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joined Aug 4, 2018

so soon they'll be entering their married- I mean adult career part of their lives.

But they've been married for a long time now.

Theyre are? U sure?

Since Chapter 1, yeah.

The night of the first day they met, that was their wedding night.

joined Dec 7, 2013

Aren't thumb rings an old school (western/US?) identifier for lesbians? I wonder what popular foreign drama series Sakurako was watching.

yeah, it's definitely an oldschool stereotype rather than something that's still common nowadays, but around here it used to be specifically a silver ring on your right thumb, though i've heard black thumb rings were the stereotype in other places.

it was pretty big in popular culture in the '90s and into the '00s (honestly probably much more common in popular culture than actually being a big thing irl lol), but it's mostly faded out now anyway.

last edited at Oct 1, 2019 12:01PM

joined Aug 16, 2018

"If you're gonna punch me, do it barehanded!"
Lol lol, Sakurako just can't control her weird fetishes.

At least, when she asked Kasumi to sit on her face, she had the excuse of being drunk.

joined Jul 29, 2017

“What would you wish for?”

“That we would always be together and be happy.”

“That’s like, not even a wish. That’s just—what is.”

joined Apr 27, 2014

Ohh it got licensed...that's great but I need to know if the main "couple" gets rid of the heavy subtext and actually move onto something more tangible before buying :O

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ohh it got licensed...that's great but I need to know if the main "couple" gets rid of the heavy subtext and actually move onto something more tangible before buying :O

What subtext ? Why people still talk about subtext ? I dunno if living together throught HIgh school and college and planning to stay together after college is tangible enough for you, it's just could be just a heavy case of friendship. In all seriousness, there no subtext whatsoever or maybe in the first volume and again it's not very subtle. It's worth buying it, even if honorofics are absent because it's an english release.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I bought 'em all and will keep buying 'em.

And there is a big fat Yuri tag on this story. Let's not use the S-word ever again for this story about the gayest woman ever born and her pet-wife.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Ohh it got licensed...that's great but I need to know if the main "couple" gets rid of the heavy subtext and actually move onto something more tangible before buying :O

What subtext ? Why people still talk about subtext ? I dunno if living together through HIgh school and college and planning to stay together after college is tangible enough for you, it's just could be just a heavy case of friendship. In all seriousness, there no subtext whatsoever or maybe in the first volume and again it's not very subtle.

Oh, come on--in Japan, matching thumb rings with both peoples' names and the date are called "subtext rings."

joined Jun 25, 2019

Still mad that Amazon delay Vol.6 to November but Yuri Ichigo said on Twitter that Vol.7 will be release on November in Japan.

Oh, come on--in Japan, matching thumb rings with both peoples' names and the date are called "subtext rings."

DIdn't you know that getting matching rings with your roomate who live with you since 7 years is not gay . You're just super friends.

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 12:51PM

joined Dec 3, 2018

What subtext ? Why people still talk about subtext ? I dunno if living together throught HIgh school and college and planning to stay together after college is tangible enough for you, it's just could be just a heavy case of friendship. In all seriousness, there no subtext whatsoever or maybe in the first volume and again it's not very subtle. It's worth buying it, even if honorofics are absent because it's an english release.

7 years, no confessions, no romantic kisses, no sex. Come on, meanwhile their lesbian friends are open about the fact that they are fucking. It's subtext, plain and simple. This series will pull a symphogear and get an off-screen confession after the credit roll.

joined Dec 20, 2018

7 years, no confessions, no romantic kisses, no sex.

Eh, I'll give you the "no sex", but Sakurako has been very clear about her feelings, and this is one of the most romantic kisses in existence.

joined Jun 25, 2019

What subtext ? Why people still talk about subtext ? I dunno if living together throught HIgh school and college and planning to stay together after college is tangible enough for you, it's just could be just a heavy case of friendship. In all seriousness, there no subtext whatsoever or maybe in the first volume and again it's not very subtle. It's worth buying it, even if honorofics are absent because it's an english release.

7 years, no confessions, no romantic kisses, no sex. Come on, meanwhile their lesbian friends are open about the fact that they are fucking. It's subtext, plain and simple. This series will pull a symphogear and get an off-screen confession after the credit roll.

You're serious here ? Because if you're i suggest to open your eyes. There is no subtext at all between Sakurako and Kasumi. People only said subtext because they're frustrated that Sakurako and Kasumi does nothing explicitly romantic when thet are multiples instances of sweet moments between the two. Both families already treat them like they're going out with Kasumi's mom calling Sakurako daughter in law If you're calling this series subtext, you're heavily delusional

joined Jan 6, 2017

What subtext ? Why people still talk about subtext ? I dunno if living together throught HIgh school and college and planning to stay together after college is tangible enough for you, it's just could be just a heavy case of friendship. In all seriousness, there no subtext whatsoever or maybe in the first volume and again it's not very subtle. It's worth buying it, even if honorofics are absent because it's an english release.

7 years, no confessions, no romantic kisses, no sex. Come on, meanwhile their lesbian friends are open about the fact that they are fucking. It's subtext, plain and simple. This series will pull a symphogear and get an off-screen confession after the credit roll.

Not everyone needs confessions. And what makes all of the kisses that they've had not romantic?
This argument has already happened so many times, so please don't start it again.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Why are you even giving that buffoon any attention? That comment very much reeks of bait. Like, every single point is specifically something annoying people said in the past and were corrected on dozens of times. It's just too much ignorance in one post to be real.

Let's not feed the troll everyone.

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 1:40PM

joined Jun 12, 2015

One step closer to the marriage arc. And nice to see Asuza and Suzu again.

joined Dec 3, 2018

Eh, I'll give you the "no sex", but Sakurako has been very clear about her feelings, and this is one of the most romantic kisses in existence.

Really low bar if a kiss on the cheek is one of the most romantic kisses you have ever seen.

People only said subtext because they're frustrated that Sakurako and Kasumi does nothing explicitly romantic

Literal definition of subtext.

Not everyone needs confessions. And what makes all of the kisses that they've had not romantic?
This argument has already happened so many times, so please don't start it again.

No, some people just need two girls on the same panel. Doesn't mean I should lower my own standards. Almost every single kiss has a non romantic reason behind it to explain why they did it besides being in love, such as sharing a piece of candy. And no, I was directly replying to someone so how am I the one starting this? It's already started.

That comment very much reeks of bait.

Must be easier to call my post bait rather than explain why one couple is in an open relationship that explicitly has sex while the main "couple"s most romantic moment is a kiss on the cheek.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Context means nothing to the yuri police, folks. Don’t bother engaging.

joined Nov 8, 2017

I missed chapter 58 when it released. I don't know how to feel about Kasumi having black hair now. lol

joined Jun 25, 2019

Guess i will not bother talking with such a blockhead. Dunno how 2 girls behaving literraly like a married couple with romantic moments is subtext to you but you must be really fun at party. They already state that they don't feel the need to put their love into words or actions because they don't see the point. But i guess you need to see them fuck like rabbits on screen to get off the subtext.

Bonus :

Must be easier to call my post bait rather than explain why one couple is in an open relationship that explicitly has sex while the main "couple"s most romantic moment is a kiss on the cheek.

Explicitly ? Riruko is already embarrased enough from holding hand in public and you think they have an active sex life ? Did you read another manga or what ?

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 9:18PM

joined Dec 3, 2018

Context means nothing to the yuri police, folks. Don’t bother engaging.

Context is what subtext is built around. Such as the context of one couple being in an open lesbian relationship while the main couple still hides behind cheek kisses.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Context means nothing to the yuri police, folks. Don’t bother engaging.

Context is what subtext is built around. Such as the context of one couple being in an open lesbian relationship while the main couple still hides behind cheek kisses.

Who believe that in the end of 2019, someone is serious about calling Skurako and Kasumi relation "subtext" ? The only one open with the relation is Moka, Riruko is more reserved about this and i don't think she is ready enough to assume it fully. Sakurako and Kasumi don't "hide" behind anything since everyone and their dogs can understand they love each other, well everyone expect you apparently. You know that reals couples don't make out and talk about their relation all the time .

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 9:34PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

No, seriously, folks—this one will just belabor the point until everyone gets tired of it. Don’t bother, let it go.

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 9:33PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

No, seriously, folks—this one will just belabor the point until everyone gets tired of it. Don’t bother, let it go.

Or Nez come and ban everyone.

joined Dec 3, 2018

Who believe that in the end of 2019, someone is serious about calling Skurako and Kasumi relation "subtext" ? The only one open with the relation is Moka, Riruko is more reserved about this and i don't think she is ready enough to assume it fully. Sakurako and Kasumi don't "hide" behind anything since everyone and their dogs can understand they love each other, well everyone expect you apparently. You know that reals couples don't make out and talk about their relation all the time .

It's 2019 and you still can't admit that you are fine with subtext yuri. It doesn't haven't to be a taboo word, embrace it if you think it's fine. I still read and enjoy the series, I'm just not dumb enough to claim it's anything but subtext.

They already state that they don't feel the need to put their love into words or actions because they don't see the point.

They don't want to put it into words but you and I do. I call it subtext, you don't. But just remember that when they moved into a new apartment Kasumi wanted to get separate beds.

But i guess you need to see them fuck like rabbits on screen to get off the subtext

Nope, I already stated that proper confessions or even a romantic kiss that doesn't involve sharing candy would be fine. But I guess strawmen are the only things youre comfortable with arguing.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Like I said . . .

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