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joined Dec 30, 2013

Het has a really strong possibilty and NTR is already there.

I don't see any NTR here in that moment because we don't know why Tsubasa come to Jun and we even don't know if they still have some kind relationship or something. Only "we see Tsubasa and another girl with one man" (maybe it was another girl but similar to Tsubasa, seriously) and that's all. Who knows, maybe Tsubasa and Jun just a friends on that time and Jun's place like a shelter for Thubasa when she suffer? Or maybe Tsubasa come to Jun for advice? We don't know, so let's not make sudden conclusions.

last edited at Feb 6, 2017 1:59AM

joined Dec 4, 2016

from meh to hate(meh). when you see the same scenario over and again. the usual yuri become meh and NTR and het doesn't trigger me hard.

last edited at Feb 6, 2017 6:53AM

joined May 24, 2014
I dunno why but I think this song fits this manga

last edited at Feb 6, 2017 6:59PM

Too much i just don't get! Are both of their lives that shiatty to just eff around?? O_o

Oh no i didn't even know this was connected to the story i've read! O_O

last edited at Feb 9, 2017 10:16PM by

joined Oct 15, 2013

man this is a writing-trainwreck, abysmal.

joined Dec 30, 2014

I can enjoy it. Pull her out.

joined Sep 21, 2014

Ah, gj Misaki-chan. It's not about blind, baseless faith on what you want to believe. It's about being okay with the truth about her, if you really care for her.

joined Feb 18, 2015

So, what kind of time frame was there supposed to be between when she got her hair cut off and the most recent chapter when it is long again? Or are we just supposed to ignore that?

last edited at Feb 13, 2017 7:25PM

joined Jul 19, 2016

The artwork is good, however, characters and story are absolutely vital. I wish the story was more cohesive. Last chapter still seemed like the introduction yet now we're almost at the end. I guess I should say that I'm thankful that it's at least reaching a conclusion, whatever that may be.

last edited at Feb 26, 2017 7:24AM

joined Jul 19, 2016

Ah, gj Misaki-chan. It's not about blind, baseless faith on what you want to believe. It's about being okay with the truth about her, if you really care for her.

I really liked that moment. It's too bad it was kind of overshadowed by the story's faults.

joined Dec 19, 2016

I really hope this has a happy ending. Yeah, Tsubasa is kinda fucked up right now, but I think her love for Misaki will set her straight. I hope the cover is canon. XD

joined Jul 3, 2015

lol this gets worse and worse every chapter - down it goes into the garbage mill

joined May 24, 2014

Why does disaster seems so divineee?

Why do I wish for bad fortune?

Because every misstake you make is miinee!

last edited at Feb 14, 2017 2:49AM

joined Feb 23, 2016

Please please! Make her pick up the phone, so they can make-up! (OvO)

joined Aug 18, 2015

Reading this is is like watching a movie series in a random order.

joined Apr 25, 2014

So, what kind of time frame was there supposed to be between when she got her hair cut off and the most recent chapter when it is long again? Or are we just supposed to ignore that?

short hair stuff was all a flashback. most recent chapter returns to the present.

joined Aug 27, 2013

Please please! Make her pick up the phone, so they can make-up! (OvO)

Oh, we all know who will answer the phone, hee hee hee...

This series is rocky, but it's terrific. If the writing and art stay this good it will be a real winner!

People always complain "everything's the same" but when a mangaka does something different (like this series) they complain how weird and hard to read it is... sigh! I like it a lot.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Please please! Make her pick up the phone, so they can make-up! (OvO)

Oh, we all know who will answer the phone, hee hee hee...

This series is rocky, but it's terrific. If the writing and art stay this good it will be a real winner!

People always complain "everything's the same" but when a mangaka does something different (like this series) they complain how weird and hard to read it is... sigh! I like it a lot.

Well, both impulses are reasonable. When it comes to romance, there are not that many basic story lines that make people feel emotionally satisfied. And yet people like variety. So there's always going to be that tension between "The same old stuff bores me" and "NOT the same old stuff usually turns out to suck".

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

It's not the content I have a problem with at all; the situation is actually fairly interesting. It's simply that the presentation has been very unfulfilling. Needless to say, the "Jun storyline" has not been laid out in an effective way whatsoever. Still, I am interested to see what Misaki does from here on.

joined Dec 14, 2014

I fucking died on that "Crouchy- Coo" line. Couldn't contain myself. Lol

joined Oct 26, 2016


joined Jan 9, 2017

About time we got Misakis perspective

joined Feb 23, 2016

Uuuuuhhh shiet is going down!!! It's gonna be hell!!

last edited at Mar 8, 2017 7:44PM

joined Dec 30, 2013

Sometimes i don't understand - is this really so hard just to push fuckers off from yourself? Misaki, all what you need to did is just push this fucker off. But no, let's say "don't!!" and do nothing, like always. It's already just hillarious. Espesially when Jun don't use her strenght and just grope Misaki's boob's and lick them. What so hard just hit her and run? I don't want to think about Misaki like a slut, but this whole situation... for me it's like "ew, it gross, but let's fuck, dude!". What if Tsubasa don't interrupt their little fun? What if in future another fucker just grop Misaki's boobs? Would she resist when or like now not and let this shit happened? I feel so sorry about Tsubasa. Well, i just sit here and wait patiently.

P.S. And it's really funny, how hard Tsubasa resist against two guys and how Misaki did nothing against Jun. JUN! WTF with you, Misaki? You really looking forward to it, yeah? I know you did.))

last edited at Mar 8, 2017 8:53PM

joined Dec 19, 2016

So I read this was just 1 volume. Does anyone know about many chapters it is? I'm curious to know how many are left.

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