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joined Sep 25, 2013

Thanks for the RAWs. Interesting chapter...

joined Jul 29, 2017

This chapter makes me ridiculously cheerful.

joined Apr 20, 2013

aaah I wanted everything to explode during the play but I guess that was too mean and dramatic... I'm still expecting a wild card during the acting but I guess we're heading toward a cute finale, maybe to the series as a whole too

joined Jun 12, 2015

Bravo Yuu!

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

That chapter was nice.

joined Mar 14, 2016

Alright, at this point they're just stalling and dragging it out before we get to the actual play.

joined Jan 18, 2017

Those words killed her inside

joined Jul 15, 2016

Those words killed her inside

It's called "an epiphany". Yuu is the best. And Touko is the luckiest person on the entire freaking planet.

last edited at Nov 29, 2017 12:40PM

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Ugh this is pathetic

joined Dec 16, 2014

After reading this chapter, all I can say was, she listened!! She backed down and she actually listened!!

joined Mar 13, 2014

(temporarily) resolved just like that? Well, I can't say I mind actually...

joined Jan 18, 2017

Ugh this is pathetic

for what reason?

joined Jul 29, 2017

Alright, at this point they're just stalling and dragging it out before we get to the actual play.

This chapter is only "stalling" if you assume that the actual performance of the play needs to be the central event in resolving the story's conflict. Some important things do get done in this chapter, most notably, of course, the "no kisses for Touko" scene on the rooftop, where Yuu puts some (but by no means all) important cards on the table concerning how deeply she cares for Touko, but there's also the confrontation between Touko and Sayaka, where Sayaka definitively declares herself to be a member of the "what Touko needs, not what she wants" party.

Actually "confrontation" is exactly the wrong word for what happens in that scene--it literally means "to go face to face with someone," but the two of them never directly face each other in that scene; Sayaka mostly is talking to Touko's back. Then, after Yuu forces Touko to look right at her while she says her piece on the rooftop, onstage Touko says, "Let's do this," and rather tentatively turns back toward her friend. Excellent staging and use of body language in this chapter.

There's still important work to be done, and the play itself may be the vehicle or catalyst for some or all of it--Touko needs to be able to say, "I want Yuu to love me back," and Yuu needs to be able to say, "I love Touko," first to herself and then to Touko. I want all that to happen, but I'd prefer to see it unfold at a slower pace--as things have been happening all along*-- if the alternative is rushing through it.

*Except for Touko's initial confession to Yuu--that was a lightning strike out of a clear blue sky.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Wow that Yuu controntation scene realky surprised me. I always thought Touko striving to be like her sister was bad, but Yuu really laid it out how in the end that's okay and it's just who Touko is. And we see progress! Touko actually wasnt stubborn for once and listened. Excellent writing this chapter.

That being said, i do hope the play arc will end soon and it will move onto other things (if the series doesnt end with the play....). It has been dragging these past couple of chapters. There are good parts to each chapter, but overall Touko's conflict felt redundant since nothing new was really happening until this chapter.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Wow that Yuu controntation scene realky surprised me. I always thought Touko striving to be like her sister was bad, but Yuu really laid it out how in the end that's okay and it's just who Touko is. And we see progress! Touko actually wasnt stubborn for once and listened. Excellent writing this chapter.

That being said, i do hope the play arc will end soon and it will move onto other things (if the series doesnt end with the play....). It has been dragging these past couple of chapters. There are good parts to each chapter, but overall Touko's conflict felt redundant since nothing new was really happening until this chapter.

I agree mostly. I think the past couple chapters were a little weak, explaining things that didn't need to be explained, but this chapter really made up for it. I was surprised by Yuu's action, but they still made a lot of sense. I think that's one of the strengths of this series, developments can be unexpected but well foreshadowed and consistent.

joined Apr 1, 2014

How can you deny her a kiss! Tsk kouhais this days

joined Dec 5, 2015

When you are reading in a library and the urge to just yell is eating away at you with each panel.

joined Jul 29, 2017

How can you deny her a kiss! Tsk kouhais this days

“No kisses” have been almost as important as kisses in this series—in the storage shed after the sports festival Yuu’s “I won’t kiss you” moment was overshadowed by the ensuing “but I’ll let you kiss me” smoochfest, but it was a crucial point in bringing just a touch of balance to a very asymmetrical relationship.

Yuu should just turn the tables on her—“Do the play the way I want and I’ll reward you by initiating our next makeout session.” :-)

joined Apr 20, 2013

baka-inu posted:

How can you deny her a kiss! Tsk kouhais this days

Back in my days the kouhais had to settle with just a look or a head pat from the onee samas, and they were damn grateful for that!!!

joined Nov 5, 2017

How can you deny her a kiss! Tsk kouhais this days

“No kisses” have been almost as important as kisses in this series—in the storage shed after the sports festival Yuu’s “I won’t kiss you” moment was overshadowed by the ensuing “but I’ll let you kiss me” smoochfest, but it was a crucial point in bringing just a touch of balance to a very asymmetrical relationship.

Yuu should just turn the tables on her—“Do the play the way I want and I’ll reward you by initiating our next makeout session.” :-)

Noticed Yuu said "not now" so later is still a possibility kek

joined Jul 29, 2017

Back in my days the kouhais had to settle with just a look or a head pat from the onee samas, and they were damn grateful for that!!!

When they started in with all that straightening and re-tying the ties business--that's when it all went to hell! Next thing you know it's tongues down their throats by the shoe lockers. . .

joined Dec 13, 2013

I feel so bad for Sayaka, I love her so much that it makes me angry with Touko cuz shes such an ass with her bff

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I'm happy with this chapter.

I love that one panel on page 22 where Yuu clasps Touko's hand as if in prayer, in supplication. She closes her eyes too. It conveys so much desire and hope for a wish. On the topic of emotional panels, page 16's "no" has a similar layout to another scene in one of Nakatani's Touhou doujins, Silver Fire.

I like that there's a distinction between trying to be like her sister and actually being her sister's copy. Touko describes herself as a shell while we all see her drive and attempts at perfection as part of who she is. Yuu sums it up; it's not trying to become her sister that's inherently an issue but what it's motivated by - thinking there is nothing else to her worth being. I don't think Touko is stubborn in her rejection of other possibilities, not if you look at it from her end. She genuinely doesn't believe any other way is possible, because of how she's always thought of herself, and that's what Yuu penetrates for the first time in this chapter.

Touko's desires keep evolving: "I want to be my sister" "I want to kiss you" "I want to put on this play" "I want to stay in love with you" and finally "I want to believe in Yuu." This marks the turning point, with Touko being receptive to change. It's her least self-centered desire yet and the only one which shows she'll try to accept others' help. It's sort of interesting seeing things from another person's end, one that's opposite my own. Like I always wanted help but didn't believe I deserved it, while Touko doesn't want help in a way, the love others have given her, because she doesn't believe she deserves it, that it's for her. That's something else which Yuu also breaks down, that "everyone's feelings... all of it is meant for you and you alone."

I think Yuu might have found it hard to say no, if only because she wants that kiss too, but her conviction and straightforward honesty is what I've found most admirable about her. She really turned out different from how I thought she would be based on the first couple chapters. I didn't think she would be this... strong.

Every time I see a new chapter uploaded I go into mild fits of excitement. I'm looking forward to the new Touko. Bloom Into You has become one of my standards for complex characters with "negative" and "positive" traits/moments equally balanced and who make decisions more because of who they are rather than what the plot requires.

joined Feb 18, 2015

That was dangerously close to a confession there Yuu... Be careful or you might give away your secret before she's ready to admit that she already knows that you love her too...

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