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joined Jul 18, 2017

Sumika is actually precious

These two are so cute together

joined Jan 24, 2018

Sumika: It's a secret
Lillie's blooming in background

joined Mar 10, 2018

That third chapter was way too precious. 10/10. 100/100. Also it looks like they're giving Ito a more complex backstory to explain why she's getting so hurt from Sumika not being how she appears in magazines to boot. I'm getting really excited here.

joined Feb 28, 2019

I'm into the whole celebrity x not-a-celebrity so I'm honestly kinda liking this lol

joined Nov 3, 2019

Haha Ito's totally a hedgehog! So prickly x3 This was a cute chapter! Looking forward to reading more :D

joined Jan 27, 2016

I'm glad they veered off from the Pygmalion-esque set-up it looked like it was going for in the first chapter.

joined Aug 19, 2018

"As I doesn't look like me at all"
Yeah your right about that. You gotta admit, though, that hedgehog looks really cu-
Ooooooh, I think I get it now

joined Jun 12, 2019

This is cute

joined Nov 5, 2017

theyre both so precious ;-;

What a cute chapter. Though Sumika's lonely smile makes me sad

joined Aug 16, 2014

So Sumika isn't bound by contract to stay out of relationships?

joined Apr 4, 2012

Does the main character live her life just over reacting to things? That's really annoying. Story is meh and characters are flat.

joined Mar 29, 2019

So Sumika isn't bound by contract to stay out of relationships?

I thought this before, but I don't think Sumika is necessarily the typical jpop idol that sings and dance. She's just a popular teen model, so those idol rules don't necessarily apply to her, and I personally don't see her as an idol, like those in Love Live.

But the more westernized idea of an idol is basically someone you look up to I guess. Which is what this tag represents I suppose?

last edited at Jan 22, 2020 12:43AM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Does the main character live her life just over reacting to things? That's really annoying. Story is meh and characters are flat.

I've never really been let down by an idol, heck I've never even had any, but if I had one and looked up to them (like the way Ito looked up to Sumika, which was a lot) for being known as a popular, sweet, caring person, and it turns out they were even the slightest bit the opposite, I'm sure I'd be upset.

Also, we get a one-panel sized flashback, if I'm going to make assumptions here, it seems like Ito looked up to that girl in the panel but she probably turned out to be a rotten person, possibly even worse than Sumika, which maybe caused Ito's sensitivity to fake personalities.

If I had to choose a real life example (even though I know this won't be of the same degree as this story, since this is a far-far worse situation) but let's look at Michael Jackson. He was accused of molestation and people today are still arguing over this, over a decade after his death. I know my parents still have doubts about believing the allegations because he was such a big pop star, who touched many people's ears and hearts.

joined Jan 3, 2020

I was very iffy on continuing to read this series after the first chapter, and the second one didn't sell me on it. The third chapter has caught my interest though. I would be quite happy if the series continued down this route and was about their relationship succeeding despite adversities introduced by their different walks of life.

last edited at Feb 10, 2020 4:28PM

joined Jan 27, 2016

Does the main character live her life just over reacting to things? That's really annoying. Story is meh and characters are flat.

I've never really been let down by an idol, heck I've never even had any, but if I had one and looked up to them (like the way Ito looked up to Sumika, which was a lot) for being known as a popular, sweet, caring person, and it turns out they were even the slightest bit the opposite, I'm sure I'd be upset.

Also, we get a one-panel sized flashback, if I'm going to make assumptions here, it seems like Ito looked up to that girl in the panel but she probably turned out to be a rotten person, possibly even worse than Sumika, which maybe caused Ito's sensitivity to fake personalities.

If I had to choose a real life example (even though I know this won't be of the same degree as this story, since this is a far-far worse situation) but let's look at Michael Jackson. He was accused of molestation and people today are still arguing over this, over a decade after his death. I know my parents still have doubts about believing the allegations because he was such a big pop star, who touched many people's ears and hearts.

If she's already experienced being let down by the reality of a person she put on a pedestal that makes her less sympathetic because she's still putting people on pedestals and has apparently learned jack shit from that experience. The only sympathetic excuse for this behaviour is naivete otherwise it's just entitlement.

joined Apr 23, 2019

I hope this continues in a gay direction

joined Dec 5, 2016

Pls i need more of this

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Does the main character live her life just over reacting to things? That's really annoying. Story is meh and characters are flat.

I've never really been let down by an idol, heck I've never even had any, but if I had one and looked up to them (like the way Ito looked up to Sumika, which was a lot) for being known as a popular, sweet, caring person, and it turns out they were even the slightest bit the opposite, I'm sure I'd be upset.

Also, we get a one-panel sized flashback, if I'm going to make assumptions here, it seems like Ito looked up to that girl in the panel but she probably turned out to be a rotten person, possibly even worse than Sumika, which maybe caused Ito's sensitivity to fake personalities.

If I had to choose a real life example (even though I know this won't be of the same degree as this story, since this is a far-far worse situation) but let's look at Michael Jackson. He was accused of molestation and people today are still arguing over this, over a decade after his death. I know my parents still have doubts about believing the allegations because he was such a big pop star, who touched many people's ears and hearts.

If she's already experienced being let down by the reality of a person she put on a pedestal that makes her less sympathetic because she's still putting people on pedestals and has apparently learned jack shit from that experience. The only sympathetic excuse for this behaviour is naivete otherwise it's just entitlement.

I guess she's just the gullible type then

joined Aug 22, 2016

I think, we have to consider the context here. Ito being hurt/disappointed by a "real" person (a classmate, she looked up to / admired) would indeed be different than her later finding an idol to admire.

Idols in Japan are regarded very differently than the stars in the western culture (whilst they have that kind of stars as well).
An Idol is more of a fiction, a literal ideal (and a form of escapism). These people have to represent that ideal - and either keep their private lives very private or manage live up to these ideals in their day-to-day life. If they mess up in private, that deeply reflects on their perception as an idol - they easily fall from grace. Much much more so and for much much minor things than in western culture.
As some noted, some pop-idols (esp. group-members under the age of 21) are not allowed to have a romantic (or sexual) relationships - by contract. Because it's their job(!) to appear available to every fan('s fantasy). Like getting caught smoking or underage-drinking, any breaks from the "ideal" can result in these idols losing their jobs. If they are lucky, they just have to apologize publically for their bad judgement and sincerely promise to do better, but even then their image is tainted and their career suffers badly from it. (Aside: If Britney Spears was Japanese, her entire career would have plain and simple ended in 2007. Miley Cyrus would have long be a goner as well...)
Other than an actor playing a role, an idol can't ever drop the persona - it's 24/7-acting, occassionally with some acting jobs on top of that.

I don't think we have anything even close to something like that in the western cultures. What may get closest may be personal feelings one may have for a charming / relatable character on a TV show or movie and then hearing the actor/actress act like a bigotted a-h*le in an interview - which could in turn blemish ones enjoinment of the show/movies' character. But, unless they did commit a serious crime, there are hardly any career disrupting consequences for the actors or the show/character in the western world.
Japanese are in some regards even better than westerners in not mixing fiction with reality - at least when it comes to general media-consumption. But they also have this concept of "idols" or "untouchables". This may or may not trace back to Geisha or to some degree the worshipping of the Tennou.

Back to Ito, that means, up until meeting Sumika personally, she was on the safe-side admiring her, as by an unspoken law, idol-Sumika could not disappoint her.
This also may explain her so called "entitlement" - the real Sumika did not live up to the presented ideal. It's far more than just a mental image that Ito alone had, that got disrupted - it's a concept, an escapism of its own, that was thrown into dissonance for Ito. Especially since that ...basically "piece of art"... helped her overcome bad times and some self-consciouness issues; learning that the "artist" was ego-centric, spoiled and ignorant, threatened to turn all her hopes and dreams related to idol-Sumika into straight out lies, as they were now built on the same. ((Even if she to a degree knew, but wilfully ignored, that e.g. idol-Sumika's Q&A answers were written by editors. Because the desire to believe in the dream/ideal is very real. And ignorance is bliss. That's not necessarrily gullibe - that's actually rather human.)) She tried hard to separate her encounter with real-Sumika from her public image. Hence, her outburst when Sumika kept deepening that rift - so Ito could no longer "unsee" the real Sumika.
Lucky for her, and us yuri-fans, it seems the real Sumika is not a lost cause / bad person after-all (albeit much more flawed than her persona) and has some charm-points of her own to offer and for Ito to "admire"...

...So far I really enjoy this story ^^

joined Mar 12, 2014

I hope this continues in a gay direction

This is how I feel at all times

joined Apr 19, 2018

I understand not being able to process your emotions and taking it out on others, but what triggered her and what her problem is out of my understanding

joined Jun 4, 2018

I really just can't bring myself to like Ito. At all.

joined Feb 6, 2017

I think, we have to consider the context here. Ito being hurt/disappointed by a "real" person (a classmate, she looked up to / admired) would indeed be different than her later finding an idol to admire...
[Cut for space]

The cultural context may explain her controlling, entitled behavior, but it's not an excuse. The only hope I cling to is that her onee-san-betrayed-me backstory makes her behavior look more reasonable in hindsight. (Also, wow Japan, what the heck?)

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