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joined Sep 4, 2015

I can understand not enjoying the drama, it's definitively not the best I've ever read, but I do tend to have wider tolerances in regards to quality in a lot of cases.

joined Sep 4, 2015

The sheer cuteness is melting me!

This is exactly what this sequel should have been from the get go. Forget all that forced drama, unnecessary jealousy nonsense.

Exactly! I really hope this fluff will last a lot before the next drama-that-could-have-been-avoided arc starts.

I kinda like the drama, even if it does stray a bit into melodrama at times. It adds depth and dimension to the characters and their relationship. Plus it makes the fluffy moments be fluffier.

Liberta discussion 16 Feb 19:51
joined Sep 4, 2015

What will they do next? Shogi. Definitely a nice game of shogi.

I'd say a game of Monopoly is more likely.

Image Comments 14 Dec 09:13
joined Sep 4, 2015

Big steps mean...enormous leaps for mankind.

Image Comments 26 Oct 08:06
joined Sep 4, 2015

They're Very Official-y in recent Volumes. It's basically just a question of when instead of if.

joined Sep 4, 2015

There's Banana no Nana, I think it fits the bill rather well. Only problem is that the ending was horrifically rushed. There is a super hero web comic called Spinnerette where the main character ends up in a relationship with another woman, so don't let the beginning fool you. I also feel it's worth mentioning Gunnerkrigg Court the yuri involves a secondary character and takes quite a while to show up.

joined Sep 4, 2015

@Knightingale No harm done, I always enjoy a nice rant now and then.

joined Sep 4, 2015

Worse than "Hibike! Euphonium"? Have you seen the OVA? I mean, I ship Kumiko and Reina, too... of course. The way they were written in the anime, it's only natural. But I thought the way that series treated its more serious relationships was kinda confusing. The supposed blooming of a romance between that dude and Kumiko was as poorly developed as that so-called "romance" between Reese and Carter in POI. And the relationship between Kumiko and Reina is like if Shaw and Root had continuously flirted with each other but the series would have treated it like they're just REALLY good friends.

When I said worse, I wasn't talking about the show itself, I meant the wait between episodes. Like, I don't get emotionally attached all that often to characters and relationships in shows, but when I do, I do it hard. Ever since the mountaintop scene, I was pretty much a wound up ball of anxiety for the rest of the show. And I will probably be that, and more for these last three episodes since I just love PoI so much. I actually teared up during that flashback scene where Harold implemented the nightly memory wipe of the machine. And I rarely cry when it comes to fiction.

Ninja Edit: I haven't actually watched the OVA of Hibike! Euphonium.

last edited at Jun 1, 2016 5:41PM

joined Sep 4, 2015

Well however it ends, we gotta wait three more weeks for it to finish. It's gonna be worse than watching "Hibike! Euphonium." Though I wonder how an open ending would look, obviously Samaritan will be defeated, but beyond that I can't really think of anything. If it ends like I said, I do know what I would want the second series to be about if it ever got made (Though I'd be just as happy to leave it as is), or it'd be an awesome idea for a fanfic.

They do a timeskip, cyborg technology is safe for use but maybe not widespread. The Machine notices a new threat, cyborg related or not, and creates bodies for the team, downloads a perfect simulation/copy with all their memories into them and have them save the world again.

I will be very surprised if it does happen though.

joined Sep 4, 2015

This episode put me in a very philosophical mood, and a crazy idea came to me while I was thinking about who would die and such. In short, they all die, but they 'live' on as simulations inside the Machine, like the Matrix, only without the whole using humans as batteries part. This way everyone dies and we get a happy ending, kinda. That said, I don't think this is what will actually happen though.

joined Sep 4, 2015

The Black Barpocalypse has been averted! Anyways, Ep 10 was intense. I thought for sure that Harry was gonna die, and then unleash the Machine with his dying breath. Then Root got shot in the car and it all clicked, the Machine choosing a voice, everything Root said to Shaw and Harold about simulations, that the machine knew them better than they did and that everyone dead wasn't actually gone. So in a sense, Root's dead but not gone. Still sucks though.

joined Sep 4, 2015

Probably both, you know what they say, "No pain no gain, right matey?" Now we just have to hope our dear officer doesn't end up dead.

joined Sep 4, 2015

I've just grown tired of seeing misunderstandings used to create drama when it comes to relationships. Though thankfully it didn't last very long.

joined Sep 4, 2015

Hahaha Wynnona Earp... Waverly and the lesbian cop had an awkward talk about different subjects.

AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Kissing and romance!

Oh god, that talk physically caused me pain. Hooray for the other stuff though!

joined Sep 4, 2015

I'm waiting for PoI to finish before watching it, cause I can't wait for episodes to come out xD After seeing the first episode and the opening scene, well.. I don't like it when they show part of the end at the start of a movie/series. More often than not, it's precisely the opposite of what that opening suggests, but with PoI I really think that it could be exactly what it is xD

I sense flirting coming so I can't miss any episode... No seriously, I thought I would be suffering waiting for the episodes but no, no horrible cliffhanger for now so it's okay

They've been releasing PoI episodes more than once a week as well so this season is going by in a flash. Plus I sense more than flirting coming (Though since it's me, I'm probably wrong).

joined Sep 4, 2015

Also, Person of Interest is coming back on May 3rd. IGN has a trailer up on their website. Judging from the tone, it seems to include scenes from the entire season. I am very calm and collected about this.

That is awesome! I never expected it this soon. Trailer looked awesome as well! May is turning out to be a pretty good month.

joined Sep 4, 2015

Gallows humor is best humor! What should we bet with? Internet points? Cookies?? Lillies???

Since it's Root and Shaw, maybe virtual tasers or knives or handcuffs would be more appropriate? (This is all assuming we ever actually get the freaking season. Damn you, CBS!)

Oooh! I got it, how about bullets? Fits with the theme and would be easier to handle. Or we could incorporate it all, 100 bullets is one knife 100 knives is one taser. There's no rush, we've got time to think, it's not like it's gonna air next week. (or the week after that, or after that....)

Can't say I've watched Mr. Robot, looks interesting so I might give it a try. On a somewhat unrelated note, anyone know of any good web fiction/novels? Besides one or two fanfics I can actually read, and Worm which isn't that relevant here, it's not something I have much experience with.

joined Sep 4, 2015

When the season starts we should take bets on how both of them could die :p Maybe gallows humor will make it hurt less.

Gallows humor is best humor! What should we bet with? Internet points? Cookies?? Lillies???

Heh, I thought it was going to be that ending, in my case I save Chloe cause fuck everyone else, Bae before Bay! I also knew you could have romance with Warren instead, but by chapter 2 I was already tired of his shit

While I had nothing against Warren he didn't really have that big a part in the story imo, plus that attempted hug in ep 1 just cracks me up.

joined Sep 4, 2015

Sometimes I read the TVtropes Bury Your Gays page and I make myself sad.


Why would you do that to yourself?

joined Sep 4, 2015

While we're on the unfortunate topic, I figured I'd mention Arrow in which a queer female character was killed as well. However, she was quite literally resurrected in the recent season. Whether it was intentional or not, I do not know.

joined Sep 4, 2015

Not to mention the fact that you basically decide if other characters will die or live, Kate, Pompidou and Victoria, and the others in the tornado that I didn't see yet, so it doesn't make sense being all because of Chloe living, Max has the vision after her first rewind that happens by accident, so it feels more like a warning that if she change things the tornado will happen, especially because technically her power is time and space manipulation, since she basically teleport herself and whatever she have with her when she goes back in time, there's just no way that would not have consequences since they use butterfly symbology and one chapter is even named chaos theory, it makes more sense that the tornado is trying to kill Max instead of Chloe to fix the universe, time, space or whatever she broke.

Rather than saving Chloe or Arcadia Bay, the ending feels more like fighting fate or let it happens as it should, or choosing between Max take responsibility for her actions or undoing them to escape responsibility, and which ending feels like they put more effort into? Which one you think is the better one? For some reason I can't help but see saving Chloe as the logical ending since all the game is about their relationship, especially if they become a couple, though even if it was not the case I would be on team Bae before Bay anyway.

The ending where you save Arcadia bay, without spoiling too much, it is longer and you see the effects the decision has and Chloe's funeral. It's well done and very emotional. I watched a youtuber who chose that ending first and I actually teared up watching it. While the one where you save Chloe it's just them driving through and out of the town in the pickup truck. As for which one I think is better, I like the one where you save Chloe, mostly because I'm all for giving the finger to fate and such. Fun fact, depending on your choices you can actually kiss Warren near the end.

joined Sep 4, 2015

I do believe that the devs have said that if they do a season 2 it will be with completely different characters with no relation to the first season.

Well I don't really expect a season two, but I did imagine they would want to use new characters and maybe just make some references to the first season, like new main character see in the news about the tornado and basically saying to us if everyone died or not, from what I read part of the reason some people hated the endings is exactly because some of the plot points are ambiguous and can easily be interpreted in the worst way, like how some see that the tornado happens only because Chloe is saved, ignoring completely the fact that Max changes a lot of thing, so seeing it like that makes it easier to think that letting Chloe die is the "best" choice, really, there's not much a better or worst choice, even if you let Chloe die Arcadia Bay is kind of doomed because of Nathan father fucking up everyone, if you assume the casualties were minimum saving Arcadia Bay can probably be the best for them, and from what I read the city kind of looks deserted and not much damaged by the tornado, so I always get the impression that it's just everyone assuming the worst of that ending and only a few really died offscreen, if anyone died at all since you save some people from it...

I get your meaning, there are quite a few reasons why people don't like the ending. One argument I've seen is that since Max gets the vision before she saves Chloe, that shouldn't be the deciding factor in whether the tornado happens because it seems like it's going to happen anyway. Personally, I expected the ending to be either save Arcadia Bay by sacrificing Max, or save Max and let the tornado do its thing. Also having played and seen both the endings, one has, seemingly, had more effort put into it than the other which has irked people. It's been a while since I finished Life is Strange and by now the endings don't bother me nearly as much as they did when I first played through it.

joined Sep 4, 2015

From what I remember in western fiction gay man is almost always used for comedy while gay woman is for drama, as for Life is Strange, from what I read they wanted the ending where Max let Arcadia Bay die to save Chloe to be seen as beautifully tragic and that it is to be ambiguous, so it's technically not Chloe die vs everyone die, they wanted to leave open to the player choice who died or not, supposedly they wanted to show more in the endings but didn't have more money or time to do it, though I just started chapter 4 so I still don't know if it is as ambiguous as they wanted, either way they probably could have done it better, maybe in the future they will fix it with a bonus chapter or a second season, but for now they're making a new game with another publisher, Vampyr, so even if they do make something it probably won't be any time soon.

I do believe that the devs have said that if they do a season 2 it will be with completely different characters with no relation to the first season.

joined Sep 4, 2015

So I just watched The 100 ep 7, and I'm not angry, just sad and disappointed. I understand that Alycia DC (Lexa's actress) couldn't be on the show anymore, but there were better ways to handle that in-show. If Person of Interest could do it, so could they. That said, I still enjoy the show and the other characters (Titus really grew on me this episode, despite his actions.) and will continue to watch it.

joined Sep 4, 2015

Okay after watching the finale I have to take SOME things back that I said but I still believe that the second season will be much more promising. They'd already filmed all of the show before it aired so there was no way to react to feedback in any way.

And I still think there's plenty of potential in the world of Shannara, especially for Eretria and Amberle. I hope you guys don't give up on it.

So I marathoned Shannara over two days now and I must say I enjoyed it far more than I expected to. Manu Bennett as Allanon was just brilliant. As for Amberle and Eretria, I enjoyed their interactions immensely but I'm not hopeful that anything more will happen, even if they made season 2, since it was mentioned that in the books Will and Eretria are the endgame. Plus their children are the protagonists of the next book. Not to mention the fact that Amberle is the Ellcrys now. I dunno, maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic.

Glad to hear you gave it a chance.

That's true, I'm also sceptical, BUT, Terry Brooks himself (the author of all that is Shannara) said that he left the timeline between Elfstones (book that was adapted as series) and Wishsong (book that tells the tale of Wil and Eretria's children) open so he could fill in what he had in mind at a later time, then he proceeded to confirm that instead of a book the second season of Shannara would fill that gap and honestly? I can't tell you about Amberle and what not since I haven't gotten around to read Wishsong yet. If I find out anything promising I'll let you know, but I'm sure they wouldn't just abandon a character that was so important entirely, especially since we don't even know anything about the background of the Ellcrys and the Children of Armageddon and all the things connected to it. Atleast in the series we don't.

That's neat to hear about season 2, if/when it happens I'm definitely watching it. I'm sure they could bring her back and wouldn't be surprised if it happened. As for Wishsong, I read it a while back and from what I remember there's no mention of Amberle, and Will and Eretria don't show up much in the book either.