Forum › Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House (Serialization) discussion

joined Jan 31, 2015

I have a ton of respect for any author who can take their characters and premise and rework them on a subtle yet significant level like this. No one died. Switching it to Touko's place makes a lot more sense with both her personality and Akari's willingness to cook and stuff. Touko comes across as less of a creepy seductress. And as an added bonus, I'm left imagining: just what was Touko's relationship with Akari's (single) mother?

joined Mar 3, 2019

another age-gap yuri romance i dig

joined Dec 5, 2018


joined Apr 20, 2013

Oh that was very nice, the art is amazing too ... and then that last page remind me of Its A Bold Strategy Cotton, Lets See If It Pays Off For Em
Maybe Touko san noticed how she was being stared at so many times and took the risk, looks like it worked lo/ now let's see where it goes, I don't remember seeing the original anyway!

last edited at Jan 26, 2020 1:57PM

joined Jun 12, 2019

It’s funny bc the mom is alive in this one but the dad isn’t lol I think I prefer the premise of the other one but this is okay too hopefully we get more this time

joined Apr 27, 2014

wow an even better start than the original one, I can't wait and the art is gorrrrrrrrrrrrrgeooousss

joined Aug 6, 2017

So the father's dead in the serialization. Remembered liking this back forever ago, still digging the useless adult and responsible high schooler age Gap.

joined Mar 5, 2019

Mom's not dead this time. Neat.

Was excited for that as well!

joined Feb 18, 2018

so the first one is not gonna continued anymore ?
and also, the author seems diferent, I think the first one is made byu artist Haruzo

last edited at Jan 26, 2020 7:34PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

So, uh, did mom do literally no background check at all on her friend?

She did an extensive background check, just to make sure her daughter would be in yuri hands

I'm just waiting for someone to start a conversation

This should be the first comment on every Age Gap manga here

wow an even better start than the original one, I can't wait and the art is gorrrrrrrrrrrrrgeooousss

I really think I liked this one better too, it's a little smoother XD
Yes, praise this artist cuz this manga is completely gorgeous UwU

joined Dec 27, 2014

Heck no one's ever said goodnight to me like that

joined Dec 27, 2014

So, uh, did mom do literally no background check at all on her friend?

She did an extensive background check, just to make sure her daughter would be in yuri hands

Top 10 moms of all time.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Yes, praise this artist cuz this manga is completely gorgeous UwU

joined Jun 29, 2015

Well Touko went for the kill.
"Your first kiss is I, TOUKO!"

joined Jun 14, 2016

Haruzo! Haruzo! Haruzo!

joined Nov 14, 2014

Wow going too fast there neesan!
...not that I really mind :P

joined Feb 15, 2019

I kinda had Citrus flashbacks from that kiss, anyone else? No? Just me? OK.

joined Apr 17, 2017

It’s funny bc the mom is alive in this one but the dad isn’t lol I think I prefer the premise of the other one but this is okay too hopefully we get more this time

I had the same thoughts. This is one of those instances in which a smoother narrative doesn't mean a better one, I feel. There was something heady about the slapdash atmosphere of the initial version of this that made the story feel more fun and more involving. I loved the way the girl monologued to her dead mom, updating her on the calamities of her new situation, and how her first kiss was stolen by a tricky grown-up. That doesn't seem like it'll happen in this version. The slower pace of the new direction for the story I think will end up meaning we get less story over time than we would have if the first version had continued (since the first version burned through it's subject matter with less of a coy attitude). On the other hand, perhaps the more compressed storytelling of the original story put unreasonable pressure on the author to deliver more complicated thematic material on a faster timeline? Maybe this new direction will be a little more sustainable, which would be great. But I can't help but feel that the story has lost a good deal of energy in its transformation into a sleeker, more atmospheric and quasi–realistic narrative.

joined Apr 23, 2019

My mommy kink is about to devour me whole after reading this

joined Jan 13, 2020

I like the pre 2 chapter ver more but also looking forward to this one

joined Mar 29, 2019

I just love everything about this first chapter. Not to mention that's some nice looking art!

joined Dec 13, 2017

Eh, I like the original a lot better, but I'm gonna read it just because of the art and because I fancy age gap stories.

joined Nov 7, 2013

Technically, if there's no tongue then it's no adult, so you gals gonna have to redo that scene with tongue to be considered adult, I'm afraid.

i agree lmao

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