Forum › Adachi and Shimamura (Moke ver.) discussion

joined Jan 24, 2018

Adachis dialog got me all "ugh, teenagers" rolls eyes

joined Oct 5, 2016

That's one of the things I like about Adachi and Shimamura, they feel like suuuch goddamn teenagers. They have no freaking idea wtf they're doing.

joined Dec 20, 2018

As much as this version was rushing ahead in the first chapters, the old version doesn't come anywhere near it for this chapter.

joined Feb 16, 2018

jesus fucking christ

are there raws? does anyone know how long this drama slogs on for? i can only imagine the utter garbage fire thats going to result when someone starts talking about feelings.

I like this manga, good art and decent story but holy shit a change of pace would be great.

joined Dec 20, 2018

jesus fucking christ

are there raws? does anyone know how long this drama slogs on for? i can only imagine the utter garbage fire thats going to result when someone starts talking about feelings.

I like this manga, good art and decent story but holy shit a change of pace would be great.

Well, no raws, but there's both the previous axed version and the original LN right here on the site if you want to read ahead.

last edited at Apr 30, 2020 5:56AM

joined Nov 11, 2015

Well, damn.
I can see people getting annoyed with Adachi's thoughs and all, but it's so normal...
I have her age, and i can say that yes, it's extremely accurate. We really don't know what we're doing, every step is one or two questions without an answer. It's annoying, but it's not like we can change it, so try to actually look through things with her eyes at the end of the day, yes? empathy is a thing...
(Tbh, i'm not that indecisive and confused, but back there, when i realised that i liked girls, i was exactly like her so)

joined Jan 30, 2019

I am like 20 but I was and still am very much like Adachi lol
Even Shimamura is relatable to some extent

last edited at May 24, 2020 9:35PM

joined Aug 29, 2018

Mood, Adachi. We've all been there.

Ikr, i already read it in the first version of the manga and in the LN /s .

Pfft. Nice one, and true enough.

joined Feb 16, 2018

Well, no raws, but there's both the previous axed version and the original LN right here on the site if you want to read ahead.

Thank you, I thought something seemed different from when I began reading this.

There are significant improvements to the depth of emotion and character expression but also why did Shimamura have to evolve into a flat, out of touch narrator? And of all the aspects of Adachi, why choose the creepy parts to magnify lmao.

I sincerely hope we actually get some resolution (and that Taru isn't an 8 chapter angst fest), this manga is really cute and as tedious as it feels, it is relatable.

joined Jan 17, 2017

Now we enter the Adachi and Shimamura alternate timelines

joined May 30, 2020

You know Paris, France? In English, they pronounce it “Paris,” but everyone else pronounces it without the “s” sound, like the French do. But with Venezia, everyone says it the English way, “Venice.” Like The Merchant of Venice and Death in Venice... Why though?! Why isn’t the title Death in Venezia?! Are you friggin’ mocking me?! It takes place in Italy so use the Italian word, damn it! That shit pisses me off! Bunch of dumbasses!

Good chapter btw, although I never read the other versions.

joined Nov 11, 2015

Ok. can i ask something?
Is Shimamura THAT dead person in the original as well?
I mean... she's so "Whatever!" and ":|" but not in a charming way...

last edited at May 30, 2020 12:58PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ok. can i ask something?
Is Shimamura THAT dead person in the original as well?
I mean... she's so "Whatever!" and ":|" but not in a charming way...

Often, yes. She does get better over time, though. Adachi wasn't much better at the start, though, having pretty much withdrawn from any human contact.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Am I just misremembering or does Shimamura come across as like 10x denser than she did in the other version of the manga?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Am I just misremembering or does Shimamura come across as like 10x denser than she did in the other version of the manga?

Not really dense, but Shima's always had a strong wall of denial, in any version of this. If thinking about these things would shake up things too much, she'd rather just ignore the signs.

joined May 30, 2020

I honestly like this version more, since it's leaning more towards Yuri, I'll stick with this one hoping that they do end up romantically.

Also, just like that one person said, it's like reading it from multiple dimensions. I rather like it.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Why is ch 12 called the White Album? There wasn't a single mention of the The Beatles, or music of any kind.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Why is ch 12 called the White Album? There wasn't a single mention of the The Beatles, or music of any kind.

To quote the translator from the LN thread:

-The chapter titles are jojo references. According to the Japanese wiki: Shimamura at the gym > Rohan at the Louvre, Yashiro: the visitor > Baoh: the visitor, Adachi's Q > Dead Man's Q, Strange Adachi > Gorgeous Irene, Christmas ongoing; Shimamura's thoughts > Under execution under jailbreak, White album > white album. Some make more sense in Japanese, of course

joined Sep 1, 2017

Why is ch 12 called the White Album? There wasn't a single mention of the The Beatles, or music of any kind.

To quote the translator from the LN thread:

-The chapter titles are jojo references. According to the Japanese wiki: Shimamura at the gym > Rohan at the Louvre, Yashiro: the visitor > Baoh: the visitor, Adachi's Q > Dead Man's Q, Strange Adachi > Gorgeous Irene, Christmas ongoing; Shimamura's thoughts > Under execution under jailbreak, White album > white album. Some make more sense in Japanese, of course

Much more sense I'm guessing.

joined Jun 17, 2020

Adachi & Shimamura Cinematic Universe when?

Probably only after Yashiro reveals herself to actually be a blue cyborg named Nebula.
wait wait is this real or a joke? if so then please spoil me about this

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

that article on Japanese schools was great. I think perhaps it varies school to school if you can repeat a grade or not. a rural school probably they do; a prestigious urban school they might want to open up a spot for another student.

joined Feb 21, 2020

"Live in the moment."
This was a very cute chapter, I even liked it a little bit better than the LN-version. Moke (and Sneik & team) does a really good job.

joined Nov 27, 2016

Loved this, too sweet. That last shot of Shimamura made me a little weary but this was a happy chapter so it’s fine. It’s progress!

last edited at Jul 1, 2020 3:44PM

joined Jan 24, 2018

As much as this version was rushing ahead in the first chapters, the old version doesn't come anywhere near it for this chapter.

THIS comment, but directed at ch12.5, her being all love struck and confused has got me a bit of feels.... Jeez. Feels like it's getting somewhere

When will there be a new chapter? T.T

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