Forum › Useless Princesses discussion

joined Feb 18, 2013

Izumi looked in the mirror and went "holy shit, I look like a harem protagonist! I need to get on that shit!"

joined Jun 6, 2013

Ok. Izumi is officially a piece of shit.

I agree.

Yep. Nanaki is right, things are just freaking not fun and drama AF between them. Only one it's not complicated with is Kuro's otaku friend.

last edited at Aug 17, 2019 2:05AM

joined Jul 18, 2017

guys it's pretty obvious what Izumi is doing
she's trying to convince Fujishiro and Kurokawa that they don't have feelings for each other so that she can take Fujishiro for herself

joined Oct 15, 2016

guys it's pretty obvious what Izumi is doing
she's trying to convince Fujishiro and Kurokawa that they don't have feelings for each other so that she can take Fujishiro for herself

Yep. Izumi is quite clearly planting the seeds of uncertainty to either make a move on Nanaki on the near future, or she secretly hates Kurokawa because, just like Kurokawa herself said, Nanaki and her aren't equal at all. I think the 2nd one is the least likely scenario since she stand up for Kurokawa in the past, but maybe things changed once she found out they both had feelings for each other.

joined Sep 25, 2015

First time reading this. Nanaki's personality change felt too quick for me. Feels like it wasn't developed enough or something. Also, why does everyone have pubic hair on their cheeks at times?

joined Jun 3, 2014

I don't know about you guys but I think Izumi is just gaslighting and being homophobic.

joined May 1, 2013

I still don't understand, if the author really really wanted us to think it's great that one girl had a make-over, why'd she draw her to look better before the makeover?

I'm distracted by Izumi's dainty little wristwatch. It's doggedly part of her character design. Maybe it's to help her keep from looking too tomboyish? I dunno.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I still don't understand, if the author really really wanted us to think it's great that one girl had a make-over, why'd she draw her to look better before the makeover?

I was thinking that too. Kurokawa looked better before the make over. Now she looks too plain and bland

joined Oct 1, 2014


joined Aug 17, 2019

Guess Izumi noticed that she didn’t convinced Fujishiro about the “friendship” feelings so she’s going to try it on Kurokawa plus she also hopes the otaku girl and Fujishiro get some time together to rise up the tension (which she already noticed) and maybe even a fight between them. With that otaku girl will lead Kurokawa away from Fujishiro, who is going to be heart broken and vulnerable, perfect time for an approach and finally having Nanaki all for herself.

Series started out good now idk what to expect

joined Nov 12, 2013

Nah Izumi is just sensibly aware of Nanaki's feelings and wants her to be happy with Kurokawa even if it means Izumi herself doesn't end up with Nanaki. She seems to be the more selfless and sensitive type of character.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Again, I'm going to re-iterate my position on the recent chapters in general, and Izumi within them specifically:

Does anyone else feel the smell of overly grilled trout and overfried onions?

joined Jun 29, 2019

izumi scares me ~smell fishy

joined Sep 1, 2019

Does anyone know when will be the next release? I can't wait for the next chapter >z<

last edited at Sep 1, 2019 5:49AM

joined Oct 10, 2018

I thought Izumi would help them get together at first but now I'm not so sure, she's kinda being a bit odd now.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Failed Lesbians

joined Oct 22, 2018

Failed Lesbians

For Now, Anyways

joined Mar 21, 2019

Some amazing censoring going on here. I actually laughed.

joined Oct 1, 2014

The big gay energy is transcending in everyone.
Time to awoken! It's the power of a school trip!

joined Sep 14, 2019



joined Mar 13, 2014

Look at that face and tell me Izumi isn't going to brutally murder Kurokawa

joined Jul 1, 2019

touching faces?? thats GAY

joined Oct 26, 2018

How the story is right now:

"They has us in the first half. Not gonna lie"

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