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joined Aug 8, 2013

So much friendzoning and rejection...

joined Aug 13, 2018

This was confusing. Didn’t help some of the characters look really similar.

joined Jun 9, 2018

This was confusing. Didn’t help some of the characters look really similar.

yeah, I had to read it twice to figure who was who.

joined Feb 2, 2013

A little confused but I think this needs a cheating tag

joined May 1, 2018

That was confusing AF I still don't really know the difference between nanaho, yuki, and miho

joined Aug 26, 2018

Trying to go against convention, subvert expectations... sigh
Well it was pretty realistic, I'll give it that. Nothing's set in stone, though. There is still hope and that's probably the point of these stories.

joined Jan 30, 2013

This one was disappointing

joined May 2, 2018

What does an order of "one drink bar" mean?

joined Oct 28, 2016

The stream of friendzoning continues ;w; I'll have to wait out the storm of these ones...

last edited at Jun 9, 2019 5:03AM

Naoko Kawaguchi
joined Jun 4, 2015

This is just "I'm a moronsexual" meme but extended.

joined Apr 17, 2015

That page 19 though… that idiot face is just so perfect. XD But yeah, when I first read this I kept confusing Yuki and Miho…

Still, going by the first story's epilogue, Yuki was already with her new girlfriend when the new era name was announced… and she hadn't yet broken up with Kotori at that point. >.>

^ Yeah, that.

I'm confused, who is the one at fault here? I mean, Yuki was cheating on Kotori, but she also said that Kotori was the one who always neglected her.

That's kinda how it works in real life I guess… the fault for a break-up rarely falls only on one party.

last edited at Jun 9, 2019 7:53AM

joined Feb 28, 2019

Ive never felt so confused in my life

joined May 2, 2018

What does an order of "one drink bar" mean?

All-you-can-drink access to the self-service drink machines, the 'drink bar', for one person. (Generally just tea/coffee/soda.)

Aha, thanks!

After a re-reread I'm thinking the implied point of the story might be Miho's tongue-in-cheek guess of "Miho Era" possibly turning out true for Kotori.

Anyway Kotori's character design is the standout thing here IMO. Those annoyed glares and squints are really expressive and cute.

last edited at Jun 9, 2019 9:46AM

joined Oct 15, 2016

This one had potential, but alas, just like real adult life, it ends with a drink with a friend.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Lyendith posted:

That page 19 though… that idiot face is just so perfect. XD But yeah, when I first read this I kept confusing Yuki and Miho…

Still, going by the first story's epilogue, Yuki was already with her new girlfriend when the new era name was announced… and she hadn't yet broken up with Kotori at that point. >.>

^ Yeah, that.

I'm confused, who is the one at fault here? I mean, Yuki was cheating on Kotori, but she also said that Kotori was the one who always neglected her.

That's kinda how it works in real life I guess… the fault for a break-up rarely falls only on one party.

Probably because Kotori was still in love with her childhood straight friend so she never got invested in her actual relationship.

joined Apr 17, 2015

That's the impression I got too… Not sure if that big blush near the end was from that realization or from alcohol…

joined Apr 23, 2015

So I'm not the only one confused. For once. O.o

joined May 1, 2013

One of her tweets is something like "I wish they taught us early that being gay is normal." Suggests that the bad lessons of the old era are still looming up, which causes her to constantly crush on straight girls and refuse to commit to queer girls. But, her friend is refusing to go along with it, and she's trying to help her break the pattern.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Actually I had to extrapolate a little bit for the tweets since they were partly hidden, and I wonder if I didn't mistranslate that one…


*Motto sore ga "futsuu" ____i kankyou de sodateba yokatta na…"

It might actually be "Motto sore ga 'futsuu' ja nai kankyou de sodateba yokatta na…" ("I wish I hadn't grown up in an environment where it was so normal" − i.e. girl schools); if so I'd read it as Kotori wishing she had been more prepared for the hardships of being gay in a mostly het society, which would be a lot more depressing…

Although your interpretation might still be correct.

last edited at Jun 9, 2019 4:43PM

joined Nov 8, 2017

This one was sad.

joined Nov 13, 2018

What a depressing little comic, hopefully next time she doesn't fall for a straight girl again.

joined Oct 23, 2018

this was confusing to read. eh overall

joined May 15, 2014

I'm confused, who is the one at fault here? I mean, Yuki was cheating on Kotori, but she also said that Kotori was the one who always neglected her.

Yuki 100% even if you feel like your being neglected in a relationship is most likely one sided or a communication issue, she should have talked it out not cheat on her hence why its called cheating

joined Mar 22, 2018

Okay, cool, now I don't feel like an idiot for having to read a lot of this over twice. This really was confusing. Kind of reminded me of this one, even the art.

joined Apr 5, 2013

Don't mind me, I'm just another confused reader here.

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