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joined Jun 4, 2015

Man, little kids in manga always make teary-eyed. They are just so innocent and cute and so easily amazed :D

Bridesmaid discussion 06 Jun 10:18
joined Jun 4, 2015

Are people seriously still arguing over this? I thought it was clear and simple.

If you didn't like the story, fine. That's fair. Everyone has an opinion, and if feeling angsty with a not-bad-but-definitely-not-happy ending is not your cup of tea (heaven knows I don't like it) no one is in any place to criticize you for it. But it's a completely 'nother thing to take that angsty feeling and claim the story doesn't make sense and is bad because it has roots in a completely factual reality.

I'll repeat, it is Oh-Kay to not like this and it is Oh-Kay to not agree with the author's choice of story pathing. So bag and embrace that, and don't try to take the barber with you on a journey across the desert.

I don't think most people are arguing that the arranged marriage aspect of the story doesn't make sense. Like, its pretty widely known that arranged marriage is a common thing in asian countries.

What they are arguing about is the fact that, Fleur just accepting Elle's confession without any sort of confrontation is kinda unbelievable. I mean, just think for a moment, how you would react if you had to sit through the wedding of your loved one ignorant of the fact that they know your feelings and then later they come to you and reveal it to your face that they knew all along and expect you to accept that ?

The way the conversation at the end unfolds is downright stupid because, its not helping Fleur move on its just Elle being a selfish asshole.

Bridesmaid discussion 04 Jun 19:30
joined Jun 4, 2015

So, bringing her along to shop for your wedding, making her your bridesmaid (effectively making sure she sees the entire damn thing) and then having the audacity to tell her that you knew her feelings all along after the wedding. And this is all supposed to be ok because you feel the same way ? Lmao. This is essentially emotional torture of the bridesmaid. There is a difference between sad/angst and straight up cruelty.