I guess I am not the kind who cares about kinda awkward or stiff English/Spanish in translations very much xD Japanese is a very different language from those so i gotta see the effort behind translating such language even if the result is a bit awkward x.x as long as the ideas from the original are conveyed clearly
By what measure would you rate quality of a translation, if not by how accurate and flowing it is?
Not quarreling with your main point—I’ve definitely seen some rushed translations, and the later ones, when available, do tend to be smoother.
But there’s a fundamental issue that all Japanese > English manga translators need to finesse, which is transforming a story written for a high-context culture into one suitable for a low-context culture. Things just need to spelled out that are givens or understood for the original audience.
Either way a translation leans, something important is at risk for getting lost—tone and atmosphere for the original audience, basic information/narrative understanding for the target audience. I’d expect YagaKimi (among others) to be a challenge in that regard, with a lot of fraught conversations depending on the reading of a word or phrase for their impact.
This kind of translation is not quite the same as transforming a lyric poem into technical instructions. But it’s in the same neighborhood. :)