Ashley getting a Doppel is more complicated, all Doppels(all Witches, in fact) are designed by InuCurry, so I find it unlikely Ashely will get a Doppel at all for as long as she remains a NA-exclusive character, I am also sure that she won't remain NA-exclusive forever, it just wouldn't make sense and NA versions of gachas inevitably die before their JP counterparts, even if I find it unlikely MagiReco will go anywhere for several years still... on the plus side, they deliberately set up Ashley's kit in a way that makes her by far the least likely character in the game to ever need her Doppel, so they are aware of this.
Also about progress... Episode level isn't all that difficult to top off, it is only about 68k points total and you can farm a girl's personal story nodes for 720 Episode points per run as long as she is set as Leader(and 240 for any other girls in the party), it only takes an hour or two to top it off if you grind for it, I had OG Homura fully maxed out only a few hours after she released.
...though this also feels awkward for me to talk about progress in context here, I been playing since launch(day 2, since I spent some time rerolling, but I started rerolling day 1), and I have every single one of my girls max level and Episode level 5, as well as almost every single 5* girl with their Doppel unlocked(only missing Kanae), there is also no way for me to bring this up without coming across as if I am flexing... I just play gachas a lot in general and this is probably my favorite gacha nowdays, due to my general love for PMMM as a franchise, so I give it a lot of focus...