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joined Sep 6, 2018

Thank you for letting me know. So, to teach me to fish, where do I go finding out about manga being translated here and still being published across the pond?

I think what is usually your best bet is to find the magazine the series is being published in, and then try to find what chapter was in the most recent issue. In this case, this month's issue of Comic Megastore Alpha contained Chapter 10, and the end of Chapter 10 says "to be continued", so I know this series is up to Chapter 10 and is still being published. The publisher's website usually has a list of currently serialized manga, but lots of the time they don't tell you exactly which chapters those series have gotten to, so you have to find the raws or at least the table of contents for the most recent issue.

Thank you for the advice!

joined Aug 18, 2015

Here we goooooooooooooooooo~

joined Aug 16, 2014

I have no clue which direction this is going in now, this cheating angle seems like it came out of nowhere

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I have no clue which direction this is going in now, this cheating angle seems like it came out of nowhere

I believe the cheating is the whole point of this manga, and we just took a while to realize it. Mark my words, we're going to see A cheat on B with C, C cheat on A with D, D cheat on C with E, etc until Z will randomly run into some woman and bang her and we'll be like "Hmmm... she looks familiar. Oh wait, that's the original main character!"

joined Feb 11, 2018

Yikes. Chapter 7 was kind of cute, but 8 was scary.

Rise's mind apparently snapped just because she got herself a female lover and she became a molester/rapist right off the bat. After all, if you are just friends it doesn't count...

joined Dec 11, 2017

Yikes. Chapter 7 was kind of cute, but 8 was scary.

Rise's mind apparently snapped just because she got herself a female lover and she became a molester/rapist right off the bat. After all, if you are just friends it doesn't count...

That's not really fair. You can make a case that she kissed her without asking, but Kuyou was into it pretty much immediately, and that "...Just because we kissed it's not like we had sex, right?" was a clear invitation to go further. This is cheating, but it's definitely consensual cheating.

(Edit: Well, so I said, but then again, Kuyou might be too young to give informed consent? I'm not sure if she's supposed to be young or just petite.)

last edited at May 2, 2019 2:43PM

joined Oct 4, 2018

Where do I even start... Sigh is this Shinobu's second coming? Not saying that wouldn't be nice in some way or the other but still..

last edited at May 2, 2019 3:05PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

Jesus, the characters keep getting younger and younger. And I thought this manga jumped the shark in chapter 2 lol

I'm not convinced she's that young? I mean, it might be a translation mistake, but if she's studying for the bar exam...Unless things work VERY differently in Japan, that puts her at college level. I know Rise was high-school aged when she first showed up, but that montage suggests they've been dating for an unspecific length of time.

Edit: Yeah, looked it up, and in Japan lawyers still don't take the bar exam until after law school, so either these girls are prodigies, or they're just young-looking 20-somethings. Or the study book title was mistranslated.

last edited at May 2, 2019 2:52PM

Kitsune translator
joined Oct 15, 2018

Wtf just happened? also that's cheating no matter what you say , so tag cheat

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I'm not convinced she's that young? I mean, it might be a translation mistake, but if she's studying for the bar exam...Unless things work VERY differently in Japan, that puts her at college level. I know Rise was high-school aged when she first showed up, but that montage suggests they've been dating for an unspecific length of time.

Edit: Yeah, looked it up, and in Japan lawyers still don't take the bar exam until after law school, so either these girls are prodigies, or they're just young-looking 20-somethings. Or the study book title was mistranslated.

When I translated the book title, I was very confused, but it definitely says "bar exam" 司法試験. However, don't read too much into that. Rise is explicitly described as a high school student, and Kuyou calls her "Rise-nee" and is being tutored by her, so Kuyou is almost certainly middle school or younger. My only guess is that the bar exam book is a joke by the author, just like how Rise is studying signal processing in her cram school in chapter 6.

At any rate, as will be made very clear in the following chapters, Kuyou is definitely a minor, and nowhere near the age where she'd be studying for the bar exam. Nor is Rise qualified to instruct her.

last edited at May 2, 2019 3:54PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

I kinda like the format and progression of this, even if it isn't very clearly presented. The idea of a chain of stories with sexual partners being the links is pretty neat. This is either a clever statement on complex sexual communication, or Korugane Ken just wanted to draw pretty ladies making out naked. I'm fine with either, honestly.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Also, that boob glomp on page 4 of chapter 7 is great. Ken does such a wonderful job of letting his characters express themselves through body language.

joined Sep 14, 2016

"Oh this was quite wholesome glad this manga decided to go this way" "Oh I guess not after all"

joined Feb 23, 2014

this manga started out good and then just got.....bad if i'm being honest/

joined Dec 11, 2017

When I translated the book title, I was very confused, but it definitely says "bar exam" 司法試験. However, don't read too much into that. Rise is explicitly described as a high school student, and Kuyou calls her "Rise-nee" and is being tutored by her, so Kuyou is almost certainly middle school or younger. My only guess is that the bar exam book is a joke by the author, just like how Rise is studying signal processing in her cram school in chapter 6.

At any rate, as will be made very clear in the following chapters, Kuyou is definitely a minor, and nowhere near the age where she'd be studying for the bar exam. Nor is Rise qualified to instruct her.

Fair enough.

joined Dec 11, 2017

I kinda like the format and progression of this, even if it isn't very clearly presented. The idea of a chain of stories with sexual partners being the links is pretty neat. This is either a clever statement on complex sexual communication, or Korugane Ken just wanted to draw pretty ladies making out naked. I'm fine with either, honestly.

Or after like 8 girls chained together, you're gonna find out one of them has an STI, and it turns out it was all an object lesson on the dangers of promiscuity.

joined Oct 9, 2017

Well you really have to go super wild to get a STD between girls. I mean, sure, they do distribute those safe packs in my usual bar, but to be honnest the only thing I got sleeping with random girls without protection, so far, is lice in my hairs due to an ex having kindergarden nieces.

Not saying this is impossible or that you shouldn't protect yourself. But the chance is still pretty low.

As far as this manga goes, well, it's Kurogane Ken. It's not bad, it's just not good. This manga especially was obviously a no-scenario x-rated excuses since the very beginning so it comes as no surprise.

joined Dec 18, 2018

This series would be so much hotter without all the cheating.

joined Oct 9, 2017

And the underage girls. I mean I really like age gap when it's done smartly (my avatar says it all), but this is just lolicon material and nothing more. Kurogane Ken previous work was doing a better job at that. (blabla District)

last edited at May 2, 2019 5:11PM

joined Apr 1, 2015

This should just be renamed to Sex Friends

joined Aug 31, 2017

if we continue like this we will have an STD pandemic among 'non lesbian girls'...
would be an interesting direction for this history :v

joined Jul 14, 2016

This should just be renamed to Sex Friends

Yea, that would be better, or at least have it as the subtitle....

I love Kurogane Ken's style, but I think Poly is better since all the parties are (supposedly) okay with it. Of course, that isn't what's happening here and it seems like someone (or multiple someones) are going get heartbroken, which sucks. I do so love "Happily Ever After"....

joined May 30, 2013

Oh man. This feels like Shoujo Sect, which is the first Yuri manga I ever read 10 years ago.

As always, Kurogane Ken's characters are very promiscuous lol.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Not surprised by ken

joined Oct 15, 2014

Not surprised by ken

Ah shit I forgot its Kurogane Ken......

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