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joined Oct 22, 2018

You know what? Since I have no idea what to do and, if the most recent fanart wasn't released a few days ago I probably would've started complaining, I might as well re-visit ALL the YagaKimi fanarts.

half an hour later
Aight! Now that that is done, does anyone know where can I find the Sayaka spin-off (preferably in English)?

last edited at Dec 29, 2018 4:52PM

joined Mar 18, 2015

Who woulda thunk thought...

Sorry. I can't control myself.
#GrammarCommie #BecauseF*ckNazis

What are you, like 12? Even if you didn't look like a fool for not knowing this was a thing, you still look really immature trying to correct people's grammar on a forum.

last edited at Dec 30, 2018 3:47AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Aight! Now that that is done, does anyone know where can I find the Sayaka spin-off (preferably in English)?

I doubt that it would be translated that fast BV. LN's take a lot more work than manga scanlations (most of the time).

Who woulda thunk thought...

Sorry. I can't control myself.
#GrammarCommie #BecauseF*ckNazis

What are you, like 12? Even if you didn't look like a fool for not knowing this was a thing, you still look really immature trying to correct people's grammar on a forum.

In fear of saying something unecessary, Cecile was clearly just saying it in good fun. It wasn't a personal attack I'm sure. If this hadn't been a misunderstanding, I would certainly have appreciated the correction. ^^;;

joined Oct 22, 2018

Aight! Now that that is done, does anyone know where can I find the Sayaka spin-off (preferably in English)?

I doubt that it would be translated that fast BV. LN's take a lot more work than manga scanlations (most of the time).

Well, thanks anyways. I at least found somewhere a brief summary of it, so at least I get the general themes of that. Hopefully that girl that had a crush on Sayaka in 5th grade makes an appearance(?). People like me, who ship Yuu and Touko, but also don't want Sayaka to be alone at the end, can only hope.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I literally just went to search for episode 13 for the sole purpose of re-watching the train ride scene. After (and despite being a boy) having a fangirling moment, I shouted "Are you tryna give me a heart attack?!", and I'm sure my dad, who's in the nextdoor room, heard me, despite the louder-than-usual TV. Will almost certainly be re-watching this entire season before long.

joined Oct 21, 2017

Well, thanks anyways. I at least found somewhere a brief summary of it, so at least I get the general themes of that. Hopefully that girl that had a crush on Sayaka in 5th grade makes an appearance(?). People like me, who ship Yuu and Touko, but also don't want Sayaka to be alone at the end, can only hope.

That makes both of us.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Who’d a thunk it?

Really?? I had no idea that was a thing.
Sorry for the comment then.

By the way, I wasn't trying to sound like a stuck-up know-it-all, it was just me being silly and joking about language. I apologise if that came out wrong.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Now, I think most of the people already know the things mentioned in this video simply from watching YagaKimi, and that some may have already watched it, but I kinda want to share it with you guys. If you can spare 48 minutes of your time, please check this out:

Oh, Mervue, I think I'll just make an embarrassment of myself with this post, if I haven't already.

last edited at Dec 30, 2018 5:05PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

So I finished the anime with me squealing at my screen at every cute scene done. I'm ok at where it ended. When Yuu said her last line and it blurs with the title appearing shortly, it felt settled for me.

I reread the manga for the nth time then I didn't know what to do so I read all 182 pages of discussion I never noticed. I think this is one of the most commented manga I had seen here. I had a good laugh XD. As for the manga I think I'll get distanced from this site again what with school resuming ;-; but i don't want to see Sayaka cry I love her so much cries

joined Oct 22, 2018

BTW, what is that song near the end of episode 13 called?

joined Sep 19, 2017

BTW, what is that song near the end of episode 13 called?

Are you talking the insert song? It’s [Suki, Igai no Kotoba de] by Yuu & Touko (Takada & Kotobuki) together with Hectopascal in an album.

joined Oct 22, 2018

BTW, what is that song near the end of episode 13 called?

Are you talking the insert song? It’s [Suki, Igai no Kotoba de] by Yuu & Touko (Takada & Kotobuki) together with Hectopascal in an album.


joined Oct 28, 2018
joined Oct 22, 2018

Chapter 37 has been translated, not sure about the quality

We don't know what would happen next after that, but we sure as shit know it's gonna be painful.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I liked it, both confession chapter. Kinda parallel with each other. It really show the struggles of confessing to someone you love, especially if its your first time. The dilemma were telegraphed well enough in their thought. A simple scene, yet i believe not many mangaka ever utilise something like this, at least from romance anime/manga i've watch/read.

I know people are kinda hang up on the 'misunderstanding' scene, because it felt like a trope, but i disagree. It makes sense in context.

Yuu was falling in love for the first time, she struggled to define what love is, and when she finally realise that love could bloom into her over time, she worked up the courage to confess, even though she know that Touko doesn't want to be loved because of who she was. Yuu was afraid, and when the next thing Yuu hear was "I'm sorry", it makes sense for her to feel heart broken, and because of the awkwardness and embarrassment of the situation she put herself in, she can't sort her feelings out in an instant and she just ran and take those words as a rejection.

Sayaka was the same, she was afraid and worked up the courage too, but she had her confidence, maybe because she had an experience of falling in love, and have known Touko much longer than Yuu. Even then, after the confession, she ran away too, but she's feels giddy because shes finally letting it all out.

It makes sense, because after you put your feeling out there, some people just can't handle the embarrassment about the situation. I'm just like that too, which is why when i read these moment i kinda feel that secondhand embarrassment.

Touko on the other hands, still believe that love could shackle her, hence why she couldn't ran after Yuu at that moment. She couldn't sort her feeling out in an instant either, so it takes time. Even here at chapter 37, she warned Sayaka because she know what would Sayaka do, but she still don't understand her own definition of love.

It's a dilemma that i honestly think was realistic. But even then, i still agree with the notion that, if Nakatani drag this for long - like a volume long - for example, then it became a trope that i would hate.

Hopefully the next chapter tells us the inner working of Touko's mind, regarding her 'shackle' of love. And then the next chapter afterward is her answer to sorting all out of her problems.

last edited at Dec 31, 2018 11:51AM

joined Dec 18, 2016

The page composition and paneling in this chapter is outright amazing so I'm just gonna leave the spread version here for those who want to appreciate how well composed this chapter is:

The TL is pretty accurate so don't worry about the quality too much.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Wow. That’s a nice callback to the closed-eyes sequence in Yuu’s confession.

I’m not sure how I feel about the implication that Touko has known about Sayaka’s feelings all along (which I previously believed some time back, then was talked out it of by somebody here). Maybe it’s just because I’m sympathetic to Touko primarily insofar as she’s being nice to the uber-adorable Yuu, I find myself in need of some reassurance at the moment that she’s not essentially selfish and manipulative. (That’s an overstatement, but, given the premises of the series, it’s a tribute to the author that Touko hasn’t seemed more callous and a bit sinister all along.) In any case, if Touko is going to end up with Yuu, she has to prove she deserves her, and her arm’s-length treatment of Sayaka (if that’s what it’s been) would be another example of her insufficient consideration of other people’s feelings.

joined May 2, 2018

Quoth Blastaar:

I’m not sure how I feel about the implication that Touko has known about Sayaka’s feelings all along

I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. To me Touko's "...." thought bubble when they're going up to the roof suggests she's putting two and two together right as it's happening. And since the other girls remark on how uncharacteristic it is of Sayaka to participate in a mumbo jumbo love ritual, it probably primed Touko's reaction as well.

last edited at Dec 31, 2018 2:45PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Quoth Blastaar:

I’m not sure how I feel about the implication that Touko has known about Sayaka’s feelings all along

I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. Touko's "...." thought bubble when they're going up to the roof suggests she's putting two and two together right as it's happening.

You’re absolutely right. And that would strengthen the parallel with Yuu’s confession. But still, that would make two occasions where Touko is instantly perceptive only at the moment of confession, suggesting that her previous lack of awareness about how Yuu and Sayaka felt was to some extent willful blindness. Next chapter should clarify things about Touko’s inner state, but in any case, my guess is that at least one and perhaps two sweet and loyal girls are gonna get hurt.

joined Dec 18, 2016

I agree that Touko only figured out Sayaka's scheme as it was happening. It's clear it was willful blindness on her part by now since we know that Touko was suspicious of Yuu too back in ch 24 but brushed it off. I think the reason why Touko realized it much faster with Sayaka in this chapter is because she went through this with Yuu's confession already. In any case, Sayaka's confession should provide Touko with the last piece of the puzzle to come to the realization that you can love a person for all of them and not just 1 image or another. That should help her reconcile her feelings for Yuu and take the initiative to fix the relationship. It's a character development necessary for Touko--for her to be able to think, reflect, and act on her own will instead of having to rely on others (namely Yuu & Sayaka) on what to think and do. It'll be interesting to see how she'll confront both Sayaka and Yuu after this.
I actually think we might get back to Yuu's end of the story first next chap. We talked about how she might get confronted and comforted by her friends and family (specifically Rei) to help her sort out her emotions. But what do you guys think is the logical resolution on her end? Yuu needs outlet for her emotions so she don't have to run away and deny her feelings anymore, but this doesn't resolve the fact that she thinks Touko rejected her.

joined May 2, 2018

If Touko didn't see this confession coming either, I see it sending her into a whole new level of crisis. She already thinks she was blind to one close friend's feelings. As long as there was just one such case she could take it as an isolated lapse and work through it, but now there are two.

last edited at Dec 31, 2018 4:01PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think it’s interesting that Touko and Yuu are at an emotional impasse that (unlike the vast majority of such situations in fiction) wouldn’t obviously get straightened out by the two principals sitting down and having a heart-to-heart talk about how each one really feels.

I mean it conceivably could, but it’s not the case that the problem is a classic “misunderstanding.” Touko’s “I’m sorry” to Yuu was not intended to be the standard “I’m sorry—I can’t accept your feelings,” but on reflection, Touko still thinks that—she can’t accept Yuu’s feelings.

Yuu seems to be talking herself into a “Oh, well, I still don’t know what love is, and what I felt for her wasn’t it” position, and Touko, for all the changes we’ve seen in her, still seems to be stuck in her same old distorted vision of love and of herself, “I’m not who you think I am,” etc. So until something fundamental changes, talking it out at this point might well be counterproductive.

I’d like to know what happened to Touko’s doting attraction to and affection for Yuu’s person. Sure, she’s high-minded and all by staying away from Yuu so as to not cause her more emotional pain, but a return of that thirsty lesbian would help this situation a great deal.

joined Oct 28, 2018

Just some things I noticed re-reading chapter 37 On page '68', there's a background character that says his fortune told him to give up on his crush, so that could be a subtle parallel to Sayaka. Sayaka says she won't draw a fortune in case she gets bad luck for her confession but, Touko also doesn't get a fortune. I just really liked the black panels and want to see what Troyca would do with them. When Sayaka metaphorically reaches out to Touko's hidden self, it's a parallel to how the visual metaphor in chapter 11 describes Sayaka allowing Touko to keep up appearances. I feel that Sayaka's entire confession build up is a nice parallel to Yuu's. From consulting with someone with more experience beforehand, the anticipation immediately before and running away after.

last edited at Jan 1, 2019 6:59AM

joined Nov 23, 2015

The author did it again, a wonderful confession on Sayaka's part; I was actually cheering for her (even though I like Yuu&Touko together). Really felt her emotions and relief at having finished the confession. And the author taking the time to work out Sayaka's feelings/why love Touko was just so wonderful. Wish more manga (yuri) like such. >_<
As a thought since talking about all the different confessions in this manga, Yuu's confession reply by Touko "I'm sorry" also ties in with chapter one where Touko rejected the guy; so assumption by Yuu whom witnessed that scene to jump to conclusions plus her lack of experience made a wonderful full circle tie-in/logic as well.

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