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joined Feb 9, 2016

today on: How Is This Still Subtext......

I know, right?? xD Kasumi went out of her lazy ways just to fulfill Sakurako's wish xD ... Romantic sloth is romantic

joined Mar 7, 2014

today on: How Is This Still Subtext......

Yeah, that's NOT something that you do with a picture of someone who's JUST a friend. I don't care where you are.

last edited at Jan 20, 2017 11:50PM

joined Feb 23, 2016

What the... Did they just kissed?!

Yes~ she even swithed the caramels ♪(´ε` )

joined Dec 4, 2015

What the... Did they just kissed?!

Yes~ she even swithed the caramels ♪(´ε` )

That was a master's move.

joined May 27, 2015


Was this named after Genghis Khan? /historynerd

And... that wasn't just some sissy indirect kiss, or an accidental peck. That was a "I dug a candy right out of your mouth with my tongue" kind of kiss. Wew.

That part with the photo at the end reminded me of HakuAi, with Nao's insane fangirling over her Onee-chan.

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014


Was this named after Genghis Khan? /historynerd


joined Oct 6, 2015

Just counting the days until we get that Yuri tag.

I think they need to do more than that switching of candies to get that tag..I've been patiently waiting..xD

joined Mar 23, 2014

The moment they kissed I literally screamed "IS THIS CANON?" cuz for a second I thought I was reading a fan dj but nope... it's legit.

joined Apr 9, 2015

what is a "subtext" ? a miserable form of lies.

joined Dec 3, 2014

The thing about Futaribeya is, while the author always visions the mains as being in a relationship, Editor-san comes in and said "Nope, please turn down the yuri."

So what we got in the end is a weird compromise. Kasumi and Sakurako actualy did comtemplating the possibilities of being in a relationship (in previous chapter or so I think, or maybe that one hasn't been translated?), but realize that it would make absolutely no difference from what they are already having so they just move on and assume their lives as normal. Thus they have no problem admit their attractions to the other girl to themselves or do things like kissing, but we'll never see anything coined "explicit" like a love confession.

The latest chapter have them trying to get to uni and looking for an apartment to live together after they graduate from high school. It's refreshing to see a sloth like Kasumi actually trying to work to save money for their future together. Also one has Kasumi kissed Sakurako to pass her medicine.

So I would say this can still be passed as yuri for those just want to read comfy SOL between two girls and don't ask for stuff like smooching.

Also the kiss in this chapter was lewd. It would probably involve a lot of tongue though.

last edited at Jan 21, 2017 1:24AM

joined Sep 21, 2014

That was a "I dug candy right out of your mouth with my tongue" kind of kiss. Wew.

⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄▃⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

joined Apr 25, 2014

"I love cherry blossoms!"

what are you trying to say, Kasumi?

joined Aug 6, 2015

JUST KISS ALREA- Oh... nvm. I'm sated for a while, now.

joined May 27, 2015

"I love cherry blossoms!"

what are you trying to say, Kasumi?

Oh shit, I didn't realize. Sakura, Sakurako.


last edited at Jan 21, 2017 1:51AM

joined Sep 9, 2016

They kissed!!!! (Kinda) I can die happy now.

I love this manga so much. It's so cute how they feel like a married couple!

joined Aug 10, 2015

such tease that was like so unexpected we were like "come on kiss alrea.... o shit they actually kiss kinda" was pretty anticlimatic if you ask me but still super cute

joined May 15, 2014

I swear we are missing a few chapters that show them becoming a couple XD

joined Mar 22, 2014

^ Probably, LOL.

joined Aug 10, 2015

So I would say this can still be passed as yuri for those just want to read comfy SOL between two girls and don't ask for stuff like smooching.

but but but kiss is like no salsa when you buy some tacos is almost criminal or a quesadilla without queso i doesnt make any sense

joined Sep 9, 2016

The thing about Futaribeya is, while the author always visions the mains as being in a relationship, Editor-san comes in and said "Nope, please turn down the yuri."

So what we got in the end is a weird compromise. Kasumi and Sakurako actualy did comtemplating the possibilities of being in a relationship (in previous chapter or so I think, or maybe that one hasn't been translated?), but realize that it would make absolutely no difference from what they are already having so they just move on and assume their lives as normal. Thus they have no problem admit their attractions to the other girl to themselves or do things like kissing, but we'll never see anything coined "explicit" like a love confession.

The latest chapter have them trying to get to uni and looking for an apartment to live together after they graduate from high school. It's refreshing to see a sloth like Kasumi actually trying to work to save money for their future together. Also one has Kasumi kissed Sakurako to pass her medicine.

So I would say this can still be passed as yuri for those just want to read comfy SOL between two girls and don't ask for stuff like smooching.

Also the kiss in this chapter was lewd. It would probably involve a lot of tongue though.

Seriously? If that's the case, why can't Yukiko-sensei publish in a more yuri-friendly magazine? That's sort of depressing to know.

last edited at Jan 21, 2017 3:02AM

joined Feb 11, 2014

The thing about Futaribeya is, while the author always visions the mains as being in a relationship, Editor-san comes in and said "Nope, please turn down the yuri."

Do you have an actual source for that ? Serious question, I'd be interested in confirming this.

That aside, that candy-swapping kiss was so natural on both side there's no way they're not married already. XD

joined Nov 29, 2013

And you call this is subtext (

BTW, the author has already add yuri tag for almost every images of this series on Pixiv. So, what stop us to add it in here anyway?

joined Nov 23, 2014


joined Sep 21, 2014

And you call this is subtext (

BTW, the author has already add yuri tag for almost every images of this series on Pixiv. So, what stop us to add it in here anyway?

The tag was there. But ppl complained and bitched about it so hard they changed it to Subtext
Ever since, the comments had mainly been "omg why isn't this tagged yuri yet"

joined Dec 12, 2016

I think it's about time it gets changed back.

We have Kasumi calling Sakurako her wife, we have Sakurako thinking about how her and her sister have similar taste in women, now we have Kasumi fishing candy of Sakurako's mouth with her tongue. We probably won't get a proper confession or a proper romantic kiss but I have seen one shots get the Yuri tag for less.

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