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joined May 15, 2014

Nene posted:

Superspeed and superstrength: ok.

Supersenses: not so much. She detected "something flying by" but didn't notice what it was, where it came from or where it went. Kinda disappointing.

Kinda reminded me of Saitama from One Punch Man when what's his face tries to slash him with his sword and Saitama turns around and bites through it then spits out what's in his mouth and goes "what was that?"

or when he kicks the monster guy going after king

last edited at Nov 20, 2019 8:30PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

The superpower of love.

joined Nov 1, 2018

Is this what they mean by "gaydar"? Because if using the power of Gay to Detect things at Range isn't it, I don't know what is.

joined Aug 18, 2015

I'm gonna call it right now: Tadokoro is going to tell Nikaidou that with great power comes great responsibility, which she'll only truly understand later on when she realizes that her negligence indirectly led to the murder of Tadokoro.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Is this what they mean by "gaydar"? Because if using the power of Gay to Detect things at Range isn't it, I don't know what is.

Sorry to disappoint you, but gaydar is, in fact, a device that measures how gay something is...

joined Feb 18, 2013

Nikaidou is totally from some family of badasses, though. Like, there's no way she's got a middle management breadwinner father and stay-at-home mom doing flower arrangement and embroidery after how much she's showed off. It's just a question of what kind of badasses they are.

joined Jul 29, 2017

After rereading this series again for the billionth time, isn't it kinda weird that mom has told Nikaidou that she's fine with her dating her daughter, but she hasn't told Tadokoro that she knows she's gay and that she has her mom's full support? Or Nikaido could tell her that mom knows. Dunno, it feels kinda sad that Tadokoro thinks she has to keep her relationship a secret even at home.

Is this what they mean by "gaydar"? Because if using the power of Gay to Detect things at Range isn't it, I don't know what is.

I could definitely buy that she can perceive her surroundings by bouncing waves of gay energy off objects like sonar. Wouldn't be that much more over the top than what we've already seen her do.

last edited at Nov 21, 2019 6:06AM

joined May 1, 2013

After rereading this series again for the billionth time, isn't it kinda weird that mom has told Nikaidou that she's fine with her dating her daughter, but she hasn't told Tadokoro that she knows she's gay and that she has her mom's full support? Or Nikaido could tell her that mom knows. Dunno, it feels kinda sad that Tadokoro thinks she has to keep her relationship a secret even at home.

I assume the idea is that she wants her daughter to be the one who brings it up, and in fact encouraging Nikaidou is a way to speed that up.

joined Mar 4, 2018

Nikaidou is totally from some family of badasses, though. Like, there's no way she's got a middle management breadwinner father and stay-at-home mom doing flower arrangement and embroidery after how much she's showed off. It's just a question of what kind of badasses they are.

The hard-boiled kind!

joined Oct 22, 2018

Nikaidou is totally from some family of badasses, though. Like, there's no way she's got a middle management breadwinner father and stay-at-home mom doing flower arrangement and embroidery after how much she's showed off. It's just a question of what kind of badasses they are.

The hard-boiled kind!

Well, yeah, duh, but what kind of hard-boiled badasses?

joined Feb 24, 2017

At this point I'm sure Nikaidou use kenbun and busou shouku haki... nice

joined Oct 1, 2014

Why does this scene reminds me of Deku and Bakugou

joined Aug 18, 2015

Maybe Nikaidou is a stand-user, and we just can't see what's happening. Her stand's name would be "Village People"

joined Nov 8, 2017

Does Nikaidou have a known full name?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Does Nikaidou have a known full name?

Nikaidou Sakurako.

Quick question, but why is it always girls named Sakurako who are the gayest?

last edited at Nov 22, 2019 7:10AM

joined May 14, 2017

You pick the wrong girl fool

joined Oct 22, 2018

Next chapter looks spicy

Why did I need to read this in Keanu's voice? Now I can't get a certain FlyingKitty YTP out of my head...

joined Nov 24, 2017

Next chapter looks spicy

You just know it's going to end up as Nikaidou's dream or something.

joined Jan 29, 2017

...(jaw drops)
Damn, girl's a ninja!

joined May 24, 2014

Author's pixivy has been updated

shit happens, life goes on

joined Mar 15, 2017

nikaido being todorkos best wife as always also screw that editor

joined Jan 11, 2019

Next chapter looks spicy

There's no way this is real. It's one of Nikaidou's wet dreams for sure.

joined May 24, 2014

Aaaargh! Nikaidou SMASH editor!

joined Oct 9, 2011

Aaaargh! Nikaidou SMASH editor!

Murder is still a crime last time I checked.

Also, this editor is an idiot, an artist can't just change their artsyle, and you shouldn't force the mangaka to fit the manga, make the manga fit the mangaka.

last edited at Dec 2, 2019 8:54PM

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