I've recently had lots of time (due to procrastinating on my lame-ass homework) so I reread the entire series. These are my thoughts.
Noe-san really kicks ass doesn't she? I love how she knows everything without being told. She has great woman's intuition.
Have you noticed that Miyako's face is practically always in her "chibi sneer" form? (That's what I call it) It always surprises me when Ikeda adds details to her face.
Tomoe is fucking awesome. She's very good at gathering information from watching stuff. I love how she can't drive too, and how she's kinda got a one-track mind, and fights hard for stuff.
It makes a lot of sense for Miyako to be so... rude? Aggressive? I don't know, but if her personality were as cute as her exterior wouldn't Kazama have fallen hard for her? I know Kazama said she didn't want to mess with their relationship, but it seemed like a plot possibility to me (If Miyako was actually cute) Her personality works though...
That chapter with Aoi crying made me really embarrassed. I read things as if I'm the main character (as I'm sure many do) and I could not see myself doing ANY of what happened in the chapter, in terms of misunderstanding. It's an issue for me when I read manga, sometimes I have to come back to a chapter cuz I just cannot finish it. I get embarrassed easily.
Those flashback chapters were great. I dunno, I just love flashbacks that explain the WHOLE PREMISE OF THE FUCKING STORY. Really. They're just flashbacks, I don't know why people were so unhappy with them (a couple years ago)
I. Hate. Angst. Because of my aforementioned issues of embarrassment. (Of course, that only happens with stories I get into. I can read some things in a very detached manner if they're ridiculous or stupid) And by breaking the angst off with the flashback chapters HE MADE ME SO FUCKING MAD. CUZ I WAS INTO IT. But I got over it-- it's not Ikeda's fault I can't read japanese, and it's not Dynasty's fault they weren't cranking it out as fast as I wished.
Rereading makes me see the whole flow of the story a lot better, rather than just reading the new chapter every few months. It had good turning points I noticed. Sumika and Kazama really grow well.
... Although I hated that the middle was mostly misunderstanding fueled...
Do parents really die this often in Japan? Are accidents really common or something? Seems like it.
I really love Akemiya. He's a sweety.
I always find myself drawn to characters like Mayu for some reason. I guess I like airheads... She and Koi are a great combo too. They compliment each other well, and I'm happy Koi (apparently) confessed.
What the fuck is up with that model in disguise? With the tied back curly hair? And her companion with pointy teeth? I understand they're comedy relief BUT WHY ARE THEY SO WEIRD???? They remind me of Tomoe and Miyako for some reason...
Kyori is great. Toasts chalkboard drawing and smiles If Sasameki Koto were a drinking game I think one of the rules should be, "Drink once when you see curry bread, Kiyori is eating curry bread, and when anyone mentions it."
I'm sure I had more but this is it for now.
Edit: Oh, yes. Fujito better have ended up with a girl.
last edited at May 1, 2013 8:47PM