Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Oct 22, 2018

I don't leave the house often, have limited interests and lack social skills so making friends is difficult for me. Even online I'm starting to struggle with meeting new people because I get paranoid. I'm worried I'll do something wrong, so I just stop talking to people before I have a chance to mess things up.

Sounds like a slightly more extreme case of what I have.

The fact that my Special Interest™ changes often doesn't help either because I could be into something for a month, then lose interest in it and jump to something else. For example: the most recent interest I had was Fire Emblem Awakening, but after meta-gaming it to the point of obsession I stopped playing.

At the moment I'm interested in Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate since it's all I've been playing this week.

I can sorta relate. For the most part, what I like remains consistent, but which of the things I like I happen to like the most (basically, what you described as Special Interest ™) changes. Sometimes it remains my main interest for well over a month, while sometimes it doesn't even hold that spot for a whole day. Various topics in history or various yuri manga are the ones that most often get that spot, though there did occur a lot of exceptions, especially from mapping.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Join this premiere!
Art's Animations, formerly known as Belarusball, is re-realising all his videos in one batch with this premiere.

last edited at Dec 30, 2019 1:29PM

joined Nov 26, 2019

I haven't tried this thread before but hi people, I recognize some of you. What's going on in everyone's life?

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I couldn't find anywhere to post about this: in just the last couple of months several cafes have their web filter banning Dynasty Reader for sex/porn (it's always the same message). Can anything be done? I use my phone's data in such cases but it's annoying. Writing this Dec. 30 2019 i have noticed it starting in November.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I couldn't find anywhere to post about this: in just the last couple of months several cafes have their web filter banning Dynasty Reader for sex/porn (it's always the same message). Can anything be done? I use my phone's data in such cases but it's annoying. Writing this Dec. 30 2019 i have noticed it starting in November.

Can't they just ban entry to the NSFW titles and let us enter the rest of the site? Would be a lot more sensible. But, then again, I can't imagine people bothering to manually police Internet access, so it shouldn't be surprising that bots are gonna bot.

last edited at Dec 30, 2019 4:16PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a great 2019! I wish you an even better 2020!

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

I'm writing from the future. 2020 is not worth it guys, you should skip it.

joined May 8, 2017

^Is it at least better than 2019?

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Anything is better than 2019.

joined Oct 22, 2018

under breath, sarcastically: Gee, that's a great mood to start a year...

joined Dec 30, 2018

It's new year here in Ukraine
Happy new year to all of you!

joined Dec 30, 2018

Shit I just realised that two days ago was my one year dynasty anniversary

Too miss such a day((

joined Aug 26, 2018

Every year is a year.
Hope it's gonna be happy.

joined Oct 15, 2014

joined May 8, 2017

Happy New Years, everybody!

joined Jun 11, 2016

Happy New Years to all!

joined Feb 3, 2015

Happy New Year!! I hope it will be a better one for everyone! :)

joined Oct 22, 2018

Well, the list of reasons I hate the right-wing just got one item longer...
My GF, who joined a right-wing conservative party in early December just ditched me, saying she puts her ideas and thoughts over love. However, the story of this break-up ain't over yet. Y'see, she didn't have the courage to tell me in any way, so she told my mom instead, who has been pressuring her the last few hours to see why doesn't she come to the previously agreed upon dates these last 3 days. My mom then informed me. I refuse to accept it unless my GF tells me that we're breaking up face-to-face, which is why, first thing in the morning, after I have breakfast, I'm going straight to her house to confront her and make her to break our relationship up properly.
It's a relationship we've been in for 4 years, 3 months and 4 days, so y'all better believe that I'm genuinely shocked and heartbroken.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Hmmm those political parties sound like cults.

Happy new year everyone! Just came to inform you all that MangaDex will be "on break" for aprox 3 days, and it looks like it's down already, the reason is that they're moving to a new server and doing some fixes but... well... yeah.

Worst case scenario, all the Isekais and Korean comics with overpowered reincarnated characters will come to dynasty .... HmmmmmmmmmmMMMmMmMm~

last edited at Jan 1, 2020 10:01PM

joined Dec 15, 2015

Well, the list of reasons I hate the right-wing just got one item longer...
My GF, who joined a right-wing conservative party in early December just ditched me, saying she puts her ideas and thoughts over love. However, the story of this break-up ain't over yet. Y'see, she didn't have the courage to tell me in any way, so she told my mom instead, who has been pressuring her the last few hours to see why doesn't she come to the previously agreed upon dates these last 3 days. My mom then informed me. I refuse to accept it unless my GF tells me that we're breaking up face-to-face, which is why, first thing in the morning, after I have breakfast, I'm going straight to her house to confront her and make her to break our relationship up properly.
It's a relationship we've been in for 4 years, 3 months and 4 days, so y'all better believe that I'm genuinely shocked and heartbroken.

There is nothing wrong with adhering to a right-wing conservative party - or simply right-wing views, though. Sometimes, I wonder where true tolerance lies...
That being said, a break-up is always a sad way to end the year, especially when the relationship had been this long: let's hope 2020 will be better, for everyone. A late happy new year from France, fellows!

joined Aug 26, 2018

Worst case scenario, all the Isekais and Korean comics with overpowered reincarnated characters will come to dynasty .... HmmmmmmmmmmMMMmMmMm~

A fate worse than death. By all that's good in this world... please come back Mangadex.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

A very belated New Year's and happy holidays to everyone! Hope things are well and we're all ready for a boppin' 2020!!

Well, the list of reasons I hate the right-wing just got one item longer...
It's a relationship we've been in for 4 years, 3 months and 4 days, so y'all better believe that I'm genuinely shocked and heartbroken.

That really sucks, sorry to hear. Hopefully the confrontation worked out for you...

last edited at Jan 4, 2020 9:12PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

There is nothing wrong with adhering to a right-wing conservative party - or simply right-wing views, though. Sometimes, I wonder where true tolerance lies...

You just read a story about someone ending a relationship because of their right wing ideals and somehow span it into "actually it's the left who are intolerant" that's hilarious.

joined May 10, 2014

[Redacted long angry rant - I hate my government]

My only political concern rn is what OrangeMan did 2 days ago. We gon least the memes keep coming. it will probably NOT escalate into a proper WW btw I hope

Oh yeah, I didn't say happy new year happy(?) new year. It's gonna be greaaaaaat. Oh man, I was so optimistic 5 days ago XD

joined Oct 22, 2018

That really sucks, sorry to hear. Hopefully the confrontation worked out for you...

The confrontation didn't work out. Not only did she refuse to see me and her grandma confronted me instead, but she cut all her ties and contacts with me off.

But whatever, as long as I have my family, relatives, friends and the communities both here and on the CBR subreddit, I will be able to slowly move on.

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