well, according to most of the comments so far, lots of people are disturbed. The manga itself is not appealing but it's doing a good job at making people understand that this does in happen in reality. That's why it's affecting so many readers. The ones who feel like it's fine and just consider it satire are those who already know about this reality.
I think a story is bad if it is unable to move its readers' emotions in any sort of way. If the story is able to generate any reaction, in this case getting most comments to dislike it, the mangaka succeeded. The plot is so twisted and degrading to females by basically selling off the idol to "fans". It's disgusting but ya know what, it does happen in real life, so the story is doing something good by making people talk about it.
You have to understand that the Disturbed (not talking about the band) barrier is at very different places for most people. Empty vessels like me who were numbed by the internet barely even react to this level of stuff anymore. But when I said this wasn't deeply disturbing, I truly meant it. It can make you uncomfortable, but nothing truly disturbing actually happens. It even cuts off before the worst part. Comparing this to most other wtf am I reading?
releases here, this is really tame.
Yes, from a pure story-telling perspective you are right. It is bad to create no reaction in the reader. What you need to consider is what the story actually tried to accomplish though. If someone wants to write a children's book with a good moral, but messes up the moral, even if it evokes emotions of disgust or disbelief, it still FAILED.
Personally I think this topic can both be addressed more directly or sensibly. This barely works as satire for LL. It is satire of something LL does not represent. The doujin goes off on unecessary tangents and conveys its message in the dumbest way possible. You can still tell the intention, but it's muddled. Even the humor is weak (I laughed at two jokes at least, so that is something).
Nothing against the author or their integrity of course, the topic is very important. Nobody should devolve into a disgusting Otaku who pushes their desires unto fandoms or real life people. Maybe they'll do it better next time.
last edited at Jun 21, 2019 12:46PM