j/w but how old are you? i mean, maybe for kids just figuring things out TODAY it's just as you say, but--and not to sound old or anything--when i was still in middle school/highschool things definitely weren't this way. back then yes porn was tabboo. and when i was in middle school if you wanted to see anything pornographic on the computer you'd have to wait an hr just for one picture to show up lol. after waiting an hr just to connect online. hell even in HS scanlations were still becoming something new. i had been used to translations that were getting posted online, like reading play scripts, and was absolutely blown away when i first discovered that you could SEE A WHOLE MANGA ONLINE. and saying saying asians seeing other naked women isn't uncommon is making YOUR own stereotype. not ALL of them visit bath houses. which is i assume largely where they would see other non family member naked women. and it's becoming even less common as time goes on.
Uhm... sounds like you grew up on the early 90s or something. I'm sorry, are we not talking about current times? This manga takes place in the present and she is in her early 20s. That means she was born at the end of 90s and grew up in the early odds. By the time she was old enough to care about porn, the internet was far enough to make that easily available.
And even the manga aside, everyone who is in their early 20s right now is in the same boat, so I think my view is pretty justified...
Japan has strong skinship culture, India is extremely open about this stuff, I hear similar things about Malaysia and Indonesia. I'm not saying every region is the same, but overall the cultures in Asia are far more open to such things than the Western ones. Of course there is Eastern Europe where nudity is also seen as less of a taboo in quite a few countries, so it's just going to be more rather than less.
and saying you could figure out your gay just from watching tv is silly. the way you react to something on tv and someone right there is completely different. WAY too easy to pass someone you've only seen on the telly as a simple admiration. it's like...liking a dog cause it's cute, but you don't want to fuck it. hell if it was that easy i woulda figured it out when i was like 6, cause i was WAY more into xena than i knew lol. all i knew was i really really liked the show and liked her, i didn't know WHY.
Well good thing I didn't say that then. I quite clearly stated that one experiences an episode of attraction - not figure out ones sexuality. This was never about realizing that one is gay. I don't know what to tell you, that is literally what I said.
And my example of someone figuring it out through comics is just a fact. There is a link a few pages back. Everyone has a different trigger moment.
all in all, we don't really know the time frame the author wants this manga to be, or even if they put much effort other than "modern." because all that old timey sounding situations i grew up in? really wasn't that long ago, i'm only 33. we don't know what her family life was like growing up, what kind of schools she went to, to have missed the signs as she grew up. so saying it's not realistic for her not to know already is being ignorant. i mean i doubt the author even thought beyond that they just wanted their character to have not known yet. i just don't think saying she should have is silly.
It is far more out of the ordinary to assume this manga for no reason whatsoever takes place 2 decades ago. Especially because she owns a Smartphone.
Seriously, I think most of your rebuttal is based on the fact that you didn't properly read what I said. I said it is unlikely. How can I possibly impart this any more clearly than I did in my previous post?

last edited at Jan 10, 2020 2:22PM