I really like the art

joined Feb 27, 2019

I liked this style of storytelling. Shown, not stated.

joined Aug 19, 2018

I'm a bit confused. What were they talkong about in the beginning? Did the (sorry if there was a name) non-hat girl come off a break up? Is that why they're out so late? Why 30 mins, because the clock at the beginning showed 23:45? Sorry if it's obvious to everyone else. The ending was pretty cute and I hope they have a good relationship

Something important to this story is that there is pretty much no public transport between 12 and 5 in most Japanese cities (plus nobody drives around large cities and taxis are pricey AF so only for rich or desperate people) either you plan your night to get on the last train at midnight or you stay with someone or go to a club or something.

Considering that, when ‘non-hat girl’ is talking about someone she dated who always said she should leave in time to catch the last train, that is a subtle way of signalling they didn’t want to have sex, so she felt they were not serious or leading her on for nothing (alternatively it could possibly also mean they would have sex but then they would tell her to go home rather than stay over, making it more of a fling than a serious relationship).

‘Non-hat girl’ asking if they should rest is effectively saying she'd be happy to stay together not go home and ‘hat girl’ stalling for time in reply and deliberately making her miss the last train is them communicating they both want to stay the night together.

Ok that makes sense. Thank you

joined Feb 9, 2019

not sure if i'm alone in this, but i had a very hard time following this.

i get wanting to start the story in the middle of something, but the dialogue was so disjointed i was never really able to join in with the ongoing conversation.

last edited at Dec 26, 2019 6:11AM

joined Apr 19, 2018

It's one of those stories that start making sense in the end
Liked it, both of them calling each other out was great
And I have seen the 'I don't want to go home yet' scenario IRL a little more than I would have liked

joined Jun 7, 2015

The art is beautiful, damn. I want more of this author.

joined Jul 22, 2018

damn the artstyle

joined Dec 25, 2019

I didn’t like that there is no story to this, it felt more like a youtube video with the same person doing a character with themselves as if it were a skit.

joined Jan 22, 2019

I loved it!! And the art is cute

joined Aug 26, 2018

Haha... Why does this feel like a conversation that actually happened? Too familiar indeed...
A lovely artstyle and a dense atmosphere. Two women who can't be entirely honest with themselves at an early stage in their relationship. This is good.

joined Jun 11, 2016

This is so fucking good. It's like a clip from a live action drama movie was redrawn in the style of manga.

joined Feb 24, 2019

Came back to read this one again. I still love it. Couples who have trouble saying what's on their minds always strike a chord with me. Even moreso if they wind up sharing and getting embarassed about it. It's just so...human. This one just makes me feel warmer than most, for some reason.

joined Feb 16, 2016

What is this about? No matter how I look at it, it's one character talking to herself, and idk about what.

Rereading this for the third time, I got some bad vibes the first time, and was pretty surprised when there wasn't at least one dubious thing, and like now I know why. Like seeing some of the artist's more current thing past me had a good damn radar. Gotta trust my instincts more.

joined Jun 15, 2021

I think the dialogue being intentionally confusing is because the two of them are twins.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

this is where it all started, all the angst (I know Murasakino has another story that was posted a little bit before this on this site, but I associate this one as the one that started it all)
joined Apr 19, 2012

love the art style and the story was very sweet!

joined Jul 21, 2024

Felt bittersweet in a way. It was cute :)

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