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joined Apr 20, 2013

I saw somewhere else "Sayaka might win because that will help Yuu to grown as a character" (I'm simplifying it so it could be wrong)... I felt like "you know what else might help her grown? being accepted!" because she hasn't go through something like that neither. I don't know, for me "Yuu needs to surfer and why is that a good thing" sounds like a cheap journalism post, I think that's just wishful thinking to justify Sayaka having a happy end even though Touko has never shown any signs of romantic feelings toward hers, it doesn't feel like a love triangle when 2 sides are so committed to each other... If there were any significant chance, I would root for both.

So if Touko accepts, like "Let's see what happens" even knowing that she wants to stay with Yuu but she doesn't love herself enough to accept her feelings... It will feel like escapism for me.

If Touko accepts, right now... I'll take a break from this manga and come back when she finally realizes that dragging her real feelings is just hurting Sayaka, Yuu and herself.

Edit: AND ONE LAST THING! If she accepts, without first clearing things out with Yuu, it would look like "Hey, look [kisses Sayaka] This is my answer" with would be arguably the most horrendous moment in yuri history

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 10:14PM

joined Oct 27, 2011

a threesome pleaseeeeeeeeeee

joined Apr 26, 2016

Great more drama

joined Mar 15, 2015

I wonder if Sayaka's confession will lead Touko to a personal epiphany- if Sayaka's loved Touko all this time and still remained a loyal friend, as well as loving her both when she was "perfect" and after learning of her vulnerabilities* might it be possible that being loved isn't such a bad thing? Perhaps she won't necessarily get together with Sayaka (the same goes for Yuu), but it's likely that she'll learn that lesson anyway. Alternatively, maybe having some time apart to talk to their other friends will help Yuu and Touko work out their issues.

*While I still hope Yuu and Touko ultimately get together, Yuu never saw Touko as perfect. Perhaps the fact that Sayaka once did, but her feelings never changed even as her perception of Touko did may prove significant.

One thing I like about this series, similar to what other people have said is that Sayaka's love for Touko is presented sympathetically, and she actually has a chance at winning Touko over. Rather than being just another member of Touko's harem, Sayaka's a well-written character in her own right.

joined Oct 30, 2018

Remember the good ol' days when it was just ace falls in love with another ace,,
back when we still thought wrong, the good ol days...

joined Feb 9, 2017

Sayaka's wasn't the only heart pounding in her chest at the end of this chapter. Touko's answer can't come soon enough.

joined May 7, 2017

Goddamit, I'm crying so hard, I love Sayaka more than she loves Touko, I just want an Love Triangle now with all of them happy. That's it!!!!!!

joined Nov 25, 2018

Touko x Sayaka, i preferred that ship than the Touko X Yuu, for me, I preferred that Sayaka win the Touko's heart and stay together at last for a while... although I know that this story will end with the first couple...for me, The Touko X Yuu are a very out of balance...for a girl who did too much and another who did nothing than use the first girl like a Toy for her depression

Wait, what?
How on Earth are Yuu and Touko “out of balance” and how do you actually think Sayaka is better for Touko?
Sayaka is more content with Touko putting on her facade face, knowing that that’s not the true Touko, and Yuu wants her to be herself. She literally had Koyomi rewrite the play so Touko could change as a person. Even Sayaka thought that was a good idea.
Also, someone pointed out before that Sayaka always seems to be late when it comes to noticing things about Touko and that’s entirely true.
And dear god, stop me while I’m ahead, but the whole walking towards to stone thing and Sayaka literally getting interrupted seems like somewhat of an indication that this isn’t going to go well as well for her as she thinks.
I’d also like to point out who she must be aware by now that Touko and Yuu are at least a thing and she knows that Touko and Yuu aren’t really speaking right now and it seems pretty shitty to just hone in on Touko since Yuu and her had a falling out of sorts. Just saying. I guess I’ll eat a shoe if I’m wrong about all this

joined Jul 29, 2017

Why would Touko be in a psychological position to return Sayaka’s feelings any more than she is Yuu’s?

The key to the resolution of the basic conflict in this story remains where it has always been in: Touko’s head/heart/psyche (whatever you want to call it).

We assume that Touko has undergone some kind of fundamental change (as indicated by her acceptance of being less than perfect in the acting group), but the textual evidence concerning romance with another person at this point shows no change:

  • In regard to Yuu: “I can’t answer Yuu’s feelings.”
  • In regard to Sayaka: “I’m not the person you think I am.”

(I do find her question to Sayaka to be a little ambiguous: “[You love] everything [about me]?”)

I understand why Sayaka is a popular character: she’s pretty and has got loads of integrity and (now) courage—she’s quite the perfect schoolgirl lesbian. But I don’t see that as making her the best partner for Touko, though: they match, they don’t complement one another.

(As one example, people like Touko need someone to tell them when they’re being a jerk. As to whether Sayaka or Yuu is best suited for that role, I believe the question answers itself.)

joined Feb 11, 2018

I wonder if Sayaka's confession will lead Touko to a personal epiphany- if Sayaka's loved Touko all this time and still remained a loyal friend, as well as loving her both when she was "perfect" and after learning of her vulnerabilities* might it be possible that being loved isn't such a bad thing? Perhaps she won't necessarily get together with Sayaka (the same goes for Yuu), but it's likely that she'll learn that lesson anyway. Alternatively, maybe having some time apart to talk to their other friends will help Yuu and Touko work out their issues.

*While I still hope Yuu and Touko ultimately get together, Yuu never saw Touko as perfect. Perhaps the fact that Sayaka once did, but her feelings never changed even as her perception of Touko did may prove significant.

One thing I like about this series, similar to what other people have said is that Sayaka's love for Touko is presented sympathetically, and she actually has a chance at winning Touko over. Rather than being just another member of Touko's harem, Sayaka's a well-written character in her own right.

Way I took that hallucination where little Sayaka picked up little Touko was that it was a moment of personal integration for Touko.

Touko's psychological development was partially arrested when her sister died. She has lived both as a "fake" Touko who has grown up and a little Touko that has just been sitting in the dark, mourning and wishing she had not lost her sister and blaming herself. Going through the play allowed Touko to leave her self-destructive feelings behind, but didn't fix the inner conflict completely.

When Sayaka bluntly refuses to entertain her non-sense about "don't confess, because I'm a bad person" and just goes through with it like a confident adult, she also takes that little kid in her arms and tells her that it's ok to be a complete Touko. She has her back and she won't back out or run away from her. While Touko and Sayaka experience a different thing here (both have their own perceptions about it), it's a powerful moment for the both of them regardless.

This is also why 36+37 are my favorite chapters in this manga as a combo. This is actually raw and genuine stuff that doesn't hide behind anything.

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 10:44PM

joined Nov 25, 2018

a threesome pleaseeeeeeeeeee

Literally what the hell is wrong with you

joined Aug 22, 2016

In all seriousness, I love Sayaka and I want her to be happy but like... Okay, so we all know that the endgame here is Yuu and Touko. Especially since Yuu's confession. If Touko says no, then that could either make Sayaka really sad and therefore make me sad, cause poor baby. Or it could pull a Homare x Harry situation (shout out to my Hugtto Precure fans,) and Sayaka could take the rejection with acceptance if with disappointment. OR Touko could say yes, because she doesn't know where she and Yuu currently stand, and while I love Touko with all my heart, she's only human and I for sure wouldn't put taking Sayaka as a coping mechanism/rebound past her. This would cause more drama with Touko and Yuu, Sayaka and Yuu, and ultimately make the inevitable rejection of Sayaka all the more painful. I'm proud of Sayaka for finally confessing, but at the same time, two out of three foreseeable outcomes here lead to drama and painful feels.

Agreed. If Touko accepts Sayaka as a means to run from her feelings for Yuu, and Sayaka inevitably finds out, then Sayaka will be devastated. If given a straight up and honest rejection I think Sayaka can take it in stride but will still be sad no matter how she looks at it.

What slightly concerns me about a Touko x Yuu ending is that Touko is partly in love with Yuu but also partly in love with being in love that has nothing to do with Yuu, and she's scared of Yuu right now.

I just don't see the story making such change though the play could have been foreshadowing in another way with Sayaka then being Touko's lover. And we have seen, though reluctantly, Touko opening up more to Sayaka. In some ways, accepting Sayaka is a "safer" option for her, just as Yuu was "safe" until the confession. I don't think Nakatani will put Sayaka in yet another dishonest situation so if Touko accepts, I don't think she will, they're together.

That said, the title of the chapter is "Kindling" which superficially points heavily to a possible change but could also mean that all the "fires" are starting to be lit to light up the end game.

I'll also say that Sayaka has very little knowledge of what has been happening between Yuu and Touko. Her hope is based on a lot of assumption and a little blind. Also, we know there's going to be side story for Sayaka.

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 11:23PM

joined Nov 25, 2018

Why would Touko be in a psychological position to return Sayaka’s feelings any more than she is Yuu’s?

The key to the resolution of the basic conflict in this story remains where it has always been in: Touko’s head/heart/psyche (whatever you want to call it).

We assume that Touko has undergone some kind of fundamental change (as indicated by her acceptance of being less than perfect in the acting group), but the textual evidence concerning romance with another person at this point shows no change:

  • In regard to Yuu: “I can’t answer Yuu’s feelings.”
  • In regard to Sayaka: “I’m not the person you think I am.”

(I do find her question to Sayaka to be a little ambiguous: “[You love] everything [about me]?”)

I understand why Sayaka is a popular character: she’s pretty and has got loads of integrity and (now) courage—she’s quite the perfect schoolgirl lesbian. But I don’t see that as making her the best partner for Touko, though: they match, they don’t complement one another.

(As one example, people like Touko need someone to tell them when they’re being a jerk. As to whether Sayaka or Yuu is best suited for that role, I believe the question answers itself.)

Totally agree with you, my dude.

joined Dec 21, 2015

One of the few manga where I don't see the "third wheel" character as an annoying, poorly thought out distraction from the main couple. This chapter only solidified it for me- like many others have mentioned, she's a sympathetic and well fleshed out character in her own right, and I genuinely like her.
Solid, solid stuff. Can't wait for next chapter.

joined Dec 21, 2015

When Sayaka bluntly refuses to entertain her non-sense about "don't confess, because I'm a bad person" and just goes through with it like a confident adult, she also takes that little kid in her arms and tells her that it's ok to be a complete Touko. She has her back and she won't back out or run away from her. While Touko and Sayaka experience a different thing here (both have their own perceptions about it), it's a powerful moment for the both of them regardless.
This is also why 36+37 are my favorite chapters in this manga as a combo. This is actually raw and genuine stuff that doesn't hide behind anything.

Yes!! Totally agree. These past few chapters have been great, both in furthering the story as well as giving us much-needed, deep insight into both Sayaka and Touko.

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 11:05PM

joined Mar 18, 2018

God damn it all!... Don't get me wrong, I'm on team Yuu all the way... But Sayako deserves something! And I know Touko kinda figured out her feelings, but her reaction to Sayako's confession was kind of weak...
I just hope she let her down easy...

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 11:11PM

joined Sep 27, 2016

If Touko accepts Sayaka's confession I'm going to be totally mad. Yuu did everything she could to make Touko change and begin to love herself and realize that, no matter how much she tries, Touko will never be like her sister and that is a good thing, to be who you are with your qualities and defects , because no one is perfect, no matter how much you love someone, you can see that and Yuu knows it. Sayaka was well enough to let Touko be the copy of her sister, to maintain the status quo in this matter, and even what she said now, about being all right for Touko to be who she is and that she loves everything about her, she was good with the Touko copy of the sister. I want Sayaka to have a happy ending, because I like the character and I can relate to her, but in the question of who would be better to stay with Touko, the answer would be Yuu who sees that she is not perfect, but loves her and always goes being there, helping her to be someone better.

joined Mar 10, 2018

Good on Sayaka showing her guts like that. Now if only Touko could learn to do the same

joined Jul 1, 2014

Even though it's already been said in many different ways:

Yuu's and Touko's relationship isn't for the faint of heart. And at the same time, they make each other incredibly happy. While Yuu intentionally helped Touko grow, Touko unintentionally helped Yuu grow. That's the kind of relationship that makes it.

Personally, I think Sayaka still has Touko on a pedestal. She's saying she loves her no matter what, even after seeing all of her sides. But I don't think Sayaka has seen all of Touko's sides. I think she's just now beginning to see what type of person Touko truly is, but she's pushed this love of hers for so long, that she's afraid to back out of the hand and instead pushes all in.

Sayaka is projecting. Touko is still confused. And Yuu is just suffering.

Until Sayaka can come to terms with her past, she'll never really be able to move on. Sayaka is in need of her own personal growth. And while I commend her for confessing, and she is making attempts at being honest with herself, I think she needs a deeper self reflection as to what she truly wants and desires.

joined May 13, 2015

sayaka finally confessed ! I am excited to see how Nakatani will proceed, too bad the anime finished

joined Aug 22, 2016

Why would Touko be in a psychological position to return Sayaka’s feelings any more than she is Yuu’s?

The key to the resolution of the basic conflict in this story remains where it has always been in: Touko’s head/heart/psyche (whatever you want to call it).

We assume that Touko has undergone some kind of fundamental change (as indicated by her acceptance of being less than perfect in the acting group), but the textual evidence concerning romance with another person at this point shows no change:

  • In regard to Yuu: “I can’t answer Yuu’s feelings.”
  • In regard to Sayaka: “I’m not the person you think I am.”

(I do find her question to Sayaka to be a little ambiguous: “[You love] everything [about me]?”)

I understand why Sayaka is a popular character: she’s pretty and has got loads of integrity and (now) courage—she’s quite the perfect schoolgirl lesbian. But I don’t see that as making her the best partner for Touko, though: they match, they don’t complement one another.

(As one example, people like Touko need someone to tell them when they’re being a jerk. As to whether Sayaka or Yuu is best suited for that role, I believe the question answers itself.)

Totally agree with you, my dude.

Agree somewhat though with special exception of the kind of condescending "quite the perfect schoolgirl lesbian". And it isn't as if she's without faults of her own. Early on she almost lavished in the control she felt she had over Touko and we see she can and is willing to be confrontational with people. And now she's made a big assumption on why Touko is opening up to her lately. She wouldn't confess before because she knew she didn't have a chance, now she thinks that she does.

I like Sayaka a lot and it isn't because she's some shining image of perfection. Her ability to see through some of her own faults and change is commendable though. She's strong, not perfect. And even here with the "I love everything about you" not knowing that a big part of Touko hates herself. The statement is the exact opposite of what Yuu has been telling Touko.

Basically Yuu wants Touko to change and love herself. Sayaka has enabled Touko to remain the same and while not knowing what Yuu knows, Sayaka is essentially saying she loves Touko as she is (as she's kept her just with a small amount of new information). The sad part is that Sayaka really doesn't know Touko.

Yuu accepts Touko's contradictions while Sayaka still sees Touko as a perfect as a whole even with flaws.

As for Touko, she really hasn't done anything to Sayaka that would be considered a "jerk". Sayaka has assumed this all on her own. And I think Touko got a big a wake up call about how she was hurting Yuu when Yuu confessed. To this point Touko has also shown zero romantic interest in Sayaka but a lot in Yuu so there is evidence point to one choice over the over.

So I guess in the end I don't much agree at all other than why some people may love Sayaka if they think she's perfect.

Good on Sayaka showing her guts like that. Now if only Touko could learn to do the same

I like Sayaka for being bold even if it is born from a misunderstanding, she doesn't have all the pieces, but the thing is that Touko doesn't have an answer to give Yuu. And even if she did it isn't as if she could run to Yuu right now.

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 11:40PM

joined Dec 18, 2016

Way I took that hallucination where little Sayaka picked up little Touko was that it was a moment of personal integration for Touko.

Just wants to point out that this scene is specifically a reference back to this

Touko's psychological development was partially arrested when her sister died. She has lived both as a "fake" Touko who has grown up and a little Touko that has just been sitting in the dark, mourning and wishing she had not lost her sister and blaming herself. Going through the play allowed Touko to leave her self-destructive feelings behind, but didn't fix the inner conflict completely.

When Sayaka bluntly refuses to entertain her non-sense about "don't confess, because I'm a bad person" and just goes through with it like a confident adult, she also takes that little kid in her arms and tells her that it's ok to be a complete Touko. She has her back and she won't back out or run away from her. While Touko and Sayaka experience a different thing here (both have their own perceptions about it), it's a powerful moment for the both of them regardless.

While I agree that this chapter does further resolve Touko's inner identity conflict, it has less to do with Touko learning to be her complete self (tho I'm not dismissing your reading of that specific scene since it's valid, just wants to elaborate on the significance of this chapter to the plot moving forwards). The thing is Yuu has already told Touko almost the exact same thing in ch 28. Touko has already reached the epiphany that she can be herself, both the weak and perfect sides, comfortably in front of others since the event of the play thanks to Yuu (refer back to ch 32). In other words, Touko has learned about self-love (or started to). What Sayaka brought to the table in this chapter is placing this same concept in the context of romantic love for someone else. Since what Touko is struggling with right now is the idea that love is conditional and that people can only love an image of another person--which will result in them falling out of love with that person if that image doesn't live up to expectations or if it changes (which is why she told Sayaka "I am not who you expect me to be"). And this is exactly her current conflict with Yuu. She thinks she can't answer Yuu's feelings because Yuu is no longer "the girl who can't fall in love with her." Obviously, this logic is whack and it conflicts with how she actually feels towards Yuu since she does love her still. Sayaka telling Touko that she loves "everything" about her will challenge this view and help her come to the point where she can also say the same about Yuu.

Tldr Sayaka just gave Touko an important romantic advice. Thanks Sayaka and also RIP.

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 11:46PM

joined Sep 10, 2015

How I wish a Sayaka would confess to me, too. I'm gonna treasure her forever. But too bad, she did it with Touko. I hope this gay child finds her perfect pair.

I love the main couple but I always have this soft side for the third-wheel character and I always end up loving them more or maybe I'm just sympathizing with them. It's weird. Lol

joined Oct 25, 2015

So good...

joined Jul 29, 2017

Agree somewhat though with special exception of the kind of condescending "quite the perfect schoolgirl lesbian".

I’ll cop to the “condescending,” and thank you for the “kind of” qualifier, because I indeed only meant it to be a bit condescending.

I should have said “quite the perfect yuri manga schoolgirl lesbian,” because I really meant it not as a description of the character per se, but of Sayaka’s predictable effect on some parts of the audience around here, for whom almost any self-admitted lesbian second-lead/non-OTP character evidently is shipping catnip, let alone one as well-developed and as positively portrayed as Sayaka.

I once thought of Sayaka as basically a bit annoying and intrusive, and it’s one of many tributes to the author that she’s now such a sympathetic and indeed admirable presence in the story.

Poor thing still doesn’t realize she’s up against a force of nature in Yuu—an incredibly low-key and a bit recessive force of nature, to be sure—but a lesbian-love force of nature nonetheless.

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