Forum › Citrus + discussion

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ snickers lesbian bed death or something snickers some more

joined Jan 14, 2020

Yeah, there's more to a relationship (usually) than carnal lust, but carnal lust is usually part of it. And IIRC they've already established mutual lust, are young and healthy, sharing a bed, and don't have religious "save myself to marriage" hangups.

joined May 20, 2019

For fans of the manga, it's because they want to see the culmination of Yuzu and Mei's relationship (before their marriage at least) and see them have a truly intimate moment where there's no more hesitation between them.

That does seem like a pretty big misconception of Yuzu and Mei's characters though. A huge point about the series is how important true love is and how it is more important than simple carnal desires. Yuzu and Mei relationship did start physical but it quickly moved into being about the two of them connecting in a way they didn't with anyone else.

That's a good point. Most of their interactions in the early volumes were back-and-forth kisses led purely by uncontrollable desire (or in Mei's case, just screwing with Yuzu). But of course, we had the occasional heartwarming moment like Yuzu helping Mei with her father, or the bus stop handholding scene.

Then in the later volumes, they began spending more time bonding like the Student Council arc, the date, trying to read each other's feelings in Volume 7, etc. As time went on, and the two fell deeper in love with each other, kissing became something more difficult because it meant so much more to them at that point. Speaking from experience, when you don't understand how love works, kissing someone you like, even while you're dating them, is far from easy.

In my opinion, I'm glad YuzuMei kisses are more infrequent now than earlier parts of the story, because it makes those moments all the more special.

joined Jun 18, 2020

For fans of the manga, it's because they want to see the culmination of Yuzu and Mei's relationship (before their marriage at least) and see them have a truly intimate moment where there's no more hesitation between them.

That does seem like a pretty big misconception of Yuzu and Mei's characters though. A huge point about the series is how important true love is and how it is more important than simple carnal desires. Yuzu and Mei relationship did start physical but it quickly moved into being about the two of them connecting in a way they didn't with anyone else.

That's a good point. Most of their interactions in the early volumes were back-and-forth kisses led purely by uncontrollable desire (or in Mei's case, just screwing with Yuzu). But of course, we had the occasional heartwarming moment like Yuzu helping Mei with her father, or the bus stop handholding scene.

Then in the later volumes, they began spending more time bonding like the Student Council arc, the date, trying to read each other's feelings in Volume 7, etc. As time went on, and the two fell deeper in love with each other, kissing became something more difficult because it meant so much more to them at that point. Speaking from experience, when you don't understand how love works, kissing someone you like, even while you're dating them, is far from easy.

In my opinion, I'm glad YuzuMei kisses are more infrequent now than earlier parts of the story, because it makes those moments all the more special.

i totally agree with this.

joined Jun 26, 2020

For real, why are people so invested on seeing Yuzu and Mei fuck?

I think maybe some people just invested on seeing Yuri fuck.

joined Jul 14, 2020

For those who have questions about this citrus+ its a sequel to citrus after mei and yuzu are engaged and it has extras like stories of the side characters

joined Jul 14, 2020

For real, why are people so invested on seeing Yuzu and Mei fuck?

I think maybe some people just invested on seeing Yuri fuck.

I know its a beautiful relationship not a porno

joined Dec 18, 2013

Sabu with the HaruMatsu teasing

joined Feb 13, 2020

It’s nice to see more Citrus

joined Jan 5, 2018

well that was pointless and a waste of time sigh.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Set sail!

joined Jan 4, 2017

I would read a fanfiction from Nene

joined Jul 29, 2017

I would read a fanfiction from Nene

I think I just did.

joined Jan 17, 2017


joined Dec 9, 2014

Lmao this was pretty hilarious. I've always found Nene's reactions funny
When she was clinging to that wall, pretty sure she was stalking HaruYuzu lol

Also I always felt like Nene was a manifestation of Saburuta that secretly ships HaruYuzu.

joined Dec 26, 2014

Lmao this was pretty hilarious. I've always found Nene's reactions funny
When she was clinging to that wall, pretty sure she was stalking HaruYuzu lol

Also I always felt like Nene was a manifestation of Saburuta that secretly ships HaruYuzu.

Nene us just sabus way of making fun of people who ship the wrong ship lol
At least that's what I think

joined Dec 18, 2013

Nene us just sabus way of making fun of people who ship the wrong ship lol
At least that's what I think

Yeah, Sabu is 100% making fun of HaruYuzu shippers with Nene. That said, this chapter might be the start of Nene finally getting some development and be more than just the crazy HaruYuzu shipper.

Thanks for the scanlation Chaosteam.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Lmao this was pretty hilarious. I've always found Nene's reactions funny
When she was clinging to that wall, pretty sure she was stalking HaruYuzu lol

Also I always felt like Nene was a manifestation of Saburuta that secretly ships HaruYuzu.

Nene us just sabus way of making fun of people who ship the wrong ship lol
At least that's what I think

I disagree. Sabu almost hinted that Harumin might have feelings for Yuzu when Yuzu came out with dating Mei. She didn't need to add that, if she found the HaruYuzu shippers ridiculous.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Lmao this was pretty hilarious. I've always found Nene's reactions funny
When she was clinging to that wall, pretty sure she was stalking HaruYuzu lol

Also I always felt like Nene was a manifestation of Saburuta that secretly ships HaruYuzu.

Nene us just sabus way of making fun of people who ship the wrong ship lol
At least that's what I think

I disagree. Sabu almost hinted that Harumin might have feelings for Yuzu when Yuzu came out with dating Mei. She didn't need to add that, if she found the HaruYuzu shippers ridiculous.

"Make fun of" is not the same thing as "find ridiculous", just sayin'.

joined Dec 9, 2014

"Make fun of" is not the same thing as "find ridiculous", just sayin'.

And the point is? "making fun" and "finding ridiculous" doesn't change the meaning and context of the argument.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Make fun of" is not the same thing as "find ridiculous", just sayin'.

And the point is? "making fun" and "finding ridiculous" doesn't change the meaning and context of the argument.

Not sure what "argument" you're even referring to, but I'd say the difference in tone would be quite relevant.

joined Dec 9, 2014

"Make fun of" is not the same thing as "find ridiculous", just sayin'.

And the point is? "making fun" and "finding ridiculous" doesn't change the meaning and context of the argument.

Not sure what "argument" you're even referring to, but I'd say the difference in tone would be quite relevant.

Saburuta making fun of HaruYuzu fans.
Saburuta finding people who ship HaruYuzu ridiculous.

There is a small difference if you want to be 100% accurate (ridiculous is an even stronger version of making fun), but both words just imply that Saburuta dislikes the HaruYuzu pairing, and that disliking of hers was manifested through Nene to make fun of the people who shipped them.
But at the same time she added that very unnecessary for the plot Harumin scene after Yuzu coming out, which was like a hint that Harumin liked Yuzu that way. All this after she already knew people were shipping HaruYuzu.
The fact that she finds it funny or wants to make fun of these shippers is contradictory with her adding that scene, especially when it had no point for being the for the plot development.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Saburuta making fun of HaruYuzu fans.
Saburuta finding people who ship HaruYuzu ridiculous.

There is a small difference if you want to be 100% accurate (ridiculous is an even stronger version of making fun), but both words just imply that Saburuta dislikes the HaruYuzu pairing, and that disliking of hers was manifested through Nene to make fun of the people who shipped them.

Except that's not what the former wording implies. Not inherently, anyway, 'less you're kneejerk paranoid.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Except that's not what the former wording implies. Not inherently, anyway, 'less you're kneejerk paranoid.

Lmao what? You're not making any sense and just diverting from the actual point of discussion to make a straw man argument.
Plus, it wasn't your comment and words I was replying to, so you don't even know what that person exactly meant by that.

joined Dec 9, 2019

Nene us just sabus way of making fun of people who ship the wrong ship lol
At least that's what I think

I think you're not wrong.

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