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joined Nov 13, 2018

Seems like Risako might like Kaoru imo. I hope not though, there's way too many stories where the MC's love interest has someone who likes them too and creates conflict that way as a "rivalry", it gets kinda old and a bit cliché. Shit, like there's even some in which the love interest keeps getting people who like them piled on and the main one never gets resolved or it does so reeaaally slowly, I don't wish the main "plot/story" to drag on considering these chapters are already pretty slow to come out, let alone resolve conflicts.

joined Dec 17, 2017

Rraaghh rraaghhh my rageeee my faking rage please calm down.
Fml how u ended with him at the end? I mean... All this time he's...

joined Oct 6, 2018

I don't know why I kept reading this until now.. Maybe I was still expecting something interesting to happen. But I'm tired know, it's just a pile of strange and unreasonable/unrealistic situations to create some awkward drama.

But I love the art wow

joined Aug 26, 2018

To me it doesn't seem like Risako loves Kaoru, at least not yet, but rather she just sees her as a close friend that she didn't want to see get hurt over an indecisive and lazy guy look Reiichi.

I would agree with you but the fact that she is still cheating with Reiichi after their marriage is only hurting Kaoro physically (broken leg) and mentally. Risako is supposed to be smart and logical but there is little logic in how she's going about this "protecting".

I feel like a broken record here after so many chapters, but we still don't have proof Reiichi cheated on Kaoru. I know to many it's a foregone conclusion, but there are quite a few twists that can change perspective (as this flashback is currently attempting to do).

So I don't honestly know whether Risako having a romantic interest in Kaoru is at all the way this is supposed to go. We have plenty of hints that she doesn't care about relationships and that she had no interest in Reiichi, but what we mostly have between her and Kaoru is envy. She envies the way Kaoru can be stupid and emotional and chase irrational dreams.

The question now is whether she wants to do these things to get more emotional responses out of Kaoru or if she really does care about her and wanted to spare her a bad fate. We do know that Reiichi only agreed to go out with Kaoru after Kaoru's mother died. That's when Risako and Reeichi broke up too. So Risako's plan to split them apart may have broken down, because she realized that Kaoru needed Reiichi to get through that. But now that Kaoru has stabilized she might feel confident that she can break them apart again. To "save" her from this hopeless marriage. She is certainly pushing both their buttons to raise friction.

If it really went the lesbian Risako route, that is at least marginally set up too. The reason she doesnt get into relationships and only focuses on work might be her sexuality. The reason she cares about Kaoru when she is generally neutral on everyone is that she could have feelings for her. It's quite interesting how several options popped up now in a short amount of time. This puts a lot of stuff into perspective.

last edited at Jan 7, 2020 5:46PM

joined Mar 10, 2018

I am only just now understanding that the title applies to almost every single character here.
joined May 28, 2015

Flashback ! Now ! Really ! argh
Where is Uta ?

joined Jul 29, 2017

If we had gotten the gist of this chapter, say, as Chapter 4, right after the first women’s get-together, it would have given us a more grounded sense of the underpinnings of the Risako-Reiichi-Kaoru relationship going forward. At this point, as has been said, it just raises more questions than it answers.

joined May 1, 2013

Risako's probably vaguely in love with Kaoru, but more importantly, Risako can't stand bullshit and beating around the bush (which is Kaoru's main personality trait). She clearly does not think Reiichi is worth all this time and attention, and she's willing to be the villain if that's what it takes.

I think it is verrrrrrry unlikely Reiichi is cheating with her, not least because she was wearing her glasses when she was with him, and her glasses are a symbol of her being like "don't pay attention to my pretty face, assholes." (as an adult, she takes them off when around Kaoru. And when Reiichi is a huge dick and says Kaoru's "not very bright," that's what incites Risako to take her glasses off and seduce him away.)

So the only question is, is she playing the martyr and deliberately making Kaoru think Reiichi's cheating with her to try the same gambit she tried in high school and finally get her over him? Or is she just one of Reiichi's few friends and so knows he confides in her about his crap marriage?

Honestly, Kaoru/Risako makes way more sense to me than Kaoru/Uta. There's a random stray lesbian hanging around Uta's friend group, right?

joined Jun 25, 2019

That's still doesn't explain why Reichii lie about being out of the town. Kaoru's accident was because he was there with Risako and she spot them. And here, Risako lie about that encounter. If it wasn't cheating then why she would lie about that matter ? Did she think Kaoru still doesn't remember about the accident ?

Honestly, Kaoru/Risako makes way more sense to me than Kaoru/Uta.

At least one of them have been honest to her feelings and hasgone all the way when Risako seduce Reichii, supposingly because she want Kaoru to give up on him just for Kaoru to end up marrying Reichii anyway. I never really like nor root for coward who can't assume their feelings.

Where is Uta ?


last edited at Jan 7, 2020 6:17PM

joined May 11, 2016

Ok guys see you in June when this gets back on track.

joined Feb 16, 2018

oh yay a flashback chapter, these are my favorite

joined May 1, 2013

That's still doesn't explain why Reichii lie about being out of the town. Kaoru's accident was because he was there with Risako and she spot them. And here, Risako lie about that encounter. If it wasn't cheating then why she would lie about that matter ? Did she think Kaoru still doesn't remember about the accident ?

I think it makes sense that either 1. Reiichi has confided in Risako about the state of his marriage, and Risako has promised secrecy, or 2. Reiichi lied because either he did something embarrassing (like make a pass at Risako) or just doesn't want to make Kaoru jealous, and Risako lied because she wants to believably make Kaoru think Reiichi is cheating, to basically pull the same trick she pulled in high school where she's the villain but Reiichi looks bad enough Kaoru finally gets over him.

joined Mar 3, 2019

Risako possibly gay and possibly in love with Kaoru, that's welcome.

Personally though, I prefer her to be a true-blue villain designed to mess up Kaoru's life for psychopathic reasons.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The main problem I have with this latest revelation (it’s not actually a “development” since it’s all in the past) is that as a character Risako is supposedly extraordinarily straightforward AND she doesn’t really take other people’s feelings into account.

But in terms of the plot, given what we know about what she has said and done, she’s been portrayed as playing some kind of deep game in her relationship with Reiichi, either for her own benefit or for Kaoru’s.

We know she was with Reiichi when Kaoru had her accident and then admitted that to Uta but lied about it to Kaoru. If they aren’t having an affair and there’s an innocent explanation, there’s no reason for her to deny ever seeing Reiichi since his wedding. If she is using an affair to drive Reiichi and Kaoru apart, it’s counterproductive to hide it from Kaoru. And if she really has no emotions tied up in either one of them, then what is she doing with Reiichi, adulterously or otherwise?

I just don’t see how this supposedly disengaged and hyper-rational Risako squares with the bulk of what we know about the rest of the story.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I just don’t see how this supposedly disengaged and hyper-rational Risako squares with the bulk of what we know about the rest of the story.

It boils down to why she chose this method in the first place. Perhaps she realized that straightforward does not work with these two. As we've seen, Kaoru would rather cling to her hope than listen to reason. Reiichi seems to be too guilt driven to push Kaoru away either. Under those circumstances sowing doubt might be the only method she thought available.
There is also the fact that we don't exactly know how well she understands Uta's situation. They did not have many interactions, but she constantly heard about her from both Kaoru and Reiichi. Your example of telling Uta the truth, but Kaoru a lie would make sense if she assumed Uta would tell Kaoru.

And well, I also refer to the other possibility I added. Maybe Risako enjoys seeing Kaoru's emotional reactions? Perhaps messing with her is indeed the goal itself. I don't particularily believe in this one, but I have seen weirder twists. Being cold, calculating and unable to relate to other people are signs of psychological illness after all.

last edited at Jan 7, 2020 6:57PM

joined Aug 6, 2015

To me it doesn't seem like Risako loves Kaoru, at least not yet, but rather she just sees her as a close friend that she didn't want to see get hurt over an indecisive and lazy guy look Reiichi. She could also be proving a point. Reiichi might've done (and is currently doing the same thing) to Kaoru. He doesn't love her but he has no reason to reject Kaoru and that's why they're married. Maybe Risako was trying to prove a point to Kaoru about how Reiichi really feels for her and protecting her. Kaoru's last line about lying about being in love could be applied to Reiichi's relationship with her.

I would agree with you but the fact that she is still cheating with Reiichi after their marriage is only hurting Kaoro physically (broken leg) and mentally. Risako is supposed to be smart and logical but there is little logic in how she's going about this "protecting".

It's really hard to grasp what she's feeling. I can't say she hates Kaoru, since she genuinely seems to care for her at times. Maybe she isn't still seeing Reiichi like we thought she was?

joined Jul 6, 2013

So Kaoru was sisterzoned since day one and Reiichi always liked Risako and Risako was always a frigging psycho and yet Kaoru, who knew everything, still decided to marry the guy? I'm sorry, I can't feel sorry for any of them at this point. What a bunch of shitty people.

joined Jul 19, 2018

The main problem I have with this latest revelation (it’s not actually a “development” since it’s all in the past) is that as a character Risako is supposedly extraordinarily straightforward AND she doesn’t really take other people’s feelings into account.

But in terms of the plot, given what we know about what she has said and done, she’s been portrayed as playing some kind of deep game in her relationship with Reiichi, either for her own benefit or for Kaoru’s.

We know she was with Reiichi when Kaoru had her accident and then admitted that to Uta but lied about it to Kaoru. If they aren’t having an affair and there’s an innocent explanation, there’s no reason for her to deny ever seeing Reiichi since his wedding. If she is using an affair to drive Reiichi and Kaoru apart, it’s counterproductive to hide it from Kaoru. And if she really has no emotions tied up in either one of them, then what is she doing with Reiichi, adulterously or otherwise?

I just don’t see how this supposedly disengaged and hyper-rational Risako squares with the bulk of what we know about the rest of the story.

But who is it that supposed Risako is a hyper-rational disengaged ice queen?

joined Jul 29, 2017

The main problem I have with this latest revelation (it’s not actually a “development” since it’s all in the past) is that as a character Risako is supposedly extraordinarily straightforward AND she doesn’t really take other people’s feelings into account.

But in terms of the plot, given what we know about what she has said and done, she’s been portrayed as playing some kind of deep game in her relationship with Reiichi, either for her own benefit or for Kaoru’s.

We know she was with Reiichi when Kaoru had her accident and then admitted that to Uta but lied about it to Kaoru. If they aren’t having an affair and there’s an innocent explanation, there’s no reason for her to deny ever seeing Reiichi since his wedding. If she is using an affair to drive Reiichi and Kaoru apart, it’s counterproductive to hide it from Kaoru. And if she really has no emotions tied up in either one of them, then what is she doing with Reiichi, adulterously or otherwise?

I just don’t see how this supposedly disengaged and hyper-rational Risako squares with the bulk of what we know about the rest of the story.

But who is it that supposed Risako is a hyper-rational disengaged ice queen?

Is this supposed to be some kind of joke, or did you really not read the chapter?

Kaoru: “[Risako] would always make decisions based of some rational thinking.”

Kaoru: “It seemed like her surroundings couldn’t handle this girl with cold eyes behind her glasses.”

Risako: “Unlike Kaoru, I don’t get serious, or even feel emotional about anything. / I think a lot about how much more fun it would be if I could live like [Kaoru].”

So where does your question come from?

joined Jan 7, 2020


joined Jan 4, 2018

So Kaoru was sisterzoned since day one and Reiichi always liked Risako and Risako was always a frigging psycho and yet Kaoru, who knew everything, still decided to marry the guy? I'm sorry, I can't feel sorry for any of them at this point. What a bunch of shitty people.

true, love this opinion. it also happens a lot in real life.

joined Oct 25, 2015

I'm glad we finally got a chapter to give Risako some more depth. Hopefully, there's a bit more. I never made the leap to assume she was a predator or forcing any cheating. Only the plot will tell. It would be nice if it actually builds her into a more interesting, flawed-human character.

On the other hand, the flashback also sured up Kaoru's complete lack of assertiveness. Maybe that one-sided confession killed whatever hope of her developing a backbone in her early years. Who knows... I have nothing against her, but she's so passive in this story pinned around her.

Another on-the-nose/straightforward chapter would bring me some more relief reading this. Heh.

joined Jul 29, 2017

On the other hand, the flashback also sured up Kaoru's complete lack of assertiveness.

There’s also the weird detail of the repeated ignored confessions from Kaoru to Reiichi. On the one hand, it may just be this author’s habitual (to me, awkward) melding of comedy and drama. But it’s also another example of Reiichi’s profound obliviousness to Kaoru, whether unintentional or otherwise.

That “I dropped my phone in the water and missed your confession text” excuse was about as lame as his “I suddenly have to go out of town on your birthday and spend some extra days away, too” explanation. Whether it’s supposed to just be goofy shtick or a significant indication that Reiichi has always been a callous liar is the kind of open question that defines this series.

joined Mar 15, 2015

Raws for chapter 29 are out here

Having taken a look at the raws, I'm curious about something. What was the call that Kaoru got at the end of the chapter? Was it about her mother's death? It seems like the flashback is around the time Kaoru's mother died, and the end of the chapter would be a good time for a development like that (to get readers excited for the next one).

joined May 1, 2013

I just don’t see how this supposedly disengaged and hyper-rational Risako squares with the bulk of what we know about the rest of the story.

But who is it that supposed Risako is a hyper-rational disengaged ice queen?

Is this supposed to be some kind of joke, or did you really not read the chapter?

Kaoru: “[Risako] would always make decisions based of some rational thinking.”

Kaoru: “It seemed like her surroundings couldn’t handle this girl with cold eyes behind her glasses.”

Risako: “Unlike Kaoru, I don’t get serious, or even feel emotional about anything. / I think a lot about how much more fun it would be if I could live like [Kaoru].”

So where does your question come from?

I assumed she was seducing Reiichi there. "Oh, if ONLY someone could help me FEEL THINGS!"

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