Forum › Shimeji Simulation discussion

joined Dec 31, 2018

you could make a religion out of this

joined Oct 26, 2016

you could make a religion out of this

no, don't

joined Feb 17, 2019

Don't give up, Shimeji! There's must a way to fertilize that egg in that world!

joined Jan 31, 2013

Fun fact about the first book "Also Sprach Zarathustra":
There's a musical piece named after it, and many people will recognize the opening fanfare. You can listen to it on the wikipedia page
(or this video of an actual performance rather than a midi file: )

joined Dec 31, 2018

you could make a religion out of this

no, don't

how bout i do anyway

joined Aug 29, 2018

So Lain is in Shimeji's class. Cool.

joined Feb 7, 2019

Fun fact about the first book "Also Sprach Zarathustra":
There's a musical piece named after it, and many people will recognize the opening fanfare. You can listen to it on the wikipedia page
(or this video of an actual performance rather than a midi file: )

You might also recognize it as Ric Flair's theme song.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Aww, she's falling in love.

joined Oct 25, 2011

I dunno why but especially the art of the other classmates makes me think of the crappy manga that was on the website for Crystar.

Looking East
joined Jul 19, 2018

Is too late girl, she's a part of you now. You can't escape the egg!!!
Book girl was.... weird.

school used to go all the way to class H

What happened, birth rate going down that hard? or are people just "leaving" ?

My guess is some kind of a suburban Haibane Renmei situation.

I get a very similar vibe from this story, although I'm not sure this has quite the same sense of the characters working towards the light at the end of the tunnel that Haibane Renmei had. I suppose as far as the main character is concerned there is a definite sense of her gradually overcoming her inner demons and opening up to others, but I don't see it much in the other characters.

In some ways this manga has that same surreal feel of the world slipping inexorably towards it's final twilight that Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō has.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Maybe it's just an allegory for Shimeji slipping further into depression versus moving on.

joined Aug 28, 2018

I love this manga so much.

joined May 24, 2014

Once there was a hole here

But now is gone

joined Feb 17, 2019


joined Jul 23, 2017

The more I read it the more the 'what the fuck am I reading' tag fits.

joined Apr 8, 2019

The more I read it the more the 'what the fuck am I reading' tag fits.

What don't you understand? A mushroom head girl and an egghead join a hole digging club and find a mosasaurus fossil and dog statue, so the school band's name becomes Mosasadog. Makes perfect sense to me!

joined May 10, 2015

Once there was a hole here

But now is gone

If they actually are in Silent Hill, that would explain a lot.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Every time a new chapter comes out I go back and re-read the last few pages of the last chapter to reorient myself...only to remember just what kind of story tkmiz is writing here, and how useless that is.

joined Feb 8, 2016

This is difficult to put aside once you've started reading it. It AWESOME though, like Andy Warhol meets Dumb and Dumber! Or when we used to take windowpane directly into the eye with an eyedropper! I am so glad you have this manga. The characters are just spectacular and hilarious. There is no way I can pick a favorite, I dig them all.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Ah, The Truman Show. Good movie.

joined Sep 16, 2014

It might not be a TV show, but it could be a simulation, hence the name of the manga.

She needs to start reciprocating the feelings before the simulation is over.

last edited at Jun 29, 2020 11:33AM

joined Dec 25, 2013

Or when we used to take windowpane directly into the eye with an eyedropper!

windowpane /ˈwɪndəʊpeɪn/
1.a pane of glass in a window.
2.a broad flatfish with numerous dark spots, found in the western Atlantic.

I see what you did there....
Sounds unpleasant, even if it works ^^

last edited at Jun 29, 2020 2:41PM

joined Aug 23, 2019

I want a fried egg hat..

joined Feb 15, 2019

Aww, these two were especially adorable this chapter. I'm really hoping for a happy ending for them, but then I remember who the author is and.......

joined Jun 21, 2020

Love the Truman Show reference

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