Am I the only one who actually likes this story
Well, probably not; I at least respond less negatively and am more interested in seeing what happens than some others evidently are.
But there's no doubt that this comes off as a more toxic version of Dear My Teacher with a much more disturbing undertone to the younger character's actions and the teacher's responses to them.
So where DMT started off with the MCs both seeming a bit damaged or emotionally incomplete and eventually coming to a pretty healthy place together, this one feels like sooner or later the plot is going to turn over some rocks with some very nasty things underneath them.
But I'm a person who focuses on the question "What are the elements any given story is deploying, and how are they going to work themselves out?" For readers for whom the main question is "Do I like/respect/relate to/want to spend more time with these characters?" there's arguably not much to like and a good deal to dislike.