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joined Sep 6, 2018

Shiho is autistic... or developmentally handicapped. Reminds me of “Sling Blade” movie... Mmm, now I’m getting a hankering for some French fries.

Chapter 3 is best,
happy to get that off my chest.
The rest just ain’t so good,
cause it doesn’t strike a good mood.
The artwork is lackluster,
and dialogue doesn’t pass muster.
So it’s best to comment here,
For others to read elsewhere.

joined May 10, 2018


joined Sep 29, 2018

This is so fluffy~ Though I wasn't ready for ch3's feels ;-;

joined Jul 1, 2019

I like their dynamic. Just a chill, (hopefully) drama-free, healthy relationship. Shiho may be expressionless and Akari can be so energetic; but they try to understand each other’s shortcomings and be sensitive to their partner’s feelings. Traits that, I think, are important to have in a relationship.

last edited at Nov 24, 2019 12:18AM

joined Mar 12, 2014

Shiho is so boring. The manga feels like a one sided conversation at all times and it makes me feel bad for Akari

I mean the first chap is her excitedly waiting for a date where she's all dressed up and Shiho rocks up messy haired half asleep. Could not deal with that on a regular basis

joined Jun 24, 2015

I feel like theres an undercurrent of sadness in this manga but I could be reading too much into it.

joined Dec 5, 2018

Very cute, I can really relate to Shiho.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Come on, this is so innocent, and wholesome, and cute, and wahhh~

Also, as always


joined Jul 1, 2019

Shiho is so boring. The manga feels like a one sided conversation at all times and it makes me feel bad for Akari

I mean the first chap is her excitedly waiting for a date where she's all dressed up and Shiho rocks up messy haired half asleep. Could not deal with that on a regular basis

That’s why, Shiho tried to make up for it by buying the lavender-flavored ice cream. Shiho noticed that Akari was quite sad when Shiho forgot their date (even without Akari showing nor saying it).

last edited at Nov 24, 2019 8:56AM

joined May 19, 2014

I enjoy reading it cause it’s yuri, but I could never date a girl like Shiho irl. I like chill girls but not someone who’s so monotonous. But again, to each their own. Would you guys actually date someone like Shiho?

joined Nov 17, 2018

yeah, looks like shiho is autistic or something. would be cool if the story gave us an insight of how shiho sees the world and actually feels.

i dont think she is boring, but has a real limitation instead..?

joined Jan 11, 2014

I feel like this story would work well with a bit more development in Shiho. Like it’s okay if she starts out like an unreacting potato but it would more fulfilling if she isn’t like this for the rest of the chapters to come. Like it feels like she has depression and anxiety or something. I hope they break up the monotony of this character based storytelling by telling us something new about the characters in each new chapter instead of having two surface developed char interact for the rest of eternity and expect that to float.

joined Aug 29, 2018

Aww, that's so cute. Love how thoughtful Shiho was in chapter 1, that was way wholesome.

Meh, Shiho is so dull, being in a r/l with someone like that sounds dreadful

Seems to me her type would suit some people. Pretty niche though, granted. I imagine, for instance, that the moments wehn she shows how she cares must be very rewarding and quite sweet for some people. I also imagine some (extroverts, mostly) would like being the one reaching out and acting interested.

joined Aug 12, 2019

a very wholesome yuri of an extrovert dating an introvert. at least that's how i see it. but wow, chapter 3 got serious. i think it'll eventually get more serious in the later chapters.

joined Sep 6, 2017

As an extreme extrovert who's been with her share of introverts, I feel like this isn't really an "introvert" situation. In my experience if you're with them they talk to you all the time and potentially for hours straight. This seems like something different.

joined Oct 1, 2014

Only one thing I can say about this

What manga is this? Really like the artstyle.

last edited at Nov 25, 2019 6:07PM by Nezchan

joined Mar 16, 2018

Only one thing I can say about this

What manga is this? Really like the artstyle.

I got it from this manga and it is pure fluff

joined Sep 6, 2018

I enjoy reading it cause it’s yuri, but I could never date a girl like Shiho irl. I like chill girls but not someone who’s so monotonous. But again, to each their own. Would you guys actually date someone like Shiho?

Ever heard Dave Attel’s bit on “Drinking Tips” on his “Skanks for the Memories” album? If yes, then you’ll know the answer to your question.

joined Dec 13, 2015

Not the extent of Shiho, I do laugh a lot about jokes and the like, but people have been telling me for a very long time that I don't really show my happiness or emotions on my face in general really, at least not most of the time.
I do feel happiness and I am grateful and I love m friends and family.. but my emotions don't always translate to my face.
I've gotten better at meeting peoples' expectations over time. When I was younger people would tell me that I was just saying I'm happy about presents or good grades but didn't mean it, which hurt me since I did. It wasn't like these things didn't mean anything to me, as some people were saying about me. I wasn't even aware that it came across the way it did. I thought:"I smiled and said thank you so I'm sure they will see that I am really happy!". But when I would tell people how I honestly felt in words later they would act surprised and responded they hadn't known or would accuse me of lying to make them feel better.
I don't have autism by the way, I am diagnosed with ADHD, but no autism here.
I am clumpsy with showing emotions to this day through body language and facial expressions a lot of the time, and that's probably going to stay that way, even though I've kind of gotten a little better?. It's just.. kind of the way I am I guess.
I know I'm not the same as Shiho, but maybe that's why I don't think of her as dull at all, because I can identify with her just a little bit.

last edited at Nov 26, 2019 9:31PM

joined Feb 10, 2016

Kind of dont get why she doesn't show affection if she loves her back

joined Mar 3, 2019

I'm anticipating volumes to come and also angst.

last edited at Nov 28, 2019 10:55PM

joined Aug 15, 2019

As cute as this manga is, it's a bit boring. very slice of life, lol.

joined Jun 22, 2014

It's rare when I'm dropping a yuri manga, but I have no problem dropping this one. There isn't anything particularly bad with it, it's just so boring, I can't enjoy it at all. :(

joined Oct 9, 2019

Really love the relaxed vibe of this manga but I like "boring" slice of life soooo. I don't agree with the others saying shiho is autistic as she's actually pretty good at noticing when akari isnt feeling well. Ch9 really shows that. She's just tired from pulling all nighters for work ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)

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