Forum › The twitter of girls and waking of shyness discussion

joined May 24, 2014

It's a legitimate point. I mean after reading American Psycho I became an ax murderer.

And I became a hitman after a John Wick marathon

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 7:31PM

joined May 1, 2015

First, and above all, remember that everyone is here to have fun and enjoy yuri together. Being overly aggressive, insulting, and generally a jerk to other commenters is against the rules. So don’t do it.

From the forum rules. If you're in a thread just to attack and try to drive off people you disagree with, this is not the site for you. Please leave.

joined Sep 25, 2015

I love Itou Hachi.

joined May 24, 2014

Apparently people want no sin on this good Christian website.

ok pedo

Ok boomer

joined May 15, 2019

I’m usually okay with Itou Hachi, and this one was pretty cute. But. I see no child there. She needs to talk to some real children [...]

I'm sure there's a court order preventing that

joined Sep 16, 2014

Very wholesome.

more like peedophilia

Read that in Chuggaa's voice.

joined Jun 5, 2016

wee woo wee woo

don't you mean.... pee woo pee woo

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 8:00PM

joined Mar 27, 2018

Itou Hachi is truly a hero of our times.

joined May 20, 2013

......this had nothing to do with twitter :(

Not the social media service, nope. But "twitter" existed before that as a word for a kind of sound, you know.

Waiting for a kid to be of age to start dating them is still illegal and the person in question still a pedo.

Hey what ? How waiting for her to in age to date legally is illegal ? That doesn't make any sense to me.

Like I said, grooming. Look it up.

Get over yourself and pull that stick out of your ass. Grooming involves actively shaping the child's psychological development, not simply waiting for them to grow out of being a minor while interacting with them more or less no differently than any regular acquaintance/neighbor.

This may not be too interesting, but I still felt like writing about my thoughts and conclusion regarding this, after reading the manga and these comments:

  • The concept of grooming was completely new to me. I'm not well-versed in such matters, what remotely affects me is how some people try to mix in pedophilia in their opposition to LGBTQ+ matters. Slippery slope and so on.
  • I went to look up the description, etc.
  • After reading about it, I was still of the opinion that the actions depicted in the story still did not match the (basic?) definition of grooming, if Riku really waits until Otome becomes 18, i.e. 8 more years. My understanding was for it to be grooming, the gained trust and access to the child had to be turned into abuse, which wasn't the case here. It made the impression that Riku has been making responsible choices, given the large age difference.
  • Thinking more about it, and getting over the story's wholesome atmosphere, certain things, like listening to Otome peeing, the lap hugs, the staying over without the parents worrying, started popping up as ways Riku, a working adult, is abusing the relationships she established with Otome and her family. Sleeping in the same bed or taking a bath together would've just made it an even more glaring example of grooming.
  • After that realization, I got to the conclusion that establishing the depicted relationship, with or without the vows, was a fundamental mistake. It has to be hidden from the parents not because of their gender, but because it's obviously problematic, and more importantly, it shapes the decisions Otome makes while growing up.

The truly responsible thing for Riku would've been not to make that "future lovers" promise, or to call it off as soon as she thinks it over. Whether Otome dates someone else before she becomes 18, or keeps being in love with Riku and waiting, should be completely up to Otome. Riku could have told her back then that she might be interested when Otome becomes 18, kept the right distance, and by waiting she could keep taking the risk that Otome may choose someone else in the meantime, on her own, without establishing a relationship that is more committed than it isn't.
I could write more about why that would be more wholesome and healthy in even more ways for both of them, but it is long enough already. Thanks if you've read it.

After learning about grooming and thinking about its implications, this manga lowered my tolerance towards such concepts, even in fiction, which is probably the opposite of the author's intention...

joined Mar 27, 2018

Counterpoint: grooming is ok if its cute and yuri.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Counterpoint: grooming is ok if its cute and yuri.

If cute and yuri Flower Picking is okay.

joined Jun 25, 2019

certain things, like listening to Otome peeing, the lap hugs, the staying over without the parents worrying, started popping up as ways Riku, a working adult, is abusing the relationships she established with Otome and her family.

Why thought ? Most are normal behavior (beside the whole pee thing that i'm not a fan of). Yeah there is the 3 vows but that's normal things a nice person while do without any other intention.

joined May 20, 2013

certain things, like listening to Otome peeing, the lap hugs, the staying over without the parents worrying, started popping up as ways Riku, a working adult, is abusing the relationships she established with Otome and her family.

Why thought ? Most are normal behavior (beside the whole pee thing that i'm not a fan of). Yeah there is the 3 vows but that's normal things a nice person while do without any other intention.

The hidden intention is exactly the reason. Those things are normal only on the surface, and only Riku and Otome are aware of that. (Riku's colleague isn't helping.)

joined Jun 6, 2016

Oh no, it's the enjoyment police! They're here to arrest us for crimes against nobody!

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 9:41PM

joined Jun 6, 2016

......this had nothing to do with twitter :(

Not the social media service, nope. But "twitter" existed before that as a word for a kind of sound, you know.

No, I know, I was just foolin'. But still, "Twitter of girls"? What does that mean? Is it poetic, because I'm not good at being poetic

A murder of crows, a twitter of girls, a squak of hotwings, etc.

Those are things people say, right?

joined Jun 6, 2016

Those who feel utterly disgusted with a manga like this are fighting demons that the rest of us do not have. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you don't make any innocent little victims along the way.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Get over yourself and pull that stick out of your ass. Grooming involves actively shaping the child's psychological development, not simply waiting for them to grow out of being a minor while interacting with them more or less no differently than any regular acquaintance/neighbor.

This may not be too interesting, but I still felt like writing about my thoughts and conclusion regarding this, after reading the manga and these comments:

  • The concept of grooming was completely new to me. I'm not well-versed in such matters, what remotely affects me is how some people try to mix in pedophilia in their opposition to LGBTQ+ matters. Slippery slope and so on.
  • I went to look up the description, etc.
  • After reading about it, I was still of the opinion that the actions depicted in the story still did not match the (basic?) definition of grooming, if Riku really waits until Otome becomes 18, i.e. 8 more years. My understanding was for it to be grooming, the gained trust and access to the child had to be turned into abuse, which wasn't the case here. It made the impression that Riku has been making responsible choices, given the large age difference.
  • Thinking more about it, and getting over the story's wholesome atmosphere, certain things, like listening to Otome peeing, the lap hugs, the staying over without the parents worrying, started popping up as ways Riku, a working adult, is abusing the relationships she established with Otome and her family. Sleeping in the same bed or taking a bath together would've just made it an even more glaring example of grooming.
  • After that realization, I got to the conclusion that establishing the depicted relationship, with or without the vows, was a fundamental mistake. It has to be hidden from the parents not because of their gender, but because it's obviously problematic, and more importantly, it shapes the decisions Otome makes while growing up.

The truly responsible thing for Riku would've been not to make that "future lovers" promise, or to call it off as soon as she thinks it over. Whether Otome dates someone else before she becomes 18, or keeps being in love with Riku and waiting, should be completely up to Otome. Riku could have told her back then that she might be interested when Otome becomes 18, kept the right distance, and by waiting she could keep taking the risk that Otome may choose someone else in the meantime, on her own, without establishing a relationship that is more committed than it isn't.
I could write more about why that would be more wholesome and healthy in even more ways for both of them, but it is long enough already. Thanks if you've read it.

After learning about grooming and thinking about its implications, this manga lowered my tolerance towards such concepts, even in fiction, which is probably the opposite of the author's intention...

Thank you for being civilized in the discussion. The person you're replying to has no idea what they're talking about. Assuming no one here is an actual p3do, the response of the opposing side in issues like this is mocking at the very best.

Here are some examples of grooming from Wikipedia:

•Taking interest in someone's child (having a "special" friend)
•Giving gifts or money to the child for no obvious reason
•Talking about sexual topics that are not age-appropriate
•Invading the child's privacy (e.g. walking in on him/her in the bathroom)
•Allowing the child to get away with behavior that is not right.

Do they all sound familiar?
Grooming doesn't always mean physical abuse. Grooming is a manipulation of a child (quite often by actually being nice) with the intention of when they're of age they will have a sexual relationship with you. They essentially brainwash that person's brain and structure so they can take advantage of it when it is legal. It's a legal window people like that have found to not get caught.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

what a waste on good art

joined May 20, 2013

Man, coming onto this website and clicking something with Lolicon, Age Gapand Itou Hachi just to complain about it just reeks of "the consequences of your own actions".

No one has to like this but if the entire concept of age gap loli bugs you, why are you subjecting yourself to it?

And, if you're not--and just posting to try and persuade people who are able to read it to "go back to 4chan", doesn't that just make you an unneeded shitposter?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Assuming no one here is an actual p3do

NO ONE HERE IS A PEDO FOR GOD SAKE. Just don't assume things because of someone tastes. Just because i read Lolicon and appreciate it doesn't mean i want to have a relationship with a little girl.

Talking about sexual topics that are not age-appropriate

What ? They barely talking more than kissing with each other. The only one she talk about sexual things is her friend.

Invading the child's privacy (e.g. walking in on him/her in the bathroom)

That's merely but a weird fetish here. She didn't to anything else to that regard. For the record, i really wished that Itou didn't go that way because pee fetish is really my taste,can't really see the appeal of listening to pee sounds.

It's a legal window people like that have found to not get caught.

How can you caught someone doing something legal ? (Legit question btw) From an outsider perspective, you're just doting on the kid and it's not like the ultimate goal is illegal.I mean you can call it brainwashing but i personally don't really see the harm.

joined Mar 27, 2018

the response of the opposing side in issues like this is mocking at the very best.

Clicks on a manga labelled lolicon
From an author who often writes her oneeloli fantasies
Surprised pikachu that it's about oneeloli
Proceeds to "stop liking what I don't like"

Mocking or ignoring are the only only appropriate reactions to this kind of behavior.

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 10:31PM

joined May 24, 2014

And once again 4chan is laughing at us

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 10:54PM

joined Jan 22, 2015

and to answer the perpetual question: i'm in the comments for this thing i hate because i hate it and i don't want it or the people that want to read it to come to this website i DO enjoy. i want all the pedos who think that they can hide behind the words "lolicon" or "shotacon" and act like they're not cranking off to children to leave and go back to 4chan or wherever else you spineless worms used to go

I really wanna force you to browse the loli tag on exhentai "robot chicken" style. Based on your comments thus far you would likely suffer heart failure in under 10 minutes.

Another thing: The most dangerous type of individual is not one who fantasies to weird stuff such as rape, loli, or even guro. It is an individual who cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality.

Got that last bit many years ago from /d/ on 4chan btw.

Edit: You called me (and a lot of other users here) spineless worms. I feel the need to inform you that worms are invertebrates and thus, inherently, do not have spines.

Edited edit: I added that worm triva because your comment implies that being a worm and not having a spine is a bad thing. But they inherently don't have spines so... I don't really get your insult. Maybe try again?

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 11:20PM

joined Mar 27, 2018

I unironically and genuinely think grooming is ok if its done by a cute girl to another cute girl.

joined Feb 17, 2019

Hahaha. Itou Hachi never fails in entertain me with a Holy War in the commentaries-
You can literally go to any other past work and find the same discussion that goes nowhere...

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