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joined Aug 10, 2015

Yeah this is uncomfortable, what the heck

joined Jan 7, 2019

She didn’t even apologized for hitting her....

joined Jan 7, 2019

She didn’t even apologized for hitting her....

I normally worship the ground on which Mikanuji walks but this entire manga is so un-Mikanuji and I hate it.

joined Mar 24, 2020

Everyone disliked that

joined Jul 19, 2015

This is really interesting to readl, I have no clue whats going on in the author's head

joined Dec 20, 2018

On one hand, they're so damn sweet, but on the other, all that violence...

joined Jun 4, 2015

You can tell what chapters have some sort of violence where the pages align with all the hate of the series, but then it goes back to fluffy comedy and everyone's back on board of it being so awesome.

joined Jul 18, 2017

wait, this chapter didn't make sense for me at all

joined Jun 22, 2018

Yeah I'm not so sure if the one being hit is the one who needs to apologise here, wouldn't a normal person just reassure her instead of getting angry and violent?

joined May 27, 2015

Yeah I'm not so sure if the one being hit is the one who needs to apologise here, wouldn't a normal person just reassure her instead of getting angry and violent?

Well they’ve never been the most emotionally stable couple. But seriously this was a very real chapter for me, some people might be reassuring but to others it’s the most frustrating thing in the world when someone else tries to decide what’s best for you. If someone tells you they like you or they’re happy don’t try to make like it’s not true.

Have you ever had that one friend or been that depressive person saying things like “No one likes me”, “You’re just saying that.” and legitimately wanted to slap them because you know it’s not true and no matter how much you try and tell them you love them or anything reassuring they just don’t accept it. There’s only so many times you can say the same thing and not get annoyed.

That’s what I saw in the chapter, no matter how happy Iori is, or says she is, Minami keeps thinking she’s not enough or that Iori could be happier, and that hurts. Almost like Minami is rejecting their relationship. It’s peak self sabotage/self loathing and I’ve been on both sides of that. Psychoanalysis over.

last edited at Apr 28, 2020 8:25AM

joined Oct 6, 2015

Wtf happened?

joined Jun 18, 2018

Yeah I'm not so sure if the one being hit is the one who needs to apologise here, wouldn't a normal person just reassure her instead of getting angry and violent?

Well they’ve never been the most emotionally stable couple. But seriously this was a very real chapter for me, some people might be reassuring but to others it’s the most frustrating thing in the world when someone else tries to decide what’s best for you. If someone tells you they like you or they’re happy don’t try to make like it’s not true.

Have you ever had that one friend or been that depressive person saying things like “No one likes me”, “You’re just saying that.” and legitimately wanted to slap them because you know it’s not true and no matter how much you try and tell them you love them or anything reassuring they just don’t accept it. There’s only so many times you can say the same thing and not get annoyed.

That’s what I saw in the chapter, no matter how happy Iori is, or says she is, Minami keeps thinking she’s not enough or that Iori could be happier, and that hurts. Almost like Minami is rejecting their relationship. It’s peak self sabotage/self loathing and I’ve been on both sides of that. Psychoanalysis over.

Depression and lack of self confidence is not cured by domestic violence.
Minami needs therapy, not a bitch slap

joined Jul 24, 2017

This came out of nowhere

joined Jan 11, 2018

wait, this chapter didn't make sense for me at all

The girlfriend was having doubts about the relationship and the main character slapped her for thinking that.

joined Jan 6, 2020

This came out of nowhere

Iori has hit Minami a few times, especially when she's shown doubts. an example.

joined May 27, 2015

Yeah I'm not so sure if the one being hit is the one who needs to apologise here, wouldn't a normal person just reassure her instead of getting angry and violent?

Well they’ve never been the most emotionally stable couple. But seriously this was a very real chapter for me, some people might be reassuring but to others it’s the most frustrating thing in the world when someone else tries to decide what’s best for you. If someone tells you they like you or they’re happy don’t try to make like it’s not true.

Have you ever had that one friend or been that depressive person saying things like “No one likes me”, “You’re just saying that.” and legitimately wanted to slap them because you know it’s not true and no matter how much you try and tell them you love them or anything reassuring they just don’t accept it. There’s only so many times you can say the same thing and not get annoyed.

That’s what I saw in the chapter, no matter how happy Iori is, or says she is, Minami keeps thinking she’s not enough or that Iori could be happier, and that hurts. Almost like Minami is rejecting their relationship. It’s peak self sabotage/self loathing and I’ve been on both sides of that. Psychoanalysis over.

Depression and lack of self confidence is not cured by domestic violence.
Minami needs therapy, not a bitch slap

And I'm not saying it is but if the person refuses therapy or even refuses to acknowledge anything with their own behaviour it can be immensely frustrating. Re. My first sentence on the previous post; They're not perfect people, far from it, and I doubt any of us are, I would never consider actually hurting any of my friends/etc when they do this stuff... But I might really want to because it's really really annoying as I'm sure others have done to me. Understandable and I know where those thoughts come from, but sympathy and patience only goes so far.

If this were a more serious story (not that it doesn't have quite serious moments) I would be more critical of Iori's behaviour but as it happens I just like this story and I'm just trying to say I get Iori's reaction. Maybe the methods a bit too much and I can totally understand if you find it inexcusable but at the end of the day it is a fictional story with some realistic element, at least to me.

last edited at Apr 28, 2020 11:32AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

If this were a more serious story (not that it doesn't have quite serious moments) I would be more critical of Iori's behaviour but as it happens I just like this story and I'm just trying to say I get Iori's reaction. Maybe the methods a bit too much and I can totally understand if you find it inexcusable but at the end of the day it is a fictional story with some realistic element, at least to me.

Personally, although I've liked this story pretty well all along, the casual domestic violence part isn't working for me anymore, and my reaction does come from the contradictory genre/tonal signals the series has been sending.

If the genre of this were pure slapstick comedy all along, that would be one thing, but in a story that's spent considerable time exploring themes of pretty extreme interpersonal violence in a serious way, the idea that a person's expression of self-doubt about the relationship results in a bandaged wound is just too dissonant to be enjoyable.

joined Aug 11, 2014

Haha, do you guys remember how Shizuku's violent outbursts when she was afraid of Minami drifting away from her was a sign of what a toxic influence Shizuku was and how their relationship had become twisted and codependent and that Minami really needed to get away from her so they could both be better? Man. Good times, huh? Good times.

last edited at Apr 28, 2020 11:47AM

joined Apr 28, 2020

Yeah I really hate this chapter. So far it seem the slapping was just done more as slapstick, but the fact that she actually does get hurt and other people mention it, just make it icky. Its legit abuse, and yeah a slap is not the worst thing in the world, but it still freaking sting. If it was a hetero relationship, it would 100% be seen as abusive.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Wasn't there an overestimation on how many times Iori have actually hit Minami "seriously". Also abuse is a big ord, domestical violence is a "better" fit. What Minami has gone through with her parents was abuse. With Iori, it's "just" domestic violence and again, most of them has been for comedy purpose. It's also the first time she need bandages for that, althought did Mikanuji will come back on that ? Probably not,knowing Mikanuji, we even probably never heard of it again. Just a reminde of what her parents abuse look like

joined Jul 29, 2017

Given the context of the Iori-Minami relationship, any hitting is a dissonant element that (to me) undercuts the whole story.

I simply don't see how any author could sustain a coherent story while depicting both extreme (but realistic) homicidal-psychopath-level violence as well as comedic slapstick violence in the context of a supposedly loving relationship.

joined Aug 10, 2015

If this were a more serious story (not that it doesn't have quite serious moments) I would be more critical of Iori's behaviour but as it happens I just like this story and I'm just trying to say I get Iori's reaction. Maybe the methods a bit too much and I can totally understand if you find it inexcusable but at the end of the day it is a fictional story with some realistic element, at least to me.

Personally, although I've liked this story pretty well all along, the casual domestic violence part isn't working for me anymore, and my reaction does come from the contradictory genre/tonal signals the series has been sending.

If the genre of this were pure slapstick comedy all along, that would be one thing, but in a story that's spent considerable time exploring themes of pretty extreme interpersonal violence in a serious way, the idea that a person's expression of self-doubt about the relationship results in a bandaged wound is just too dissonant to be enjoyable.ead

This is exactly what really has turned me off. The author brought in a toxic, violent relationship to highlight (supposedly) this new one being better.

And even in this latest chapter, that moment she grabs her was really off-putting.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Janime111 posted:

Yeah I really hate this chapter. So far it seem the slapping was just done more as slapstick, but the fact that she actually does get hurt and other people mention it, just make it icky. Its legit abuse, and yeah a slap is not the worst thing in the world, but it still freaking sting. If it was a hetero relationship, it would 100% be seen as abusive.

Hetero or not, I think we all are seeing it as abusive at this point, I don't even know if it was just a slap on the face because they cut it out, how does she feels after hitting her? not even an ounce of regret was show... I don't think she feels good with what she did but this was handled so bad!

The fact that she resorted to violence knowing she was depressed is BAD, what Minami said was upsetting of course, but from that to hitting her, there were so many things that they could've done... it was too fast, almost like a sure fact that this is how all their arguing will be like or end like. And you know what's the worse part? it wasn't just a slap, I'm not even sure if it was a slap or a punch and if you look at the panels, she's hurt left and right (and that's only what we get to know for sure) she let her rage take control and then demanded an apology, that was the absolute worse.

In my opinion, even if it was fast, had it been only a slap, things could've been saved but it didn't end with just that... I'm very very disappointed.

last edited at Apr 28, 2020 1:26PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Just forget the chapter anyway,, Mikanuji will probably never comeback on it again because the narration don't really have a continuity.

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