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joined Oct 10, 2016

I was just like "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE FUCK THIS SHIT, I'M ABANDONING THIS" but then this small stuff saved me.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I really love this Manga but if Blackmailing is coming i dropp it. I hate Blackmailing, Rape etc. If this is coming now i drop it

Probably your best bet is to wait and see if it happens.

I could be wrong, and it could just be a matter of a feeling, but at this point, anyway, I don’t get the impression that’s where this is going.

In terms of the previous flashbacks, in the current arc we haven’t seen things go any further in their relationship/intimacy than we had already—i.e., kissing, some clothes in disarray. We know their connection at this time was short-lived, and Asuka never gave her mother any hint that there was anything special going on with Miyuki.

In general, as I’ve said before, the flashback cues have suggested that the past encounter with Miyuki was unpleasant, as indicated by the “Liar” memory, but not severely traumatic.

The trajectory of this narrative has been kind of hard to figure at times, so maybe the story will up the ante here into the kinds of things you’re worried about. But right now I don’t think so.

joined Aug 22, 2016

ch13.55? Seems legit.

(I know, I know...)

joined Sep 9, 2017

I really love this Manga but if Blackmailing is coming i dropp it. I hate Blackmailing, Rape etc. If this is coming now i drop it

Considering that Taiyaki repeatedly trolled us with that one a few times already I seriously doubt it. More importantly, Asuka and Miyuki on a relatively good terms in the present, so that definitely not going to be the case. I hope.

joined Apr 21, 2018

I really love this Manga but if Blackmailing is coming i dropp it. I hate Blackmailing, Rape etc. If this is coming now i drop it

Probably your best bet is to wait and see if it happens.

I could be wrong, and it could just be a matter of a feeling, but at this point, anyway, I don’t get the impression that’s where this is going.

In terms of the previous flashbacks, in the current arc we haven’t seen things go any further in their relationship/intimacy than we had already—i.e., kissing, some clothes in disarray. We know their connection at this time was short-lived, and Asuka never gave her mother any hint that there was anything special going on with Miyuki.

In general, as I’ve said before, the flashback cues have suggested that the past encounter with Miyuki was unpleasant, as indicated by the “Liar” memory, but not severely traumatic.

The trajectory of this narrative has been kind of hard to figure at times, so maybe the story will up the ante here into the kinds of things you’re worried about. But right now I don’t think so.

I hope your right. I really like this Manga and i dont wanna drop it but if this disgusting blackmail/rape is coming i gonna run

joined Sep 16, 2014


Could be, Miyuki in the present time (no flashback) seems to know Asuka likes her mom, she probably started saying "Mom" when they were making out and suddenly Miyuki stopped.

Props to Komi028 for a dead-on call here.

I’ve seen worse-executed examples of “Exposition and/as Foreplay” than this one. . .

Thanks, and it was pretty obvious this was gonna happen once you start thinking about it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Given her particular flavour of strangeness I'd consider it rather more likely that Miyuki finds the whole thing absolutely fascinating and will bug the Hell out of Asuka to learn more (incidentally obliging the latter to reflect on the matter far more explicitly than she'd have done otherwise).
...not that she's likely to stop trying to get into Asuka's pants just because of that, she looked like she'd just realised some weird new fetish... is this NTR?

joined Aug 22, 2016

The stupid thing about this situation is it's a HUGE LEAP to assume why she was even accidentally calling out her moms name. In any other situation, I would assume she's nervously calling out her mom's name like a young person might do in a particularly tense situation seeking some kind of help, instead of actually thinking of doing dirty things with her mom.

Shhhh. She's a fast learner, she learnt this was a manga and what its plot is.

*hands you "most-witty-comment-of-the-hour-award"

But, srsly, she could have started out to say "No, wait, Mom told me two girls can stil get pregnant and have gay babies, so we maybe should decide on names first" or whatever.

joined Jun 17, 2015

This flashback arc, I sleep. Grooming senpai is offended that Asuka prefers her Mom over basically getting raped, jeez

joined Jul 26, 2016

This flashback arc, I sleep. Grooming senpai is offended that Asuka prefers her Mom over basically getting raped, jeez

Did you miss the "incest is my ~new♥️fetish~" face she's making or something? If anything it looks like Asuka being into her mommy only makes her dick harderis hot af in her books...

joined Feb 9, 2019

Ah. She was going to say "Mom". And is Miyuki now weirded out? Huh? After kinda forcing Asuka into something.

joined Jun 25, 2017

Oh shit!!! She was going to say "mom." All I want is to get back to the present and see some Ayako and Asuka. And possibly Ayakos reaction to this girl!

joined Mar 16, 2018

The flashback continues anon
Will we ever get to the present or will we be forever shackled to the past?

joined Mar 3, 2019

Miyuki-senpai tsk, tsk, tsk... Now that you KNOW, maybe hands off Asuka already...? Or NOT. I'm expecting some subtle blackmailing stuff.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Ah shiz, here we go again

joined Jul 29, 2017

Miyuki-senpai tsk, tsk, tsk... Now that you KNOW, maybe hands off Asuka already...? Or NOT. I'm expecting some subtle blackmailing stuff.

What’s she going to do, threaten to tell people that Asuka wants to have sex with her mother, which she discovered by means of a half-uttered phrase while the two of them were making out?

How exactly does this predicted blackmail scheme work?

joined Jan 17, 2017

She might think her mother abuses her?

joined Jun 25, 2019

She might think her mother abuses her?

joined Oct 10, 2016

Yeah, plot in this manga is more inconsistent than anything. Every new chapter/flashback/introspective/other shit leaves me confused.

joined Jun 20, 2013

oh... god...

joined Apr 27, 2014

That was awkward AF.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Ooooh shiet... she knows!!

joined May 24, 2014

She might think her mother abuses her?

I was hoping for her to suck the mothercon outta asuka

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 1:25AM

We’re never gonna reach 14
I bet the theme of the title is 1/2 and 1/2 and never reaching it

joined Nov 2, 2013

Oh wow that is incredibly awkward

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