Retrograde amnesia is as real as anterograde, just a little less common. Also, the long-term retrograde is much less common than the retrograde that is near the trauma, if there's a trauma. Most of the time, people don't even think about very short-duration retrograde amnesia as being that, but it is. Ribot's Law (if my memory serves, curse you amnesia!) says that not only are the memories of the trauma the likeliest to go, but it drops off as you get further in time from the trauma. like it'd be likelier that you forgot the trauma and the day before than that you forgot the trauma and the week before. So three years is a less than one in a million event but certainly possible.
also, no idea what caused Arisa's r.a. but quite often it's temporarily graded and you do recover memories (ala Watashi no Taisetsu na Tomodachi) though not always (Blank).
last edited at Jan 26, 2017 5:12AM