Forum › Their Story discussion

joined Oct 22, 2018

[...] Violence is the result of traumatic childhood, poverty, mental disorders, etc. [...]

We definitely should be asking why the powers that be ignore poverty and mental health.

Better question would be why the voters ignore them, in the context of societies where - as one cynic put it - "the people get exactly the leaders they deserve" by way of the ballot box...

I apologize for changing topics a bit, but, as shown in - not one - not two - but three memes in my most recent meme video, I question whether representative democracy is a legitimate democracy. As a LibSoc, with very scant few ideological differences from an anarchist, I'm in favour of some kind of direct or semi-direct democracy, with the power structure being bottom-up, rather than top-down (like it is in representative democracies, as well as dictatorships). It's such hierarchical top-down systems that cause oppression, division and group hate (however you want to define that last bit).
But I digress.

Before you ask:
In that video, it's memes 1, 2 and 8.

last edited at Jul 3, 2019 12:07PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

BV, give it a rest with self-promoting your meme videos. It's okay in the Cafe or the Discord, but no place else on the site.

To say nothing of how off-topic your views on representative democracy, which to the best of my knowledge Their Story isn't about. So maybe next time you want to apologize for changing topics, maybe hit the back button instead and don't.

joined Oct 22, 2018

BV, give it a rest with self-promoting your meme videos. It's okay in the Cafe or the Discord, but no place else on the site.

To say nothing of how off-topic your views on representative democracy, which to the best of my knowledge Their Story isn't about. So maybe next time you want to apologize for changing topics, maybe hit the back button instead and don't.

Yeah, understood. Now, what I'm about to say isn't really a defence, but more of an explanation of myself - often I tend to change topics due to real-time word association. The fault's all mine and while I can control it to an extent, it seems to be an unfixable problem. I'll try to keep it an in-thoughts-only thing as much as I can (and honestly I actually did/do so for the majority of stuff; I've lost count of how many times I had such mental rounds of real-time word association just from reading or merely thinking about these forums...).

Maybe some sort of self-imposed exile is in order... Can't punish me if I punish myself first!

last edited at Jul 3, 2019 4:15PM

joined Feb 18, 2018

Wow, this was the best chapter yet even though it has nothing romantic in it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Wow, this was the best chapter yet even though it has nothing romantic in it.

It's even not part of the story.

joined Jul 22, 2018

Wow, this was the best chapter yet even though it has nothing romantic in it.

It's even not part of the story.

brilliant deduction Sherlock

joined Jun 25, 2019

Wow, this was the best chapter yet even though it has nothing romantic in it.

It's even not part of the story.

brilliant deduction Sherlock

I'm great at pointing obvious.

last edited at Jul 4, 2019 5:44PM

joined Feb 18, 2018

How is it not part of the story? Does this manga have a plot I am unaware of?

joined Jun 25, 2019

How is it not part of the story? Does this manga have a plot I am unaware of?

Well the author doesn't tag it as SQ which is the tag use for the strip usually so it's technically not part of the story.

joined Mar 21, 2017

How is it not part of the story? Does this manga have a plot I am unaware of?

Well the author doesn't tag it as SQ which is the tag use for the strip usually so it's technically not part of the story.

I pointed that out a few pages ago but it was easily missed within all that discussion. Everything originally gets posted to her Weibo account along with her other non-SQ strips but she will tag relevant chapters with SQ.

joined Oct 23, 2018

one day i will sit down and read this long ass manga

joined Mar 14, 2016

If you really think about it, it was all Sun Jing's fault, really.

joined Dec 11, 2017

I desperately want to adopt this child.

joined May 9, 2018


Y'know. Thoughtful for the environment.

joined Feb 28, 2019

good thing I have some friends to wipe my hands on, life could be environmentally friendly with friends

joined Apr 1, 2018

Sun Jing and Qui Tong practicing their parenting for when they have a real kid

joined Apr 25, 2018

The environmental message of this strip is great. Remember to wipe your hands with your friend's!

joined Feb 9, 2019

Smart kid.

joined Jul 26, 2016

lmao this kid

she would def let bae wipe hands on her

last edited at Jul 12, 2019 9:38AM by

joined Oct 26, 2016

This child is the best hope for humanity's future.

joined Oct 1, 2014

good thing I have some friends to wipe my hands on, life could be environmentally friendly with friends


joined Jun 25, 2019

good thing I have some friends to wipe my hands on, life could be environmentally friendly with friends

I don't have friends so what should i do ?

joined Oct 22, 2018

good thing I have some friends to wipe my hands on, life could be environmentally friendly with friends

I don't have friends so what should i do ?

I have friends, but I don't wipe hands on them, so I'd just suggest doing the same thing as I am and wipe them either with a cloth rag or a towel or into your clothes.

joined Jul 26, 2016

good thing I have some friends to wipe my hands on, life could be environmentally friendly with friends

I don't have friends so what should i do ?

Never wash your hands, obviously. :^)

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