Forum › Yamada to Kase-san discussion

joined Jun 25, 2019

Just look to Yaoi and all the seme/uke dynamic, a same sex relation still have a power dynamic and lesbiens are no exceptions.

Not all power dynamics are sexual my god. The fact you brought that up to begin with tells me all i need to know about how you view same sex relationships.

You're the one talking about sexual, i'm not. But that also said how you see same sex relation. It seem that for you,there is only power dynamics in a het relation when gays and lesbiens didn't have any.

joined Feb 23, 2016

I want more dammit.. i want a chapter where Yamada want to kiss Kase.. a good and long one

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 2:48PM

joined May 1, 2013

God, I honestly cannot understand anyone not finding it the creepiest thing in the world that Kase came because Yamada was wearing a yukata and therefore had to be protected, and not because she just wanted to see her girlfriend for a nice night. In any other story, that'd be an ominous sign of darkness to come. Here, it's about, "If a gross old man hits on Yamada at a festival in Tokyo, it'll risk chipping away at her sweet innocent purity (and it's Kase's job to do that)."
You are blatantly wrong.

Oh, give me a thousand breaks; she came because of Yamada and we all know it.

joined Nov 2, 2013

Just look to Yaoi and all the seme/uke dynamic, a same sex relation still have a power dynamic and lesbiens are no exceptions.

Not all power dynamics are sexual my god. The fact you brought that up to begin with tells me all i need to know about how you view same sex relationships.

You're the one talking about sexual, i'm not. But that also said how you see same sex relation. It seem that for you,there is only power dynamics in a het relation when gays and lesbiens didn't have any.

I dont know how you spun this conversation this bad. Im talking about people being controlling of their partners in general and you brought up the seme/uke thing. Which refers to gay male sex and who is the receiver of anal and the top. Nothing to do with what im talking about here. Actually try to pay attention instead of bringing up gross fetishization of homosexuals.

Edit: yes i realize power dynamics exist in any relationship but they shouldnt unless they are unhealthy. Like they are becoming with kase and yamada because the author insists they follow gender roles from a het relationship.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 2:46PM

joined Feb 23, 2016

Mikawa is the real hero of this story. She handles getting unexpectedly turned into a third wheel with a night out with her best friend very gracefully.

Also seriously did the authors really try to portray her going two feet away to talk to her friends for like thirty seconds as a terrible moment where Yamada was forlorn and abandoned and Kase needed to rush in and rescue her?

She was just feeling lonely without Kase, so it was more like a sign she felt empty without her.. didn't you notice that she kept thinking about kase when she returned back? She got sad when she noticed Kase wasn’t at the spot she waited at when they went to high school. It’s missing someone you love dearly. Because when you are in love it tends to feel like that. Mikawa is seriously a very good friend, but i don’t think the author tried to make her look bad.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 2:46PM

joined Aug 26, 2018
You are blatantly wrong.

Oh, give me a thousand breaks; she came because of Yamada and we all know it.

I mean... yeah. She came to see the fireworks with Yamada. That was not the thing you were wrong about.
You assume she came to protect Yamada, even though there is not a single hint for this in the entire chapter. She only makes a remark at the end that she was worried about Yamada in a Yukata, but she doesn't give it as a reason for coming here. She knew that Yamada was out with Miwachi and she usually doesn't beat around the bush with this stuff.

I would even make a case that the entire last 2 pages weren't actually Kase's honest thoughts. I think she was just embarassed about her own sexual desires going overboard when Yamada dresses this way and used skeevy guys as an excuse to reduce the danger of herself being so conscious of it next time.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 2:43PM

joined May 1, 2013

Mikawa is the real hero of this story. She handles getting unexpectedly turned into a third wheel with a night out with her best friend very gracefully.

Also seriously did the authors really try to portray her going two feet away to talk to her friends for like thirty seconds as a terrible moment where Yamada was forlorn and abandoned and Kase needed to rush in and rescue her?

She was just feeling lonely without Kase, so it was more like a sign she felt empty without her.. because when you are in love it tends to feel like that. Mikawa is seriously a very good friend, but i don’t think the author tried to make her look bad.

My point is more trying to unconvincingly manufacture a "Kase is awesome and will rescue me!" moment while also trying to have nothing particularly bad going on.

Goddddd this is like such basic bad relationship shit, too. Don't worry, kids, if you have a brief moment where you're apart from your girlfriend and feel lonely, it'll be okay! She'll have dropped everything in her life and rushed over to save you before you even knew you needed it! Communication is for people whose girlfriends don't love them enough to always be hovering nearby ready to swoop in and rescue them!

This exact same story and dialogue, with a different art style, would be taut melodrama about a toxic relationship.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also seriously did the authors really try to portray her going two feet away to talk to her friends for like thirty seconds as a terrible moment where Yamada was forlorn and abandoned and Kase needed to rush in and rescue her?

No, as a matter of fact the author did not do that. Yamada wasn't "forlorn and abandoned," she simply had a moment alone to reflect that, even though she had been looking forward to going to the fireworks and everything was going along smoothly enough, she was actually not having as much fun as she expected because she missed her girlfriend.

(This is me at pretty much every major social event of my youth and young adulthood (minus the girlfriend in the picture)--get psyched up to go and then at some point realizing it wasn't as much fun as I'd hoped.)

This chapter is the familiar dynamic of the series--Kase came because she wanted to be with Yamada (it is her own hometown, too, of course), then she's blown away by how adorable Yamada is in her yukata, and then her (over-) protective instinct kicks in.

It's true that the story you made up in your head is pretty creepy, though.

EDIT: And once again, it's true, as always--if this story were really different, it would be different.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 2:48PM

joined May 1, 2013
You are blatantly wrong.

Oh, give me a thousand breaks; she came because of Yamada and we all know it.

I mean... yeah. She came to see the fireworks with Yamada. That was not the thing you were wrong about.
You assume she came to protect Yamada, even though there is not a single hint for this in the entire chapter. She only makes a remark at the end that she was worried about Yamada in a Yukata, but she doesn't give it as a reason for coming here. She knew that Yamada was out with Miwachi and she usually doesn't beat around the bush with this stuff.

I would even make a case that the entire last 2 pages weren't actually Kase's honest thoughts. I think she was just embarassed about her own sexual desires going overboard when Yamada dresses this way and used skeevy guys as an excuse to reduce the danger of herself being so conscious of it next time.

Her asides WEREN'T her actual thoughts, but what she says when awkwardly explaining her presence to an acquaintance is?

(also holy damn that is a seriously screwed-up way to deal with your own sexual desires, even if you're right)

joined Feb 23, 2016

My point is more trying to unconvincingly manufacture a "Kase is awesome and will rescue me!" moment while also trying to have nothing particularly bad going on.

Goddddd this is like such basic bad relationship shit, too. Don't worry, kids, if you have a brief moment where you're apart from your girlfriend and feel lonely, it'll be okay! She'll have dropped everything in her life and rushed over to save you before you even knew you needed it! Communication is for people whose girlfriends don't love them enough to always be hovering nearby ready to swoop in and rescue them!

This exact same story and dialogue, with a different art style, would be taut melodrama about a toxic relationship.

Well she did try to call her. And obviously it’s not only Yamada that feels lonely though, Kase loves her just as much, and that’s her hometown too, plus we see more of Yamada’s point of view and not Kase.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Edit: yes i realize power dynamics exist in any relationship but they shouldnt unless they are unhealthy. Like they are becoming with kase and yamada because the author insists they follow gender roles from a het relationship.

Why always go to the het side directly ? Kase just put Yamada on a pedestal and assume that everyone think like her a.k.a a head over heel girl. It's not a problem of dynamic, Kase just love Yamada too much always assume the worst because she know Yamada is a fairly naive girl and she think she had to protect her from all the wolves.

we see more of Yamada’s point of view and not Kase.

We have seen only Yamada's POV beside one flashback chapter of Kase when they doesn't even know each other yet. We only know Kase POV when she said it to Yamada, i wish sometime we had some Kase POV chapter rather than wait to have her talking with Yamada.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 3:00PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Her asides WEREN'T her actual thoughts, but what she says when awkwardly explaining her presence to an acquaintance is?

(also holy damn that is a seriously screwed-up way to deal with your own sexual desires, even if you're right)

Sorry I have no idea what you are getting at. Awkwardly? She just without any trouble said she came to see the fireworks. It wasn't portrayed as an excuse and she was not nervous about it or showed any other signs of just making things up. She was perfectly happy with everything until she got overly conscious of Yamada's sexiness.

Really now? How many times in a yuri manga does one partner get embarrassed at how the other dresses and says that's not allowed or something else cute in that regard. It's a very obvious show of embarrassment and is typically portrayed in a comedic light. You seem to perceive it differently because of the previous trust issues brought up in the manga, but they aren't related.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 2:58PM

joined Dec 31, 2018

Oh Yamada, you lucky girl..

joined May 1, 2013

Also seriously did the authors really try to portray her going two feet away to talk to her friends for like thirty seconds as a terrible moment where Yamada was forlorn and abandoned and Kase needed to rush in and rescue her?

No, as a matter of fact the author did not do that. Yamada wasn't "forlorn and abandoned," she simply had a moment alone to reflect that, even though she had been looking forward to going to the fireworks and everything was going along smoothly enough, she was actually not having as much fun as she expected because she missed her girlfriend.

(This is me at pretty much every major social event of my youth and young adulthood (minus the girlfriend in the picture)--get psyched up to go and then at some point realizing it wasn't as much fun as I'd hoped.)

This chapter is the familiar dynamic of the series--Kase came because she wanted to be with Yamada (it is her own hometown, too, of course), then she's blown away by how adorable Yamada is in her yukata, and then her (over-) protective instinct kicks in.

It's true that the story you made up in your head is pretty creepy, though.

EDIT: And once again, it's true, as always--if this story were really different, it would be different.

The author makes choices and those choices show up in the story though?

The author chose to create that moment: Yamada alone, feeling awkward and sad, not expecting Kase to show up. Then... angels sing Kase is there! It is very clearly a manufactured "rescue" scenario. Kase could have shown up at any time. She could have gotten through on the phone. They could have discussed meeting first. Instead, the social moment was created, and Kase showed up right then.

Similarly, the author could have chosen to NOT portray Yamada as a tiny child who can't take care of herself, but instead, she puts on shoes that render her unable to walk. And again... Kase is there!

THIS is the context for Kase's "A creepy man will hit on you!" thing. This is a world that constantly puts Yamada in situations where she's helpless and bereft (but also aren't ever too threatening, because that would wreck the mood), and then Kase runs in and rescues her.

This, with any degree of realism, is a horrible dynamic. Yamada never expresses her needs, and she can't take care of herself, and Kase is just expected to know and show up suddenly when she's needed. And people here are saying something very close to "Oh, Kase just loves Yamada so much and is so attracted to her, she feels like she needs to hold her close and keep her away from men!" and holllyyyyy shit that's exactly terrifying.

So, like, we could have a functional pair of girlfriends who communicate with one another... or, we could have the author's obvious fantasy of a knight rushing in to save the helpless damsel over and over and over again.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I've been trying hard to never engage concerning the latter, but the lines do get blurry at times.

We humans may like strict, carefully delineated boundaries, but nature isn't so picky.
~ Phil Plait

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 3:04PM

joined Jul 23, 2019

This face

always heals my soul.

joined Jun 25, 2019

So, like, we could have a functional pair of girlfriends who communicate with one another...

It can be if Yamada wasn't that much of a goofball.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The author chose to create that moment: Yamada alone, feeling awkward and sad, not expecting Kase to show up. Then... angels sing Kase is there! It is very clearly a manufactured "rescue" scenario. Kase could have shown up at any time. She could have gotten through on the phone. They could have discussed meeting first. Instead, the social moment was created, and Kase showed up right then.

It’s true—the unexpected Kase rescue is one of the repeated tropes of the series. The negative reading you prefer to put on it depends on a great deal of imagining that this series isn’t this series but some other, more realistic and psychologically toxic series.

Actually the same could be said for almost any series you can think of—change the premises, change the art style, put a different spin on the expressions and body language, and you can make YagaKimi, Hana ni Arashi, or Isn’t the Moon Beautiful? into horrifying cautionary tales of dysfunctional relationships. So what?

Similarly, the author could have chosen to NOT portray Yamada as a tiny child who can't take care of herself, but instead, she puts on shoes that render her unable to walk. And again... Kase is there!

Sorry, now you’re just being ridiculous—it’s an inalterable law in Japan that the first time anyone wears geta to a fireworks festival they are required to injure their feet and need band-aids from a Good Samaritan. (Also unaccustomed high heels at an amusement park.)

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 3:18PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Kase is a friggin hornball, while Yamada is a lamb ready for the slaughter.

That's how they've been portrayed from the beginning.

Also, Kase is possessive.

joined Feb 15, 2019

I think I'm finally starting to realize that Kase's whole "could you please not wear that" schpeal is more for her sake than any jealousy over the boys seeing her.

joined Sep 14, 2015

The horny one is you, Kase

joined Aug 26, 2018

I think I'm finally starting to realize that Kase's whole "could you please not wear that" schpeal is more for her sake than any jealousy over the boys seeing her.

Someone gets it.

joined Oct 10, 2018

A little disappointed that Kase hasn't grown up from being a bit possessive of Yamada in her outfit-wearing habits, but that doesn't change the fact that this chapter was adorable. Also, shoutout to Mikawacchi for being the ultimate wingwoman.

joined Jan 27, 2016

I would be a lot more patient with Kase's possessiveness if it were portrayed at all as an issue in their relationship that they need to work on but instead it's pretty clearly supposed to be viewed as romantic and chivalrous which is just not how I'm going to view trying to control what your partner wears or where she goes. This continuation has a lot less of the charm of the original series and I think it's largely because Kase's protectiveness of Yamada was cute in the contained and familiar context of high school but now it's stifling in the context of Yamada actually becoming a functional adult and expanding her horizons while Kase firmly tries to keep her the same.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 4:00PM

joined Nov 2, 2013

I would be a lot more patient with Kase's possessiveness if it were portrayed at all as an issue in their relationship that they need to work on but instead it's pretty clearly supposed to be viewed as romantic and chivalrous which is just not how I'm going to view trying to control what your partner wears or where she goes. This continuation has a lot less of the charm of the original series and I think it's largely because Kase's protectiveness of Yamada was cute in the contained and familiar context of high school but now it's stifling in the context of Yamada actually becoming a functional adult and expanding her horizons while Kase firmly tries to keep her the same.

Well said

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