Romance Chart now - some guesswork.
How the discussion between Takanashi-sensei and the cute sensei went:
"She gave me a massage, took me to bed, stripped my clothes off and gave me a sponge bath!"
"Well, her girlfriend slapped my butt right in the middle of class!"
"Girls these days!!"
Both sigh.
It's clear that the Yuri Queen used and abused Arcade Princess (whose name seems to be Umemiya Sachiko) and she may even feel that she molested her. She now probably thinks Kasumi is one of her partners in crime - at best a fellow aggressive womanizer.
If Ayaka (the gardening gyaru) and her friend aren't dating, said friend is really, really clingy. She acts very girlfriendly.
Random thought: The cute sensei-chan with the pert bottom looks a lot like the Yuri Queen. What if said YQ is, for instance, her little sister?
last edited at Jun 11, 2019 2:53AM