Forum › 1 x ½ discussion

joined Jun 25, 2017

Dang... I feel like this is gonna push them apart. But I’m glad that Asuka is maturing. It seems Ayako is gonna need her to be understanding in order for their relationship to deepen and progress.

I was a little confused on why Asuka would not want Ayako to keep going. It's what she's always daydreamed about... But at the same time, I understand Asuka loves Ayako truly and probably knows something is wrong? And would prefer them going further when Ayako is okay?? I don't know what's going to happen, I just hope it's Ayako/Asuka endgame.

I also do help this helps them grow closer and progress.

joined Jun 25, 2017

There is still some shadow part. It's not the first time Ayako said "This girl is my" without finishing the sentence.She already said it in Ch.7 so that make me wonder that she want to said, i believe it's just "Daughter" but we can't really be sure.

In Japanese, the meaning is a little different, I think.
In English, the way it sounds, it seems that the unsaid word after "my" is, like, really important. In Japanese, it's not. You say somebody is "watashi no..." and everyone gets that you are saying: "That person is mine!" No point in asking "Your what?" -- the meaningful point is the claiming of that person as one who belongs to you.

Interesting, so in Japanese it's more like "that girl is mine or she's mine." ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

There is still some shadow part. It's not the first time Ayako said "This girl is my" without finishing the sentence.She already said it in Ch.7 so that make me wonder that she want to said, i believe it's just "Daughter" but we can't really be sure.

In Japanese, the meaning is a little different, I think.
In English, the way it sounds, it seems that the unsaid word after "my" is, like, really important. In Japanese, it's not. You say somebody is "watashi no..." and everyone gets that you are saying: "That person is mine!" No point in asking "Your what?" -- the meaningful point is the claiming of that person as one who belongs to you.

Interesting, so in Japanese it's more like "that girl is mine or she's mine." ?

Which make more sense that even a non finished sentence.

joined Jun 25, 2017

Ayako's pov is damn delicious (I as an observer/reader, of course). But reading her words as if they were my own, trying to own her jealousy, I felt sick. I mean I don't think I can handle that kind of emotion. I mean, those questions in her mind they'd probably drive me nuts.
Dang it, Taiyaki. You're a gifted writer.

Taiyaki is a poet.

joined Feb 8, 2014

"That girl is my..."




Soul mate?

What is she Ayako?

"SHOW YOURSELF!!" (Elsa from frozen)

We are ready!!!

That Frozen reference was a pleasant surprise haha (THE MOVIE WAS SO GOOD!!)

Can't wait for the next chapter!

joined Apr 1, 2013

Got a feeling mana ain't too happy and will mark Asuka with a bunch of hickies huehue

joined Oct 23, 2018

ayako when the inevitable breakdown comes around

joined Mar 5, 2019

ayako when the inevitable breakdown comes around

Is it bad that I want to see it too? I want the whole spectrum of emotions from this author because she's AMAZING.

joined Jun 5, 2018

Asuka: No way mom’s in love with me
Mom: *Kisses back
Asuka: Surprised Pikachu face

joined Jun 3, 2017

This girl is my half.
(genetically and romantically)

The title too, I think, is self-explanatory. We have 1 (a whole, the mother) x 1/2 (half of that whole, the daughter). This story can literally be titled Mother x Daughter.

last edited at Dec 17, 2019 5:35AM

joined Jun 8, 2019

I've had this theory since chapter 5-ish, but I think there's finally enough evidence to put it out there. I think Ayako has special pheromones (kind of like that one yuri assassin manga that the name of slips my mind at the moment) that causes others to be attracted to her. I think her and the aunt were researching them in college to try to find a way to cure her, and somehow it ended with the brother dying. I think Ayako is humoring Asuka because she thinks that it's her fault and that she can't control her feelings for her because she's under the pheromones' influence. It's possible she's right (but I doubt it), and that Asuka has the same pheromones albeit in a smaller amount, for which Ayako is probably going to blame her attraction to her on. I figure end game is that they both get cured and find out that they do actually love each other after all; maybe the incestuous siblings will be the ones to point out that it's possible to just accidentally love each other?

so ayako is killgrave?

joined Apr 5, 2018

This girl is my half.
(genetically and romantically)

The title too, I think, is self-explanatory. We have 1 (a whole, the mother) x 1/2 (half of that whole, the daughter). This story can literally be titled Mother x Daughter.

Never thought about it like that but wow, you're right.

btw my current leading theory on why Akira (and Ayako to some extent) seem to have some guilty secret about Atsushi's death

I was skeptical at first but rereading some chapters tend to abound in your sense.Here and here seem to imply that Akira may have something to do with her brother death, at least to some extent and Ayako know about it.

I put over the theory Asuka wasn't Atsushi's daughter because Ayako said she look like her father so it's kinda a given he is really her father. But the next page put me in doubt, what does Ayako mean with her sentence ?

Something certainly happened which Ayako and Akira are both aware of and feel guilty for, though they may not have been directly responsible. Its also clear that Akira has a thing for Ayako as well so maybe that plays into it? I'd really hate it however if it turned out Asuka wasn't Ayako's daughter somehow, but that seems unlikely.

Also, I was always a bit confused as to why Ayako kissed Asuka here in chapter8 but I suppose thinking about it again, she was probably reminded of his death and her lose of a person she felt something towards, given the crying. Therefore not wanting to lose anyone else she cared about she kissed Asuka to appease Asuka's desires so she wouldn't leave or become distanced. I'd be glad to hear others opinions on this though.

joined Jun 25, 2017

Asuka: No way mom’s in love with me
Mom: *Kisses back
Asuka: Surprised Pikachu face

This is by far my favorite comment for this chapter.

joined Jun 25, 2017

This girl is my half.
(genetically and romantically)

The title too, I think, is self-explanatory. We have 1 (a whole, the mother) x 1/2 (half of that whole, the daughter). This story can literally be titled Mother x Daughter.

Yes! I live for this. Other half romantically and genetically. Brilliant title.

joined Jun 25, 2019

An alternative title is 1x1/2 My Half of You.

joined Aug 4, 2018

This girl is my half.
(genetically and romantically)

The title too, I think, is self-explanatory. We have 1 (a whole, the mother) x 1/2 (half of that whole, the daughter). This story can literally be titled Mother x Daughter.


joined Jun 25, 2017

All I want is for Ayako to be honest with herself and Asuka. That she's jealous, and most importantly she has feelings for Asuka as well????Which it looks like it's hard for her but inevitable?!!

joined Jul 1, 2014

All I want is for Ayako to be honest with herself and Asuka.

It's not that she can't be honest. From the first chapter we've seen Ayako very honest and blunt.

She has no idea what to be honest about, here. Feelings are unnatural for her. This is something very new for her, likely. Though she is older and was even married, it seems as though she's never really had strong feelings for anyone or even tried to understand them.

last edited at Dec 19, 2019 5:02PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

wait. are people just now coming around to the title? the first chapter explains it right away... ??

joined Jun 6, 2013

This girl is my half.
(genetically and romantically)

The title too, I think, is self-explanatory. We have 1 (a whole, the mother) x 1/2 (half of that whole, the daughter). This story can literally be titled Mother x Daughter.

Never thought about it like that but wow, you're right.

btw my current leading theory on why Akira (and Ayako to some extent) seem to have some guilty secret about Atsushi's death

I was skeptical at first but rereading some chapters tend to abound in your sense.Here and here seem to imply that Akira may have something to do with her brother death, at least to some extent and Ayako know about it.

I put over the theory Asuka wasn't Atsushi's daughter because Ayako said she look like her father so it's kinda a given he is really her father. But the next page put me in doubt, what does Ayako mean with her sentence ?

Something certainly happened which Ayako and Akira are both aware of and feel guilty for, though they may not have been directly responsible. Its also clear that Akira has a thing for Ayako as well so maybe that plays into it? I'd really hate it however if it turned out Asuka wasn't Ayako's daughter somehow, but that seems unlikely.

Also, I was always a bit confused as to why Ayako kissed Asuka here in chapter8 but I suppose thinking about it again, she was probably reminded of his death and her lose of a person she felt something towards, given the crying. Therefore not wanting to lose anyone else she cared about she kissed Asuka to appease Asuka's desires so she wouldn't leave or become distanced. I'd be glad to hear others opinions on this though.

I don't get why we are discussing this. I'm pretty sure they show a flashback and say outright that the mom, dad and atsushi died in a car wreck, and Akira was driving. I also don't get why we are now discussing the title when it is made apparent in the first chapter.

I'm surprised we're not discussing the scary implications of learning Ayako's past in chapter 15. Looks like she's had sexual abuse, and maybe she has some twisted idea around it as a result, like maybe the position of being older means...hmm. Well actually I don't know much about sexual abuse psychology, but I know as kids when you see a bully and the power they have over you as a victim, you start to think that's the only way to have power and feel good about yourself, so you tend to adopt bullying others as well. Like aren't the parents of bullies also bullies technically? So... I dunno.

Damn though like... What's Ayako thinking?

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 6:22AM

joined Jun 25, 2017

wait. are people just now coming around to the title? the first chapter explains it right away... ??

Nah, I always knew. But now that we got Ayakos point of view, and all the development between Asuka/Ayako the title does seem to imply not just half of her DNA, but potentially her other half. (soul mates/romantic)

joined Jun 25, 2017

All I want is for Ayako to be honest with herself and Asuka.
It's not that she can't be honest. From the first chapter we've seen Ayako very honest and blunt.

She has no idea what to be honest about, here. Feelings are unnatural for her. This is something very new for her, likely. Though she is older and was even married, it seems as though she's never really had strong feelings for anyone or even tried to understand them.

Yes, this makes sense! When I first started this manga, I thought Asukas dad was the only person Ayako had ever loved, and I was hoping Asuka wasn't like a replacement for him. But now I'm just shook. Ayako just might love Asuka, and might be experiencing love (romance) for the first time. Ah, whatever is happening, I need more.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

RPPuzzle posted:

but I know as kids when you see a bully and the power they have over you as a victim, you start to think that's the only way to have power and feel good about yourself, so you tend to adopt bullying others as well. Like aren't the parents of bullies also bullies technically? So... I dunno.

That's the first I hear about it. I think you're confusing it with being abused and then growing up to be abuser as well. Yes, kids of abusers often grow up to be abusers as well as a copying mechanism, without even realizing it.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 6:47AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

..... Just done another re-read, fee like I pick up more each time, good from start to where its at now since back then.... Didn't even realise how Ayako was changing... even Akira pointing stuff out
To sum up.... a sad story about fucked up people, taiyaki is underated, this couldn't be better than it already is

joined Jun 25, 2019

I don't get why we are discussing this. I'm pretty sure they show a flashback and say outright that the mom, dad and atsushi died in a car wreck, and Akira was driving.

Eh what ? I don't remember anything like that happenning because if it was the case then some peoples would point in out before. I can reread to check but i'm pretty sure we never had a flashback like that.

Edit : Ok, the problem with your statement is that, one Akira don't seem to have aftermath injuries and second well , both Akira's parents are alives since Ayako said she can't pay them visit at New Year's. The one parents who are dead are Ayako's one.

last edited at Dec 19, 2019 7:05AM

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