Forum › Don’t Forget the Forget-Me-Nots discussion

joined May 22, 2016

The same concern being repeated doesn't make it any less important, in fact, it means so many people recognise it as a problem. You can't really say that a problem, any problem, having multiple complaints voiced against them, makes one take them less seriously.
You're really just saying:
"It's hard to take their concerns [about something I don't relate to nor care about] to heart if the same things are being repeated over and over again in slightly altered wordings"
If someone says "rape is wrong" for instance, I assume people tend to agree.
I'm sure this isn't the first time you would hear such a "concern". However, the 50th time you hear "rape is terrible!", I don't suppose you'll think "gosh it's hard to take their concerns about rape to heart if the same things are being repeated over and over again."

joined Dec 9, 2014

I don't understand, the panel where the short haired blonde says she will eventually get married, is that Kyouko thinking and fearing it will happen? Or has it actually happened? Did she use to date that girl back in highschool, and now meets her again as friends? The panels don't explain the story well, it's messy and confusing.

Kyouko being played like that is sad, but at the same time she also gives me a bad vibe. Like, piercing that girl's ear without her wanting to is crossing the line.

I like angst as genre, but when it's done right. To me, this story failed to make me care about the characters tbh, so I couldn't feel moved by reading it. Although what happens to the mc is indeed shitty, but she's doesn't seem to be an angel either.
I don't see how this is an issue of bisexuality. The married woman could be lesbian in the closet as well, but this doesn't have to do with sexuality anyway.

joined Jul 15, 2016

You're really just saying:

What I am really just saying is not that the representation of bisexuals in media doesn't immediately concern me and so shouldn't be discussed in my presence (which would be as idiotic as it sounds), but that this issue, while very real, is largely irrelevant in the context of this manga, for which several people here have already made a case, including MacySan just now. And yet many seem to read the manga's message "bad people have bisexual relationships, too" as "all bi people are cheaters" and get emotionally worked up over judgements /the manga has never made/.

If someone says "rape is wrong" for instance, I assume people tend to agree.

On the scale of wrongness, I personally believe rape ranks somewhat higher than misrepresentation of certain groups in media, and yet for some reason, only a couple folks here have pointed out that Kyouko assaulting Hana was very rape-like in nature, as well.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The First Rule Of Holes: If you find yourself in one, stop digging.

joined Dec 9, 2015

At first, I was annoyed like majority of the readers but on re-reading, it was more interesting than simply "bi are bad"(??). Never knew that sentiment existed. Hana was like a whirlwind. She came into Kyou's life and just left a destruction in its wake. Got married and is pregnant (important point). So Kyou is left devastated and tries to hold onto her even by forcefully re-piercing Hana's ear as a mark. Sayako though, probably loves Kyou in an extremely possessive manner (maybe violent too). She is seemingly okay that Kyou still loved Hana and is waiting patiently for Kyou to turn to her but in truth...she's trying to replace Hana. The piercing and pregnancy were both what defined Hana to Kyou. So, Kyou is trapped by the past and Sayako is trying to trap her. I would think trying to get pregnant for someone's sake is some form of love but....idk

joined Dec 9, 2015

I don't understand, the panel where the short haired blonde says she will eventually get married, is that Kyouko thinking and fearing it will happen? Or has it actually happened? Did she use to date that girl back in highschool, and now meets her again as friends? The panels don't explain the story well, it's messy and confusing.

Kyouko being played like that is sad, but at the same time she also gives me a bad vibe. Like, piercing that girl's ear without her wanting to is crossing the line.

I like angst as genre, but when it's done right. To me, this story failed to make me care about the characters tbh, so I couldn't feel moved by reading it. Although what happens to the mc is indeed shitty, but she's doesn't seem to be an angel either.
I don't see how this is an issue of bisexuality. The married woman could be lesbian in the closet as well, but this doesn't have to do with sexuality anyway.

Its not laid out straight but I don't think its...unclear. Play-by-play is: Kyou meets Hana again say in their mid 20s. Hana's pregnant (pg.8-9) and then flashback/explanation occurs. Page 12-13 shows Kyou basically...getting played. It wasn't a happy story but I don't think it was done that poorly. I actually feel more about the mc the more I brood about it. The little habits, traits, and kinks in your first strong love that's now someone else. Well, everyone experiences it differently.

joined Apr 23, 2016

What the fuck?

joined Apr 1, 2015

I'm cuckold for Kyouko puffs.

< quickly hides >

joined Nov 20, 2015

Aaangst for past and aaangst for future... Wtf..

joined Mar 21, 2016

I prefer read yaoi tag than Bisexual tag.
I always feel anxious.. when reading bisexual stories and they always ended up bad for some reason -_- and left shit in my mouth. so nothings good come out of it

joined Jun 11, 2015

**WTF! **
^ This is more directed towards the screwed up bisexual terrorism here more than the actual angst I felt in this doujin tho.

The First Rule Of Holes: If you find yourself in one, stop digging.

Or keep on until you find a buried gold.
<(_ _)> Excuse me, bye ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄▽ ̄)┘ snafu

joined Dec 27, 2014

Well that was not nice. Well the story was nice to read but the feeling it gave me nah

joined Nov 30, 2015

Oh god..

joined Mar 23, 2011

What the FUCK?!

joined May 11, 2017

These fucks

joined Sep 6, 2013

thanks for the "depressing as fuck" tag. helps cushion that proverbial kick in the nuts at the end.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

damn, I was not expecting that ending

joined Aug 23, 2018

Well that was a bleak read. I can see why any bi-sexual woman but take offence to the way the bi-sexual characters are written in this.

None of the characters come out of this looking good at all. MC has a violent streak in her, that will get her into trouble and is far to easily led and comes far too dependable on her partners. Her ex is a whirlwind of destruction who will tear a person's heart apart and not give a damn, as long as she get's what she wants. All she cares about is having her cake and eating it. While the other woman in MC life, is probably much worse. She's someone who make sure she get's her claw's into the MC and make her depended on her. She keep the MC as her weekend fun cause she knows she never have the MC's heart. She tell her she cares foe the MC but in reality is just doing the exact same thing MC's ex has done. Poor MC is going to end up just as heartbroken when her new woman wants rid of her. That's definitely a gut punch ending.

Definitely deserving of the depressing as fuck tag for sure.

last edited at Oct 30, 2018 5:00PM

joined Aug 23, 2018

This is kind of a long shot and perhaps a farfetched idea, but seeing how the 花言葉 (lit. flower words) for the 勿忘草 (wasurenagusa/forget-me-not) are "true love" and "memories", maybe the title is literally saying "Don't forget about true love and past memories"?

As in, Kyouko tried to pierce Hana's ears so Hana wouldn't ever forget about her. She wanted to force her way into Hana's life by turning the girl's ears into a reminder of their time together. Err, still, it wasn't a very rational decision on her part, nor was it very nice. Meanwhile, I'm under the impression that Sayako isn't as interested in the man as she is with Kyouko (I'm suggesting that maaaybe Sayako loves Kyouko, but also likes her husband, though not as much) Sayako knowing about Hana tells me that she's been there to listen to Kyouko's feelings maany times and to give her a shoulder to lean on. Moreover, Sayako's decision to pierce her own ears might be considered significant as well? The only thing that puts me off is the pregnancy test though. That... kind of destroys my whole theory, so I'll just stop rambling, LOL.

I mean, I have no idea what I'm saying. I'm scrambling to find hints that would make this one-shot not seem as bad as it is.

You make a good argument. I get the hint that Kyouko is probably going to be in for a bigger heartbreak then what Hana did to her with Sayako. While at least Hana stops the relationship cause she's had her fill of Kyouko and now want's to move on to the married life and to have a family (she's still a bad person for what she did but at least she won't string Kyuoko along). Sayako to me, is just going to do the same thing as Hana but isn't going to break it off with Kyouko until she feel's like it. Sayako put's on this act that she be there for Kyouko but she's exactly like Hana but a more sly and devious version. She's using Kyouko's pain to get her claw's into her, so she will become depended on Sayako like Kyuoko did with Hana. So say if Sayako has to blow Kyouku off for month's while she has her child, she can lie through her teeth and know she can go away and Kyuoko is going to be there when she comes back around to continue on her affair. That's the gut punch Kyouku is just going to continue on getting her heart broke.

joined Aug 19, 2018

.....So don't read it, got it. Comments you saved me again! (Even though some of you seem like your trying to be edgy)

joined Feb 24, 2019

I could sense things getting worse when the story didn't end at what seemed like the most hopeful moment, so I came to the comments before finishing and, sure enough, it got pretty bad. So if somebody else has a moment like I did just know that if it seems like a good stopping point to you then you might want to consider just stopping.

joined Aug 21, 2016

Dude... Fuck off. The ending was such a gigantic middle finger.

joined Jun 11, 2020

Just what the fuck

joined Sep 7, 2021

That was savage and nasty, loved it. XD
Why no ecchi and cheating tags?

joined Oct 24, 2018

Kyouko's life sucks so much that it became ironically funny

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