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joined Jul 17, 2013

aaah ; ; my heart </3

joined Aug 22, 2013

Ughhh my favorite/yet not favorite part is coming up... I must be a masochist

but as long as you make it to the end of the series you'll be rewarded

I hope the one shot/side story featuring Fueko and Asuna gets translated eventually

joined Mar 2, 2012

i think im done with this manga, i too feel depressed from reading it -.-

Well don't act too surprised, it's in the name.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Asuna got dumped. Karmic justice. My "no sympathy for cheaters" policy is in full effect. I am not looking forward to the likely eventuality of Fue taking her back.

joined Apr 15, 2011

ya know, this series is depressing as hell at times, but it's really starting to grow on me. i'm kind of glad that we are getting more character development and back-stories from the other characters.

also, how much older is Remi-chan and Meru-chan compared to the others? if Remi was tutoring Asuna while Asuna was in high school, I'm guessing she must be 3-5 years older?

joined Nov 30, 2011

This series is depressing?? O_o... I haven't felt depressed once. Maybe I ought to read it from the start again but... never felt sad or depressed over anything.

joined Jan 23, 2014

Yay, I like back stories!

joined Aug 5, 2013

I'm sure Fue knew all along what Asuna has been doing (or maybe even who she was doing) behind her back. She did say she had fun and no doubt loved Asuna. Still, I feel so sorry for her for putting up with a cheater.

joined Sep 24, 2013

I was deciding whether I should read the new "Collectors" chapter or this one first, and picked this one to leave "Collectors" to boost my spirits should anything depressing happen... Seems I was right.

And I know that a lot of people are criticising Asuna for cheating on Fue, but you know, throughout the series I had never felt that Fue expressed care for Asuna, though it might just be that she doesn't show her emotions much. They were in a relationship, but in my opinion it was obvious only on Asuna's side. That's gotta be frustrating. Normally I wouldn't condone cheating, but I do feel really bad for Asuna; a relationship should be mutual, not just one-way.

joined Apr 15, 2011

This series is depressing?? O_o... I haven't felt depressed once. Maybe I ought to read it from the start again but... never felt sad or depressed over anything.

good for you. :-)
different strokes for different folks, eh?

joined Jun 16, 2013

Amano shuninta seems to like to tell a story on every character and link them all together like in sweet guilty love bites and yukemuri santuary. After all it's a drama. You need conflict and a come back to make a drama. This new volume probably concentrate on fue and asuna... Maybe it's not a bad ending. Atleast I hope so. So far none of her/ his manga has a bad ending

joined Oct 31, 2013

Guess I'm the only one who loves Asuna here. and i wish both Asuna and Fue will get back together. Well, i get it it's hard if u have a high desire for sex and ur gf doesnt wanna do it. She needs to find an alternative somehow. Sad with chapter 6. T_____T

joined Jan 12, 2014

I was deciding whether I should read the new "Collectors" chapter or this one first, and picked this one to leave "Collectors" to boost my spirits should anything depressing happen... Seems I was right.

I made the mistake and read Collectors first. Now I'm feeling totally down ....
Should have known this would start a direct assault towards my heat again

last edited at Mar 24, 2014 2:51PM

joined Apr 8, 2013

Makes me wanna wish Sacchan didn't exist at all, sorry but this girl is not a yuri....I fear for Ruki get exchange for a guy.Might have been better if she was a Yuzu a clueless lesbian, with no sense of knowing she is one.

So just because she's been with a guy meaning she won't be able to love a woman? I may don't know the ending of this series yet but anyone can be able to fall in love with anyone. Meaning even if Sacchan doesn't love Rukright now that doesn't mean Ruki can't make her fall in love with her. Because Come on! Ruki is so awesome (or maybe only I think so becuz I went through the same experience as Ruki's)

I am a lesbian 100% and I did fall for my best friend I did know for forever, trust me, it will not work if she is not gay. That is just the way it is. Sad and true, women when it comes to sex especially straight girls don't want to be touch by a lesbian unless they want to experiment. After the love is over, they will eventually go back to what they were. It hurts, but that is the outcome I am living right now...don't know if it will ever change, that is why I avoid dating straight girls. As a matter as fact I am no longer looking for love. Its a big mess.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Makes me wanna wish Sacchan didn't exist at all, sorry but this girl is not a yuri....I fear for Ruki get exchange for a guy.Might have been better if she was a Yuzu a clueless lesbian, with no sense of knowing she is one.

So just because she's been with a guy meaning she won't be able to love a woman? I may don't know the ending of this series yet but anyone can be able to fall in love with anyone. Meaning even if Sacchan doesn't love Rukright now that doesn't mean Ruki can't make her fall in love with her. Because Come on! Ruki is so awesome (or maybe only I think so becuz I went through the same experience as Ruki's)

I am a lesbian 100% and I did fall for my best friend I did know for forever, trust me, it will not work if she is not gay. That is just the way it is. Sad and true, women when it comes to sex especially straight girls don't want to be touch by a lesbian unless they want to experiment. After the love is over, they will eventually go back to what they were. It hurts, but that is the outcome I am living right now...don't know if it will ever change, that is why I avoid dating straight girls. As a matter as fact I am no longer looking for love. Its a big mess.

Not trying to undermine your experience or anything but I wouldn't rule out Sacchan getting together with Ruki since in the end they're only characters and the author will set things up in a way than will allow him to tell the story he wants.

last edited at Mar 25, 2014 1:22AM

joined Aug 5, 2013

Makes me wanna wish Sacchan didn't exist at all, sorry but this girl is not a yuri....I fear for Ruki get exchange for a guy.Might have been better if she was a Yuzu a clueless lesbian, with no sense of knowing she is one.

Why do I feel like Remi's going to play a role on that part. She better not lay a cough finger on Sacchan >__>

joined Sep 24, 2013

Guess I'm the only one who loves Asuna here. and i wish both Asuna and Fue will get back together.

Hey, you're not alone, I wish they could reconcile too. I just can't condemn Asuna for cheating; for me, what is abhorrent about cheating is the idea of betraying your partner or not caring about them enough, but here that's not the case. It's obvious that Asuna cares so much for Fue but receives painfully little in return, and that she would not be cheating on her if only Fue would do it with her. It's because she's realised that Fue doesn't want to do it, but can't just suppress her own needs forever, that she goes to Meru instead. Although it's technically cheating, the intentions are completely different - in fact, it's partly because she loves Fue that she cheats on her, because otherwise she would simply continue to press her with unwanted demands. I just can't for the life of me say that's wrong, though admittedly I am very biased towards Asuna since we don't see much of how Fue thinks.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Oh wow. This chapter completely shatters the image of Asuna I used to have. I literally feel terrible for all the crap I said about her and Meru (who, I should add, I'm getting super attached to). At first I thought she was just going along with Meru, just because. But now I understand that she's the type who puts others' needs first, and then doesn't expect anything in return until she just.. pops.

I'm not sure if this is right, but on Page 32, was Meru crying at the thought of Fue falling for Maasa? Or just laughing? :o (After chapters 4 and 5 I'm on the Maaru train.)

I'm sure Fue also valued what they had, seeing her reactions after the breakup, but I really want to see how they met and got together!

I also want to see what Asuna wrote her, if a letter is indeed in that envelope.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well Meru's issues kind of came from nowhere and the whole thing with the porn (aside of really pissing me off, people should stick to their own business, assholes) felt a little like constructed drama, I'm hoping than it got a good payoff but right now it seems really disconnected to the main plot.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Well Meru's issues kind of came from nowhere and the whole thing with the porn (aside of really pissing me off, people should stick to their own business, assholes) felt a little like constructed drama, I'm hoping than it got a good payoff but right now it seems really disconnected to the main plot.

Well I wouldn't say they came out of nowhere. We've known for a while that Meru is a glutton, I mean she's never seen without some sort of junk food. However, and this is just a tiny detail I don't think got noticed much, but "how does she stay so skinny?" I figured she was just a bottomless pit for comedic effect, but this was an interesting take on that trope.

About the porn... eh, we've also known that Meru likes sex and does it with anyone. So I'm not really surprised. Though I guess she does/did it so she can feel like there's someone there for her, albeit momentarily and completely artificial.

To me there was a good payoff - there was some hinted Maaru action going on this chapter. Me likey.
joined Apr 19, 2012

> Well that came out of the left field. And I have a bad feeling about Sacchan wandering off at the end.. Hopefully she doesn't find Remi to listen to her, or her ex boyfriend...

Seriously, that made me reconsider me pairing Sacchan and Ruki together. I know it sounds like I'm jumping to conclusions and all that, but it just sounds more and more like Sacchan is one needy girl. Seriously. She doesn't even ask what's wrong with Ruki??

And the bulimia and bullying issue was really sad.

joined Mar 22, 2014

I have a friend that used to suffer from bulimia and binge eating. She's better now since I told her mom about it, but while she was going through it, she'd maintain a happy and bubbly personality most of the time to hide her needs for attention and company. At one point, she admitted herself that somewhere down the line, her bulimia turned into a cry for help.

I was instantly reminded of her when I saw Meru trying to purge. After getting bullied like that, I can see why she'd attempt to shape herself into perfection both personality-wise and physically. Meru's the type that gets lonely easily and fears abandonment & rejection. She also likes to run away from things that she doesn't want to hear, it seems.

I think that Meru is a pretty realistic character. I used to hate her because she seemed like the gag character who kept interfering with Asuna & Fue, but I think her actions are justified now.

joined Mar 6, 2014

That switching of focus is really making me confused

joined Mar 28, 2014

I wasn't suprised at the bulimia aspect because it was strongly hinted at before like here:

I was instantly reminded of her when I saw Meru trying to purge.

Same here I was reminded of a friend. I'm glad we got to see things from Meru's pov, I didn't like her much before.

joined Feb 25, 2013

Okay, it's official: Maasa is my favorite character.

And about Meru, now I just feel like an ass for judging her before. I know what it's like to be bullied and can relate. (Different issue, but no less damaging.) I didn't resort to what she's gone through, but the fact that she has to do that in order to feel like she belongs makes me wanna hug her. That and it's happened so long that it's formed into a habit. =(

Asuna is a nymphomaniac and Fue doesn't want sex. Other than that they would be all right. Either that or Asuna is going through withdraw, which is also probable.

As for Ruki, I kinda feel a little sorry for her, because based on Saachan's thoughts this chapter, I'm pretty sure Saachan doesn't feel the same was for Ruki as vise versa. (Yeah, it's taken me this long to realize.) It's a shame too because I thought they would be cute together. Oh well. =/

last edited at Mar 28, 2014 5:58AM

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