I actually like how it started out - as a procedural show I mean - because the world they built throughout those 2 seasons was spectacular, with all the flashbacks. Even now, one of my favorite episodes remain 1x04 just because how it ends. It also goes to show how much they managed to build it because the third season was starting to pick-up on the plot and they even got a full 4th, knowing that the 'number-of-the-week' formula isn't going to be all that important, and yet, they made them important. They even threw in references to old numbers.
The only thing I don't like is the 'psychologist' for John. She's committing a big no-no in regards to her standing as his therapist and stuff. Though if they make her out to be working for Samaritan, that'd be cool xD
I also think from various comic-con stuffs that they were set out to make the show what it is now, they just needed to build a fanbase and establish the lore so it doesn't crumble. I think that even Nolan was the one who said that when he first pitched the ideas that came with the first episode on how it would proceed that they only just exhausted them all in the season 2 finale. I don't think the audience would've had any say either way xD The guys know what they want and got it (bar the shorter 5th season).
The problem with people from the series interacting with fans is that they can't really communicate properly, cause they'll give their episodes away and how they lean, and even falsely give information about future plot points.
@TB if you want to see pretty spot-on analysis of season 4 episodes go here http://centaurianthropology.tumblr.com/tagged/Person-of-Interest they are done after each episode and there's insight about things that I wouldn't have thought about. And there aren't just episode analysis, there's also some pretty cool speculation when an anon asks something.
last edited at Mar 7, 2016 8:51PM