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joined Jan 24, 2018

Almost forgot this is transd bi chaosteam......

joined Dec 9, 2014

Also this story is good at the visual hints without telling it directly. When there are hints like that you know the author is at least decent.

For example, Reichi's character design is weird. His face looks like these arrogant antagonists. That's a way for the author to subtly say the readers are not supposed to ship him with Kaoru.
Uta's facial expressions are really spot on and very well depicted. You could actually see in her face how sad she was when she was thinking of Kaoru. It takes talent in drawing to do that. Also the look she gave Kaoru in this chapter.before leaving.
Kaoru wears these type of long baggy clothes that remind me of hospital clothes. Her style shows that she has given up on herself.

Kaoru getting hurt is unavoidable. In fact I think Uta is doing her a favor by leaving now. The more she stayed the more Kaoru able to live in her delusions and as a result even more difficult to leave Reiichi. It's also pretty possible they'd have kids shortly after, which would make it worse.
She is bound to suffer, but one choice will actually help her break free even if temporarily will hurt more.

The way I see this being a positive story, even if it won't have a happy ending like them ending up together, is by showing how Uta taught Kaoru to be able to break free from from that cycle. They still were very important to each other. Not every person who is important ends up being a lover.

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 9:47AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I still want Kaoru/Uta not because I ship them (tbh I think Uta would be better off with her ambiguously bi friend or moving on to university), but because I can see all the signs from the beginning that Kaoru in fact is attracted to Uta at a more subconscious level, and I don’t think her being passive is such a horrible thing.

I mean, it’s usual for people to ignore difficult problems by sticking their head in the sand, or when confronted with painful truths that might completely change their lives as they know it.

Just imagine how Kaoru would be seen by her friends, Uta’s parents, Reiichi etc if she chose to go for Uta. Uta is a teenager, maybe having sex with her isn’t even legal for example! And she would be pointed as not only a lesbian, but also someone who is hooking up with her sister in law, and a teenager! Also she has been living housewife life, but Uta is still not an adult so Uta would probably depend on her etc.

It’s just a very bad situation. Now add up the potential of losing her long-time friend Ritsuko and her best childhood friend and husband which might be cheating with each other.

Who wouldn’t become passive and try to hide in the face of all these issues, when they don’t even have a family to rely on anymore?

All that you say is true, or would be true if these were real people.

As a story, though, it's one thing to stick your characters in a no-win situation with no (apparent) good options then do something amazing (and plausible) to pull things out at the end.

The question is: is this that story and is this the author to pull it off (as opposed to pull it out of the ass)?

I know where my money would go . . .

joined Jun 25, 2019

even if it won't have a happy ending like them ending up together

We will see about that.

joined Mar 16, 2018

I don't rightly know I could go either way on the whole Kaoru x Uta thing
On the one hand I think that yeah, maybe Uta is better off going off alone and making her own way. She's been through some shit and she at least seems to have made peace with her feelings.
On the other hand I think maybe judging Kaoru's "Oh shit what have I done?" reaction she might start to rethink some of her ole bullshit and her feelings for Uta. The whole I didn't know what I had till it's gone kinda deal.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I don't rightly know I could go either way on the whole Kaoru x Uta thing
On the one hand I think that yeah, maybe Uta is better off going off alone and making her own way. She's been through some shit and she at least seems to have made peace with her feelings.
On the other hand I think maybe judging Kaoru's "Oh shit what have I done?" reaction she might start to rethink some of her ole bullshit and her feelings for Uta. The whole I didn't know what I had till it's gone kinda deal.

This can definitely happen, but at this point of the story it makes me wonder if that would be the best way to write about an "unrequited love" themed story.
Most stories out there have a happy ending, but at the same time I think we also need some of the more realistic ones that show things as they actually turn out to be instead of this fantasy protective veil that everything will turn out as you want in the end. And this story has been pretty faithful to this theme, as well as showing that Kaoru doesn't feel this way about Uta.

joined Jul 29, 2017

And this story has been pretty faithful to this theme, as well as showing that Kaoru doesn't feel this way about Uta.

I think the story has been kind of muddled about Kaoru's feelings towards Uta. Early on it was made very explicit that she felt a very deep and longstanding emotional connection (not to mention a remarkable desire for skinship) with Uta, one that was deeper and of longer-standing than the one she has with Reiichi. Their relationship came very close to the older woman being emotionally dependent on the younger one, and it seemed clear that those feelings could very possibly take a turn toward the romantic, and that to some extent they were already leaning in that direction.

The possibility (again, at one point it seemed like the near certainty) of Reiichi cheating also appeared that it might clear the decks for a transformation of the relationship between Uta and Kaoru. But that arc was almost literally stopped in mid-stream, when Kaoru sat down to confront Reiichi about it and then allowed the situation to evaporate after a phone call interruption.

Since then, and in the wake of Uta's confession, you're right, the story has made it clear that, insofar as Kaoru is aware of and honest about her own feelings, she doesn't seem to have any romantic/sexual feelings toward Uta. So either (as many here either think or hope) she is in deep denial about those feelings, or she was unwittingly sending some very unfortunate signals to Uta.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I think the story has been kind of muddled about Kaoru's feelings towards Uta. Early on it was made very explicit that she felt a very deep and longstanding emotional connection (not to mention a remarkable desire for skinship) with Uta, one that was deeper and of longer-standing than the one she has with Reiichi. Their relationship came very close to the older woman being emotionally dependent on the younger one, and it seemed clear that those feelings could very possibly take a turn toward the romantic, and that to some extent they were already leaning in that direction.

Well I guess that's another way to interpret her always hugging Uta. I still didn't see that as a sign of a romantic interest, although it can turn out to be the case.
I saw it more as a way to show one of the reasons why Uta developed romantic feelings for Kaoru and why it was hard for her to live with Kaoru, since the latter was always being so physical.

joined Jan 19, 2016

rofl lmao these credits are the best
the scene is so intense almost breathtaking and then these credits, just perfect

joined Jul 26, 2019

I actually want an ending where Uta accepts her feelings and moves on.

BUT WHAT OF KAORU DAMN IT ? I know people want Uta to move on but we clearly see the only thing she move is her from her brother house to her parents. She still isn't over her feelings, that's why she leave and what of Kaoru ? We let her alone and depressed ? I know Kaoru haven't done much things but that's not a reason to just focus on Uta because poor baby girl is brokenheart and can't face it.

Eh, Kaoru seems like she can hold her own, as long as she keeps on wishing for everything to go back to the way it used to be, plus it would be nice to see her grow as a character to and by that I mean facing problems head on like Uta does, heck she even tried doing that with Uta and it worked, Uta told her she loved her so I guess Kaoru's developing a bit(?)

You're right, Uta has a broken heart. That's why she's moving out, so she can get over Kaoru. She can face it, she's been facing it ever since Kaoru and Reiichi got married. If you're really concerned about Kaoru I guess once Uta gets over her she could go back to them. If anything her love brings her more pain than pleasure.

Also if Uta does get together with Kaoru, due to Reiichi cheating on her (if the story takes that kind of turn), I would feel very very very bad for Uta, Kaoru would just be plain using her to fill in the gap of her love for Reiichi since she's stated before that they give off the same vibe. Plus, Kaoru turned her down already. Her dening Kaoru in this chapter shows she's trying very hard to move on, and I think that's what she should do.

Maybe I'm just being dramatic but I guess if you had an unrequited love, you would understand that moving is the best option for Uta. This story hasn't been a fairytale up till now and I don't want the ending to be one either.

It is quite possible, that kaoru grows in personality thanks to his trials by releasing reii if he cheated on her, instead of forgiving her so that their marriage would hold for example... We see so much on almost all chapters the hand of kaoru with his wedding ring that a break-up with reii would finally free her... a symbol as knowing that uta really realized that she loved kaoru during the wedding....
That uta also by clarifying things with her parents, by being more in the same space that kaoru takes a step back on her love for her.
And that at the very end she finds herself soothed both of us and gets off on the right foot, it's quite possible.
For me in fact there are 2 possible scenarios between kaoru and uta, this one or more romantic uta returns after a while to kaoru in total rupture with reii who has left home and who finds himself in need by calling uta for help. And the beginning of a new relationship between them, not necessarily in love at first, but slowly evolving.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think the story has been kind of muddled about Kaoru's feelings towards Uta. Early on it was made very explicit that she felt a very deep and longstanding emotional connection (not to mention a remarkable desire for skinship) with Uta, one that was deeper and of longer-standing than the one she has with Reiichi. Their relationship came very close to the older woman being emotionally dependent on the younger one, and it seemed clear that those feelings could very possibly take a turn toward the romantic, and that to some extent they were already leaning in that direction.

Well I guess that's another way to interpret her always hugging Uta. I still didn't see that as a sign of a romantic interest, although it can turn out to be the case.

Well, right, it's only a sign of romantic affection if it turns out to be. The point is that the story was setting up a series of possibilities (that Kaoru's affection for Uta went deeper than a familial bond--if it were just that bond, it was a remarkably deep one; that Reiichi's cheating would realign the relationship between Uta and Kaoru), then it went about closing those down (Kaoru rejecting Uta's confession; the whole cheating issue rather abruptly put on the back burner).

All along I've had a bit of a problem with the writing in this series in regard to the difference--if there is one--between this author creating intentional ambiguity for artistic purposes or just mechanically keeping plot options open before deciding which way to take the story.

joined Feb 5, 2018

Wow this manga have something... is a breath of new in this genre for sure... I like it, and can't await for next chapter.

joined Sep 25, 2015

Every time Kaoru opens her mouth or looks at her hand. All I can think of now is how many time Reiichi's cock made contact with those places.
Uta made the right choice ditching that woman her brother already defiled multiple times.
Lots of fresh lesbian cakes out there.

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 1:38PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Every time Kaoru opens her mouth or looks at her hand. All I can think of now is how many time Reiichi's cock made contact with those places.
Uta made the right choice ditching that woman her brother already defiled multiple times.
Lots of fresh lesbian cakes out there.

That tells us something notable, but not about the story. . .

joined May 8, 2017

Entoma, that's a very messed-up and misogynistic thing to say

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 1:44PM

joined Feb 11, 2018

I'm almost speechless. What the eff did I just read?

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 1:48PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

[visible concern]

joined Mar 28, 2015

Entoma posted:

Every time Kaoru opens her mouth or looks at her hand. All I can think of now is how many time Reiichi's cock made contact with those places.
Uta made the right choice ditching that woman her brother already defiled multiple times.
Lots of fresh lesbian cakes out there.

I bet you're going to rant about used goods now.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Anyway, this is a turning point.

Now, the plot can move forward, I hope.

I hope we don't get sidetracked into the stories of the side characters for a while.

joined Dec 13, 2013

damn kaoru you were almost there....
so turns out reichii wasnt cheating and everything was just kaoru’s overreacting?

joined Mar 28, 2015

Magnetic posted:

damn kaoru you were almost there....
so turns out reichii wasnt cheating and everything was just kaoru’s overreacting?

Where do the people get the idea he isn't cheating?

Because Risako said they are just friends?

I didn't get anything either way from this interaction.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Magnetic posted:

damn kaoru you were almost there....
so turns out reichii wasnt cheating and everything was just kaoru’s overreacting?

Where do the people get the idea he isn't cheating?

Because Risako said they are just friends?

I didn't get anything either way from this interaction.

And that smile was surely not sincere at all, it's the smile of a woman who know she don't have anymore obstacles to make her relation with Reiichi going further. Uta is leaving and she well know that Kaoru isn't a threat at all for the moment. Just need Kaoru to snap back to reality and do something at least.

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 3:24PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Magnetic posted:

damn kaoru you were almost there....
so turns out reichii wasnt cheating and everything was just kaoru’s overreacting?

Where do the people get the idea he isn't cheating?

Because Risako said they are just friends?

I didn't get anything either way from this interaction.

Yeah, I have no idea where that particular leap of logic is coming from. We literally don't know what's going on between those two; all we have is some suspicious circumstances that can also have entirely innocent explanations.

And that smile was surely not sincere at all, it's the smile of a woman who know she don't have anymore obstacles to make her relation with Reiichi going further. Uta is leaving and she well know that Kaoru isn't a threat at all for the moment. Just need Kaoru to snap back to reality and do something at least.

And you've been reading too much Kodamawatching too many bad soaps. If nothing else we've never had any indication of Risako harboring any ill-will towards, I'll remind you, her old friend and frankly if she pulled something that legit hurt Kaoru Reiichi very likely would never forgive her for it; it bears repeating that whatever his other shortcomings might be the dude is nothing if not caring about the continued well-being of those around him.

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 3:38PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

And you've been reading too much Kodamawatching too many bad soaps. If nothing else we've never had any indication of Risako harboring any ill-will towards, I'll remind you, her old friend and frankly if she pulled something that legit hurt Kaoru Reiichi very likely would never forgive her for it; it bears repeating that whatever his other shortcomings might be the dude is nothing if not caring about the continued well-being of those around him.

Still a better option than Kaoru attempting suicide idea i had before.At this point i try to be mentally prepared to the worse.

joined May 8, 2017

Maybe the reason why Reiichi was meeting with Risako is because they have a secret child! So Reiichi was spending time bonding with his child...

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