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joined Sep 21, 2014

Yep. Again, it really only starts to develop from chapters 71 and onwards. If you want me to be really specific, chapter 79 is where it kind of gets teased. Chapters 82, 84 and 86 expands on it a little bit, and then more hints run all the way until chapters 99-100 (chapter 100 is where my old pic was from), where I believe (I can't read any Korean whatsoever) the blonde haired girl (Nam Yueun) says something akin to a confession to orange/pinkish haired girl (Go Jun, also known as Ginny), although it's not direct.

You read/looked through it all in Korean? o-o Damn, wow
I'm assuming that you've seen good non verbal hints?

joined Mar 22, 2014

Yep. Again, it really only starts to develop from chapters 71 and onwards. If you want me to be really specific, chapter 79 is where it kind of gets teased. Chapters 82, 84 and 86 expands on it a little bit, and then more hints run all the way until chapters 99-100 (chapter 100 is where my old pic was from), where I believe (I can't read any Korean whatsoever) the blonde haired girl (Nam Yueun) says something akin to a confession to orange/pinkish haired girl (Go Jun, also known as Ginny), although it's not direct.

You read/looked through it all in Korean? o-o Damn, wow
I'm assuming that you've seen good non verbal hints?

With a little help from Google Translator, yes. Although the results I got were super scattered and butchered, I just kind of put it all into context. The manhwa is translated up to chapter 84 on Lezhin, though, but I skimmed the raws first.

joined Sep 6, 2011

Kimi Koi Limit all over again.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Kimi Koi Limit all over again.

I like KKL, so that would be good news for me.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I read the question here, and thought yeah, that's pretty much exactly how it works.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Kinda expecting it to be a scenario like "I'm in love with my best friend, but I'm terrified of her finding out and being disgusted/scared of me, but I met this person who I'm not really in love with but has helped me out a lot, and even confessed to me while knowing about my feelings for my best friend and said that she would be fine dating me or pretending to date me even if I didn't love her yet, so maybe if I say I'm dating her then I'll be able to come out to my best friend and she won't feel threatened by me because I'm 'taken', and hopefully I'll eventually be able to get over my feelings for her and fall in love with this other girl instead, only it's a horrible mistake and if only I'd had the courage to be honest about my feelings in the first place then my best friend and I would've been happy together years ago and none of this would have happened". That's the feeling I get reading the first chapter, at least. This author sure likes her ironic unrequited loves.


joined Mar 28, 2015

It's Girl Friends all over again too, if they had pushed it into college.

joined Nov 4, 2016

Kimi Koi Limit all over again.

Weell... KKL meets Dusk, Orange, The Blooming Flowers... innit?

joined Jul 26, 2014

The jealousy!!

joined Mar 27, 2015

I'm definitely getting the same vibe as the majority that it is all just a ploy to make Tsubaki and Nao a couple. Saeki is like the epitome of the false girlfriend archetype on every page she is featured. Of course when everything seems so obvious, it might be just the author messing with us and subverting our expectations in the long run. We'll see I guess.

joined Feb 16, 2015

I hope the they start getting along with eachother and ditch the MC, that'd be a love triangle I'm actually okay with.

joined Jan 19, 2015

okay I'd love to have the luxury of being more picky with what I read but uggggghhh come on. subscribed. I eagerly look forward to heart break and sadness. fuck me up.

joined May 25, 2013

Keep 'em coming pls.

joined Apr 26, 2014

Next chapter please!!!!

joined May 3, 2016

Why does everyone hate love triangles. Also, is this being continued...?

joined Dec 19, 2016

Why does everyone hate love triangles. Also, is this being continued...?

Yeah I like love triangles if done right. I too would like to know if this will be continued.

joined Dec 5, 2016

This was published on Hirari #13, the Hirari magazine ended on the #14 issue. I haven't read it yet, but Fumie's listed on the cover as one of the authors in that issue, so the second chapter of this was probably in it.

Still, with hirari dead, I'm guessing we won't see a third chapter of this.

The M Machine
joined Sep 11, 2015


joined May 27, 2015

That was a smooth resolution, no needless drama and aangst, thank the lord and based Akuta.

last edited at Jul 2, 2017 6:49PM

joined Jan 4, 2014

This was published on Hirari #13, the Hirari magazine ended on the #14 issue. I haven't read it yet, but Fumie's listed on the cover as one of the authors in that issue, so the second chapter of this was probably in it.

Still, with hirari dead, I'm guessing we won't see a third chapter of this.

That might help explain why the ending just feels a tad rushed. The thing about not really having enough space / time to complete what you were trying to accomplish, but also not wanting to leave your readers hanging without any conclusion at all. Would have been nice to see at least one or two more chapters.

Still, I really like Fumie's work, and this one is no exception: sweet, but including the trademark light drama undertones.

joined May 24, 2014

W- whut, a confrontation AND then a resolution within the same chapter? O.O
B- but we could have had 15+ chapters ending with cliffhangers and drama and forced boyfriends and jealousy and crying! (Yes Citrus I'm looking at you)
Thank God for no unnecessary drama. That was sweet :3

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

What's this? Characters actually talking to each other and clearing up a misunderstanding right after it happens instead of stewing to themselves for days, if not weeks on end? Hooray!!!

joined Jan 17, 2017

Good Ending II

joined Sep 21, 2015

Lmao that plot twist was fun as hell

joined Dec 14, 2014

Nothing dragged on forever?! I wasn't ready for this.

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