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joined Dec 11, 2017

And each blu ray is $80

They separate the season into 4 blu ray 'volumes'. This is just episodes 1-3, I think.


Seriously, when I saw that 80$ price tag I was like: Nah, they've got the price wrong->They have the dollar-yen exchange rate wrong?->Maybe that's just the price of importing->ARE YOU F#*@ING KIDDING M-

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 9:14AM by Nezchan

joined Dec 11, 2017

They're ending on chapter 24 (Episode 13 "To the Terminal Station / Lighthouse")

Which is an incredibly unsatisfying place to leave it. If they can't line up a second season, this is going to be dissapointing for a lot of viewers.

joined Oct 28, 2018

They're ending on chapter 24 (Episode 13 "To the Terminal Station / Lighthouse")

Which is an incredibly unsatisfying place to leave it. If they can't line up a second season, this is going to be disappointing for a lot of viewers.

It's better than them rushing to the play and mess up the pacing IMO. I'd rather have a disappointing ending but, a good adaptation than a bad adaptation with a conclusive ending.

joined Oct 22, 2018

They're ending on chapter 24 (Episode 13 "To the Terminal Station / Lighthouse")

Which is an incredibly unsatisfying place to leave it. If they can't line up a second season, this is going to be disappointing for a lot of viewers.

It's better than them rushing to the play and mess up the pacing IMO. I'd rather have a disappointing ending but, a good adaptation than a bad adaptation with a conclusive ending.

I second that.

joined Dec 11, 2017

It's better than them rushing to the play and mess up the pacing IMO. I'd rather have a disappointing ending but, a good adaptation than a bad adaptation with a conclusive ending.

I second that.

I disagree that changing the pacing or the story automaticaly means a "bad adaptation". In fact I think a story that clearly stops in the middle IS in a sense a "bad adaptation". Slavishly sticking to the pace of the original and ending up with a visibly unfinished product is, well, it's at least unfortunate.

joined Jul 19, 2018

And each blu ray is $80

They separate the season into 4 blu ray 'volumes'. This is just episodes 1-3, I think.


Seriously, when I saw that 80$ price tag I was like: Nah, they've got the price wrong->They have the dollar-yen exchange rate wrong?->Maybe that's just the price of importing->ARE YOU F#*@ING KIDDING M-

Wait... WHAT?

Holy screaming testicle cancer, Batman!

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 9:14AM by Nezchan

joined Sep 19, 2017

And each blu ray is $80

They separate the season into 4 blu ray 'volumes'. This is just episodes 1-3, I think.


Seriously, when I saw that 80$ price tag I was like: Nah, they've got the price wrong->They have the dollar-yen exchange rate wrong?->Maybe that's just the price of importing->ARE YOU F#*@ING KIDDING M-

Wait... WHAT?

Holy screaming testicle cancer, Batman!

I think, it’s the usual price for bluray in anime, isn’t it? In amazon japan, I normally see the price 9k yen down to 8k or 7k...

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 9:14AM by Nezchan

joined Apr 1, 2017

Basically, Touko knew Sayaka was in love with her the whole time, but said nothing because muh sister. It makes things kind of messed up since Sayaka would have definitely been down the gay shit without actually wanting to be with her. Touko only went with yuu because she thought that nothing she did would change how Yuu thought of her.

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 5:24AM

joined Mar 15, 2015

Personally, I enjoyed the anime adaptation, even if I did find the aquarium date to be a fairly abrupt cutoff point for the first season. At this point, the only alternative would be ending it at the play, which would require rushing the story too much for a 1cour anime. Besides, it may be possible that by leaving some plot threads not fully resolved, viewers who haven't read the manga will get interested in a second season.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Welp. I must have missed some turbulent topics here, but I don't seem to care all that much.
Instead I'll talk about episode 13!

NOOOOOOOOO! It's over....!

Ahem. I meant to say: Those added scenes did certainly fill it out a bit more and gave it some more foreshadowing for the future plot points and kinda a hint of what the play will end up being like. But that really doesn't matter too much.
I enjoyed the visuals the most about this episode for sure. Just so tranquil, yet mesmerizing. If the previous episodes had somehow not sold someone on the relationship yet, this episode certainly would.

They did cut the moment where Touko got suspicious of Yuu yet again, but I suppose that would have felt a bit repetitive and interfered with the mood they were going for. It's the first real cut during an important moment as far as I can remember.

As someone who values accuracy/faithfulness over a blind need for a conclusion I'm certainly glad they ended it here. Those whiners who will no doubt end up complaining about the cliffhanger have the choice to read the manga or wait for a possible season 2 as usual. For my part I am satisfied with this adaptation and feel simply lucky to live in a time where this kind of story can be made into a quality anime and be acknowledged for its brilliance.

Whether it will be successful enough to warrant a second season, I can't say, but this is a guiding light for Yuri anime. The genre is not dead! It can be this good!

joined Apr 17, 2015

They really did an excellent job at making this episode feel semi-conclusive despite ending mid-story. Even if there's no season 2, you can still sorta get where the story's going just with the extra-bits of foreshadowing they included, so it doesn't feel abrupt. Ending the episode on Yuu sending a title idea (that was mistranslated in the subs…) to Koyomi was clever too. And then, "time to change trains"…

The song sung by the two VAs at the end was also pretty nice.

edit: Re-reading the chap, that little shot Sayaka took at Miyako wasn't in the manga. That was pretty funny. XD

They did cut the moment where Touko got suspicious of Yuu yet again

Hm? Where?

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 12:24PM

joined Apr 30, 2016

How do you improve upon an already fabulous source material?

I think Bloom into You's anime adaptation qualifies as the answer. Excellent never-tempted-to-rush pacing, smart scene composition, beautiful art and sound direction all come together to make this captivating journey of all these grounded characters a bliss to watch. Ep. 13 was one fantastic way to end the season. I'll be basking in its afterglow for a while.

PS - And a new chapter is right around the corner. What a time to be alive!

joined Aug 26, 2018

They did cut the moment where Touko got suspicious of Yuu yet again

Hm? Where?

Eh? Did I remember wrong? I could swear that during the conversation about how easily Touko can say she loves Yuu they had a strained moment.
Everything's starting to merge in my head from all the times I went through the chapters to check for differences lol

joined Oct 22, 2018

I guess I don't have much to add that either wasn't mentioned by some of us on previous episodes and by some of you on this episode, but I'ma say two of my personal experiences about this episode.
First: On that part when Yuu and Touko were about to get into that transparent tunnel, I whispered to both them, Nakatani and the makers of the anime: "Are you trying to force my heart to skip several beats?".
Second: Near the end of the scene on the train, shortly after the already asleep Touko leaned towards Yuu, and as the shadows implied that Yuu, despite being awake, was about to lean towards Touko, I told, this time to Yuu and Touko specifically: "Are you tryingto give me a freaking a heart?!", albeit my voice revealed through what kind of bliss I was going through. If happines can be a cause of a lethal heart attack, then I surely got very lucky this time around.

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ It can do that, yes. =3 Or that, maybe.


Finally read the anthology. All of the stories were great in their own way, but my favorite was probably "Let's Write a Script", about the early ideas for the play. Everyone ends up doing their shipping fanfic while Koyomi is like "Yeah, maybe I should write this alone."

My other favorites would be "Bitter Coffee Time" about Riko and Miyako (because any scene with these two is gold) and "Let's Play with Senpai!" although sadly we don't get to see maid!Touko.

And also Canno outing herself as a Touko × Sayaka × Yuu shipper. :þ

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 3:45PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Finally read the anthology. All of the stories were great in their own way, but my favorite was probably "Let's Write a Script", about the early ideas for the play. Everyone ends up doing their shipping fanfic while Koyomi is like "Yeah, maybe I should write this alone."

My other favorites would be "Bitter Coffee Time" about Riko and Miyako (because any scene with these two is gold) and "Let's Play with Senpai!" although sadly we don't get to see maid!Touko.

And also Canno outing herself as a Touko × Sayaka × Yuu shipper. :þ

Who woulda thunk that Canno would be for polyamory, eh? :P

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 4:33PM

joined Oct 27, 2018

Finally read the anthology. All of the stories were great in their own way, but my favorite was probably "Let's Write a Script", about the early ideas for the play. Everyone ends up doing their shipping fanfic while Koyomi is like "Yeah, maybe I should write this alone."

My other favorites would be "Bitter Coffee Time" about Riko and Miyako (because any scene with these two is gold) and "Let's Play with Senpai!" although sadly we don't get to see maid!Touko.

And also Canno outing herself as a Touko × Sayaka × Yuu shipper. :þ

Who woulda thunk that Canno would be for polyamory, eh? :P

One of the stories in her manga is poly

joined Aug 26, 2018

Who woulda thunk that Canno would be for polyamory, eh? :P

One of the stories in her manga is poly

Thanks Captain Obvious. salutes

joined Jun 27, 2018

Who woulda thunk thought...

Sorry. I can't control myself.
#GrammarCommie #BecauseF*ckNazis

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 9:44PM

joined Aug 22, 2018

I'm kinda disappointed with that ending on the anime, they cut it on the middle part of the manga ( 一一)

I want a season 2 (..)_

joined Sep 19, 2017

I'm kinda disappointed with that ending on the anime, they cut it on the middle part of the manga ( 一一)

I want a season 2 (..)_

I want season 2 but I wouldn't say the ending was disappointing lol. Ep 13, is satisfyingly good. The way they ended it is brilliant, I would say. They really did a good job adapting both ch23 and ch24 and extra chapters, plus additional scenes. Nakatani herself was so impressed how Katou divided each scenes with great result. I do think it's the best to ended it that way, and to cut on that part of the manga rather than rushing and pushing to the play that will only make the anime a mess. Also the pace they did from the start would going nonsense. They already foreshadowing scenes that would might be happen next, and ended it metaphorically which is "We need to change trains now." If you didn't watch it analytically, or try to delve on it's meaningful ending, then you will only find yourself being disappointed.

last edited at Dec 29, 2018 2:19AM

joined Dec 11, 2017

I'm kinda disappointed with that ending on the anime, they cut it on the middle part of the manga ( 一一)

I want a season 2 (..)_

I want season 2 but I wouldn't say the ending was disappointing lol. Ep 13, is satisfyingly good. The way they ended it is brilliant, I would say. They really did a good job adapting both ch 23 and ch 24 and extra chapters, plus additional scenes. Nakatani herself was so impressed how Katou divide each scenes with great result. I do think it's the best to ended it that way, and to that part of the manga rather than pushing to the play that would only make the anime mess up, and the pace they did from the start would going nonsense. They already foreshadowing scenes that would might be happen next, and ended it metaphorically which is "We need to change trains now." If you didn't watch it analytically, or try to delve on it's meaningful ending, then you only find yourself being disappointed.

It's clear they were trying to find a way to massage the chapter ending so that it would work for the end of the series if they don't get a season 2, but I'm also more certain than ever that they were really banking on having a second season.

As I was concerned about, I've already seen people griping about the ending, about not getting to see the play, about cutting off in the middle of the story, etc. There's people that are vocally disappointed by the ending, ("Aoi Hana all over again") people that are being dissuaded by other people's vocal disappointment, and that's a serious shame. Of course, I've also seen people who are happy with the faithfulness to the pace of the manga and such, but I still think it's going to be a shame if this never gets finished. The manga is expected to end in 2019/2020, probably somewhere around chapter 45, so it's going to be at least a couple years before we are likely to get a second season, by which time interest may have waned?

On the other hand, maybe they could weave the material from Sayaka's spin-off novels into S2 and get an early start on it.

I think it'll be a serious shame if the series never gets properly finished. It's modestly popular, so I have some hope, but it's pretty uncertain.

That said, we really did get an absolutely gorgeous half of a series. I still go back and watch the track scene, and this episode had some gorgeous visuals as well. Yuu is adorbs as always, and the scene in the tunnel was very sweet, as was the train ride at the end.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Who woulda thunk thought...

Sorry. I can't control myself.
#GrammarCommie #BecauseF*ckNazis

You do know that I did that on purpose, right? What about the word "woulda" right before it made you assume I was trying to be grammatically accurate? lol

I want season 2 but I wouldn't say the ending was disappointing lol. Ep 13, is satisfyingly good. The way they ended it is brilliant, I would say. They really did a good job adapting both ch23 and ch24 and extra chapters, plus additional scenes. Nakatani herself was so impressed how Katou divided each scenes with great result. I do think it's the best to ended it that way, and to cut on that part of the manga rather than rushing and pushing to the play that will only make the anime a mess. Also the pace they did from the start would going nonsense. They already foreshadowing scenes that would might be happen next, and ended it metaphorically which is "We need to change trains now." If you didn't watch it analytically, or try to delve on it's meaningful ending, then you will only find yourself being disappointed.

I do like how they made the train scene carry way more weight than was originally intended in the manga. That's the kinda stuff a good adaptation does.

last edited at Dec 29, 2018 5:14AM

joined Nov 7, 2014

this manga has come such a long way since its first chapter. I thought the anime would be a disappointment, and thankfully, I was proved wrong. Over the years YagaKimi kept its characters refreshingly honest, true to life, and beautiful, and the anime does all of that justice and more. Even if there's no second season, the sheer amount of overwhelming feeling that hit me seeing these scenes in animated form was honestly a shock. I don't watch much now, and I forgot how hard shows could hit. I'm just overflowing w/ joy a lil bit and had to let some out :")

joined Jun 27, 2018

Just noticed that 4s has a new Nakatani Nio oneshot release (for Eclair Rouge) which I haven't seen on this website, so I'm assuming the upload request wasn't filed? Has anyone seen this one around Dynasty somewhere?

last edited at Dec 29, 2018 3:39PM

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