Forum › Pocha Climb! discussion

joined Aug 27, 2013

Anything can be yuri

Yuri can be anything!

I loved the donut song, & Tsugu isn't the least bit fat, but it's manga so that's expected :p

Aira looks literally exactly the same as before, but she doesn't recognize her? Lolz. I guess a lot of time has passed so it's ok, just funny.
And have no fear Malibu! Aira is as gay as all get-out! Even if Tsugumi is oblivious... but also gay too :-)

joined Aug 16, 2018

Anything can be yuri

Rules of the internet:

34.1. If something exists, there is yuri of it, no exceptions.

34.102. If there is no yuri of it, it will be made.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Yuri goggles made of donuts, better than ever.

joined Sep 5, 2018

Aira said:
I think bouldering… is a good way to lose weight…

No, it’s not… It’s a good way to lose fat, but you’ll end up gaining the same amount of weight in muscles. The result is pretty good, but if you only worship the scales, you’ll end up disappointed.

Nya-chan said:
And most of all, in climbing, there are ropes.

If they stick to bouldering, no, there aren’t.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Aira said:
I think bouldering… is a good way to lose weight…

No, it’s not… It’s a good way to lose fat, but you’ll end up gaining the same amount of weight in muscles. The result is pretty good, but if you only worship the scales, you’ll end up disappointed.

I just think Aira said that for tricking Tsugu to come in the club.

joined May 1, 2019

Gay bouldering donuts.

joined Oct 15, 2014


last edited at Sep 11, 2019 8:28PM

joined Jan 9, 2019


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

HUm....Isn't Aira-chan way to skinny?

it looks realistic to me, at least that's what the tall skinny girls who play sports look like where I live

joined May 28, 2012

Great cute art and promising story.

joined Nov 8, 2017

g a e

Also I hope there's actual Yuri

It looks like this will be good either way though

last edited at Sep 12, 2019 4:24PM

joined Oct 10, 2018

Not if it only goes up to 3 meters with a large mat under it. Really not dangerous at all.

Makes sense but, as safe as 3 meters with a safety mat is, it doesn't mean accidents don't happen.

That aside, climbing 3 meters only is just no fun.

Yeah, I guess they don't have bigger ones at that school. They are actually shown to be mobile and not built into the actual walls. I bet they have to go to a specialized climbing hall if they want to do more advanced stuff.

We used to have one in our elementary school... in Maine... in a small town. I wonder how we got the budget for it.

Still she is chubby (nothing wrong with that), by anime standards she's more round then her childhood friend in the face if you look closely.

last edited at Sep 13, 2019 1:08AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Still she is chubby (nothing wrong with that), by anime standards she's more round then her childhood friend in the face if you look closely.

Her legs are also far thicker than the other girls'. Basically she is the "pretty chubby" that anime and cartoons always have. Otherwise sometimes called "thicc" by people who hate spelling.

joined Dec 30, 2018

Mmmmm new yuri was born
Very nice very nice

joined Jul 22, 2018

art is fluffy

joined Aug 13, 2018

Donuts, CGDCT, girls in sports wear, and yuri all in one? Masterpiece.

last edited at Sep 14, 2019 2:11AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I was dumb enough to ignore this for a few days, until I noticed it had my favourite tag: childhood friends.

Now I can sleep peacefully in the knowledge that I'm not an idiot afterall.

last edited at Sep 14, 2019 7:22PM

joined Apr 11, 2016

Yuru Climb! Featuring Shimarin's athletic cousin and Nadeshiko's donut focused incarnation (childhood friend edition).
Jokes aside, I'm glad we got more "cute girls doing a specific activity (cutely)" manga. Gonna keep my eye on it.

joined Sep 9, 2015

I'm not going to bother quoting all the things in this thread I wanted to since many say similar things. I think I opened at least 5 tabs worth I wanted to comment on. Instead I'll just drop some knowledge.

In the USA, I'd say the first exposure to this sport is some form of a climbing wall in school, most likely with a rope or automatic belay system that one can hook into without a second person with a rope. That is NOT bouldering. Bouldering is climbing on a wall maybe 15-20 feet in height (indoors there are usually padded mats, outdoor they use movable drop mats). I would say with the upcoming Olympics that Sport Climbing is gaining a lot of traction in Japan seeing as they seem to have a pretty strong team.

I have been regularly going to an indoor climbing gym and I almost never use the ropes, or the auto belay system - it is a different area of the gym entirely! This is more due to not having a regular partner to climb with (and not caring to join strangers lol). Bouldering is a nice gateway to the sport if you are OK with taking some falls and learning your limits. I am also very scared of heights! Bouldering has helped immensely with this fear.

The only real trigger for me in this thread was

Wall climbing is just simply not something that can keep you engaged for long. After a year pretty much everyone can climb most courses. It's not even something most people would consider a hobby (unless you combine it with parkouring). If this is entirely about the yuri, then the wall-climbing should not be the central premise or the titular focus!

This is entirely bullshit on both the climbing point and the yuri point.
1) If climbing/bouldering were that easy, where is the skill involved? Did you know that for some of the finger training, there is a MINIMUM requirement of a couple of years to even focus that kind of training, lest you bruise/blow out tendons in your fingers? No, you wouldn't. This is TMI for the whole thread really, but as an athlete I've learned to not be dismissive of almost any sport.
2) Climbing is part of the plot of getting them to have an interest. If you want another generic love story, go look for not a sport yuri lol. These series are fun usually because they integrate real techniques and skills. Oftentimes, they go a little out of this world (first thing that comes to mind is something like Prince of Tennis), but it's FICTION and it's fun.
...I personally like this genre to be more realistic, though.

Lastly, let me initiate everyone into some easy watching! Over the past year or so I've been watching IFSC Lead and Bouldering competitions. Why? Because the ladies are strong and HOT! LOL. Real talk, they have muscle, the moves are so, so strong and difficult to execute, and the sport is dynamic and fun to watch at times. Ages range from maybe 15-30ish.
Link to IFSC World Championships in Hachioji, Womens and Mens bouldering

joined Aug 26, 2018

The only real trigger for me in this thread was

Wall climbing is just simply not something that can keep you engaged for long. After a year pretty much everyone can climb most courses. It's not even something most people would consider a hobby (unless you combine it with parkouring). If this is entirely about the yuri, then the wall-climbing should not be the central premise or the titular focus!

This is entirely bullshit on both the climbing point and the yuri point.
1) If climbing/bouldering were that easy, where is the skill involved? Did you know that for some of the finger training, there is a MINIMUM requirement of a couple of years to even focus that kind of training, lest you bruise/blow out tendons in your fingers? No, you wouldn't. This is TMI for the whole thread really, but as an athlete I've learned to not be dismissive of almost any sport.
2) Climbing is part of the plot of getting them to have an interest. If you want another generic love story, go look for not a sport yuri lol. These series are fun usually because they integrate real techniques and skills. Oftentimes, they go a little out of this world (first thing that comes to mind is something like Prince of Tennis), but it's FICTION and it's fun.
...I personally like this genre to be more realistic, though.

First of all, don't get triggered so easily, thanks.
1) Look I was just talking about climbing the damn thing. Ropes and gear involved of course. It's entirely possible to do without being an athlete. Of course you can't do it in record time or take the hardest routes, but pretty much anyone who practiced a bit can climb almost any course. It is utterly ridiculous to assume that these girls will be even interested to go anywhere near pro level or trying to make it their career. You can be specialized in anything, but that doesn't change the fact that wall climbing is at best seen as a one-off passtime at the local climbing park (in which you climb dozens of different contraptions, not just the wall).

2) I honestly don't care. Like I said, this is clearly supposed to be focused on the romance aspect, but puts the "bouldering" first, despite how basic it is. There is not nearly enough material in that "sport" to keep this interesting if the climbing is the actual focus. Clearly it's a background element and could be replaced with literally any other work out type.
If you are honestly interested in learning about a sport, this isn't a very good method. I refer you to Anima Yell which taught the absolute basics of cheerleading, but in the end you learn basically noithing about it. Because the cheerleading was only a vessel for the comedy and character development. These CGDCT manga know exactly how much unecessary sports exposition they can get away with. It's a fine balance.

last edited at Sep 16, 2019 2:55AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Did I get diabetes yet?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yeah,it was a dream to think they're always be the only two in the club.

joined Feb 28, 2018

She's trying so hard to be a good boyfriend.

joined Mar 2, 2019

What the heck, Aria is the most adorable thing ever.

joined Mar 6, 2012

Here comes the 3rd girl. Rip any chance of them being gay together

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