Forum › The Little Bird and the Brassiere discussion

joined Dec 28, 2016

Why is it that every time there is a lolicon manga posted here, so much bullshit is written?

Because there's a bunch of closeted prudes in the west.

joined Dec 29, 2015

Thanks for the translation! ^-^

joined May 28, 2012

I love little girls(with hot onee-san).They make me feel so good.

I love little girls(with hot onee-san).They make me feel so good.


GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

I love little girls(with hot onee-san).They make me feel so good.

Body positivity is the key, conventionally unattractive onee-sans are fine too.

joined Oct 20, 2015

her style and art are really mi thing but MAN, I DONT LIKE LOLICON x_x still readin this while my eyes bleeding tho

joined Dec 28, 2016

I love little girls(with hot onee-san).They make me feel so good.

Body positivity is the key, conventionally unattractive onee-sans are fine too.

Rofl. That's pretty crazy.

joined Nov 11, 2015

This mangaka really likes pedo stuff isn't it?
I really like their style of drawing, but this i really can't stand it :\

joined Mar 24, 2011

I love little girls (with hot onee-san).They make me feel so good.


joined Aug 22, 2016

Germany didn't censor this chapter, the publisher did.
Seeing the discussion and opposition here alone, it may not have even been the worst decision they made.

Please refrain from political and / or racist statements until getting your facts straight - or altogether.

As for this particular story:
Someone else already noted that this is less of a fantasy setting but a realistic one (current times, regular people, not even living in a bubble-verse, arguably even with a tongue-in-cheek side-mark to pre-adolescent girls being sexualized by wearing frilly underwear, that normally nobody should even get to see [albeit, by the character's pov in a much more positive light]) - I can see how such a story can be considered as "normalizing the issue" and therefore offend/trigger people.

Personally, for its entertainment value, I had no issues with the tale presented - till the girl was literally pressured and guilt-tripped by the adult into doing something she for once clearly didn't want to (changing into her bra in front of the other).
...that part sat somewhat wrong with me. (If it was an overall wtf-am-I-reading sorta story, I would have probably ignored it, but in the overall "realistic" tone it took me out of the story.)

It's still not a "how-to" guide or anything. It's fiction.

last edited at Feb 9, 2020 5:54PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Also, just to clarify for some : It's only this chapter in particular who get censor, not the anthology. The anthology is still published but without the Itou Hachi's chapter. Which can be seen as Japan anthology have 296 pages when german's one has 276 pages.

joined Oct 25, 2011

I wish I had the power to be offended at everything. I could take over the world.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I really wish the moderators would start banning everyone who just comes to threads to whine and complain about loli content.


That would be nice.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I really wish the moderators would start banning everyone who just comes to threads to whine and complain about loli content.


That would be nice.

If I do that, I'm banning everyone who's complaining and getting aggressive toward people. So you really wanna go there?

But fair enough. I'm calling a stop to all talk about this which doesn't relate directly to the story. People are allowed to complain about it. People are allowed to talk about the issues with the publisher. But going off about lolis in general belongs in the tag's thread, and complaining about people who don't like the story on the basis of lolicon is also off limits and you can keep it to yourself.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I'm calling a stop to all talk about this which doesn't relate directly to the story.


joined Apr 28, 2020

Hopefully this i s not censored in the manga like in Germany or I need to get my refund back. Tell you guys thursday.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Hopefully this i s not censored in the manga like in Germany or I need to get my refund back. Tell you guys thursday.

Got my copy today, can confirm there's no Itou Hach in the Yen Press release. Which as I mentioned, including it would've been an absolutely terrible, and likely illegal, decision. Publishers aren't libertarian bastions trying to make a statement, they're running a business. If you need an outlet for your activism, look into contacting your elected officials to get those laws that allow people to marry 14-year-olds off the books. I think both factions could be united here on that front.

In a new move, there's a parental advisory warning on the cover, it's rated M, and it came in shrink wrap, which says they probably anticipated controversy over this release. All that being said, there isn't much in the way of nudity or sex in the book, and certainly less than in many Seven Seas yuri. Even Eri Ejima's story is tame. Really, it looks like Tamamusi is the only one.

last edited at May 6, 2020 6:18PM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Lol, I guess the west really just doesn't like yuri. After all, removing content from a manga for reasons other than simple supply and demand would be "making a statement".

last edited at May 6, 2020 6:27PM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Hah, Gendo, I know you're smarter than that. Knowingly publishing something illegal is absolutely making a statement. The only reason to keep it in would be to make a statement, at least as far as I see, there isn't any other reason to keep the work in the anthology. And that is the tone of the conversation in the comments here, that removing it is an affront to freedom of speech or expression.

If you don't know the risk of releasing such a work in the west in today's atmosphere, I can't really help you. For the sake of your point, supply and demand is going to regulate prices, not influence censorship. And not making money is irrelevant to a publishing house getting sunk by a lawsuit or public defamation.

In the US this is very much not illegal, were it explicitly pornographic it would still not be illegal but this isn't even that. The removal is a statement far more than keeping it would have been. Keeping it is the neutral position, it is what was originally published and what they are claiming to be republishing in the west. Removing the chapter is action on top of that, and there can be many reasons for that like activism or financial incentives. Now there is nothing I can do to stop them making boneheaded statements about disliking Itou Hatchi's art other than not buying from them, but that doesn't make it not a statement for them to refuse to publish yuri they dislike.

There is no more risk publishing this than any other yuri manga. Explicit loli hentai is sold freely and makes plenty of profit in the US, the decision is either entirely self-serving or based on some prediction of the effect on sales would be. I don't get your point about lawsuits and defamation, are the characters in this based on real people whose likenesses were used without their permission? As far as I know in law if this were explicitly pornographic nobody could even claim to be an injured party unless they were sent it unwillingly over a common carrier.

joined Apr 28, 2020

Yeah is not illegal in the US to posses or view artistic depiction of fictional children. Also just return my book and screw them.

joined Aug 5, 2014

why can't itou hachi just make cute stuff like "Isn't the Moon Beautiful" and not

whatever this was

joined Jun 19, 2020

When I spot a new work from Itou Hachi I immediately think "should I use a VPN before I click that?" Even though this is definitely one of her tamer works, I still feel the need to scrub my web history and maybe burn my laptop after having read this.

YO what the HELL is your profile pic???

joined Jan 13, 2021

I really love itou hachi works.

joined May 18, 2021


joined May 18, 2021

(puts on brass knuckles) no

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