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joined Dec 5, 2015

Wow I really like this series so far :O I already ship Honoka x Alicia. You already know something is going to go down between them. xD

joined Apr 20, 2013

Nice chapter!!
But I wanted Honoka to blush a little watching Elisha's underwear fully exposed, it was like not a big deal when she had real yaoi right beside her

joined Mar 22, 2015

But I wanted Honoka to blush a little watching Elisha's underwear fully exposed

Me too! They definitely have some weird physical chemistry that is sometimes there and sometimes not there, but the focus seems to be their emotional aspects.

joined Jan 27, 2016

But I wanted Honoka to blush a little watching Elisha's underwear fully exposed, it was like not a big deal when she had real yaoi right beside her

Yeah, I was a smidge disappointed by her complete lack of reaction to Elisha wearing nothing but Santa lingerie.

joined Oct 13, 2014

Nice chapter!!
But I wanted Honoka to blush a little watching Elisha's underwear fully exposed, it was like not a big deal when she had real yaoi right beside her

makes sense though. shes so focused on her "real life gay couple" and itd be cool that she would try her best to flirt with honoka with her not noticing yet

joined Jan 30, 2013

It's official I love the gay couple.

joined Jun 27, 2014

I love a well maintained body , but that picture on the t-shirt was really wrong it looked like Xena warrior princess and Chyyna from WWE wrestling had a kid . Toned but still soft and feminine women are my type . Now I need to go snuggle into Violets tummy yay! Good night everyone.

joined Jan 18, 2016

That was again awesome. Love the cover! Does someone know where i can buy an translated volume?
Great to wake up on my birth day and see more Virgin's Empire!
Please keep up the great work, translate people!

joined Mar 26, 2014

Hahahaha all the people who said they were twins now have to eat their words! XD Official Gay Couple!!

joined Nov 28, 2015

i'm already excited for the Chie's Birthday chapters

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

omg, I'm crying from laughing so hard. Honoka x Elisha... <3

"An eye glasses case that won't fit glasses" His mind was blown so hard that day.


last edited at Apr 6, 2016 12:24PM

joined Sep 22, 2014

A happy moment for Onoda. She really has made friends. It gives me hope for her development in the future! And it made me smile.

joined Feb 11, 2014


joined Jan 27, 2016

A happy moment for Onoda. She really has made friends. It gives me hope for her development in the future! And it made me smile.

I was really worried about her after her last chapter I'm glad she hasn't let her bitterness consume her completely.

Also, I'm in love with this current rate of updates.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Man, little kids in manga always make teary-eyed. They are just so innocent and cute and so easily amazed :D

joined Feb 28, 2013

A happy moment for Onoda. She really has made friends. It gives me hope for her development in the future! And it made me smile.

Onoda reminds me far too much of myself in high school, so seeing the others being genuinely concerned for her made me cry... a lot.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Boing boing boing...

joined Sep 22, 2014

Onoda reminds me far too much of myself in high school, so seeing the others being genuinely concerned for her made me cry... a lot.

Yeah, I find her character painfully believable. I've been rooting for her since I started reading this.

joined Nov 3, 2014

I just came by to say I love you DrMario <3 you are the best!

joined Sep 21, 2014

A happy moment for Onoda. She really has made friends. It gives me hope for her development in the future! And it made me smile.

I was really worried about her after her last chapter I'm glad she hasn't let her bitterness consume her completely.

Also, I'm in love with this current rate of updates.

Same ;____;
Seeing them trying to support her was really sweet
Legit every time a character gets character development, she gets drawn cuter, so it just feels good to read, both emotionally and visually

joined Jan 18, 2016

Loved onoda's eyes in this one, love the eyes always!

joined Dec 15, 2014

onoda was sooo cute this chapter i want to cry

joined Mar 26, 2014

Man, little kids in manga always make teary-eyed. They are just so innocent and cute and so easily amazed :D

... Kids in real life act like that too. I sometimes volunteer at an elementary school because my mom teaches there and I can tell you they're the sweetest (but no one is without their bad days). So every time I go they go "Oh look it's Isabel!" "Hi Isabel" "Hey Isabel guess what I learned today." "Isabel I drew a picture for you." and etc. They're 1st graders and they don't hate a soul.

joined Aug 22, 2013

Man, little kids in manga always make teary-eyed. They are just so innocent and cute and so easily amazed :D

... Kids in real life act like that too. I sometimes volunteer at an elementary school because my mom teaches there and I can tell you they're the sweetest (but no one is without their bad days). So every time I go they go "Oh look it's Isabel!" "Hi Isabel" "Hey Isabel guess what I learned today." "Isabel I drew a picture for you." and etc. They're 1st graders and they don't hate a soul.

Werd... I work as a store greeter and when the little kids get over being shy and wave back to you it's the cutest thing. They don't really know who you are but it's like they get excited just to see someone play/interact with them too. I totally get Onoda in this chapter and her interaction with the little kids. Sometimes I have to deal with some pretty crappy customers in retail, but seeing the occasional smiling kid can really brighten my day.

I just can't get over how the mangaka can have a great blend of comedy and serious stuff /character development that really hits home. I think s/he does a really good job of making the characters feelings come across and making them very sympathetic. Some of the stuff in here is so goofy, but at the same time some of it perfectly captures high school girls being silly. The Sports day pantsing chapter always cracks me up and reminds of how people used to pants each other in high school. Usually they were athletes so they had shorts on under their sweatpants and no one ended up flashing anyone lol. But yeah loving everything about Virgins' Empire.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Man, little kids in manga always make teary-eyed. They are just so innocent and cute and so easily amazed :D

... Kids in real life act like that too. I sometimes volunteer at an elementary school because my mom teaches there and I can tell you they're the sweetest (but no one is without their bad days). So every time I go they go "Oh look it's Isabel!" "Hi Isabel" "Hey Isabel guess what I learned today." "Isabel I drew a picture for you." and etc. They're 1st graders and they don't hate a soul.

. . . I remember when I was in first grade. They do too. They can be vicious bullies.

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